can't find the first Underworld =.=
latest #12
so moms like "Well then watch the ones we do have"
it wont make sense without the first one D<
Haven't you seen them already?
no i haven't! I've been wanting to but i never got around to it
D: Don't watch them out of order! You can get the first one really cheap now. If you can't find it in stores you can find it somewhere like
or even amazon. ...or order it from Wal-Mart and have it shipped to store. They do that for free.
nope found it on youtube no need to buy it XD
Baaaaaad quality. You could have found it elsewhere online with much better quality.
yeah well it was good enough for me to watch it
I suppose...but it didn't bug you? >.<
not really, i was just happy i could watch it in the first place
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