12 years ago
Starving! But food choices limited now cos new aligners are hurting my teeth like !@#%
latest #24
Aerlinniel says
12 years ago
12 years ago
er... eat yoghurt when starving is surefire way of getting gastric pains :-P
12 years ago
chilli crabs?
12 years ago
haha. i'm going to eat chilli crab tomorrow :-D
Aerlinniel says
12 years ago
hmmm... canned soup!
12 years ago
starwish says
12 years ago
mmm chilli crab
naeboo环保宝贝 says
12 years ago
can get gastric from yoghurt on empty tummy? :/
12 years ago
does to me. my tummy is super CMI lol
naeboo环保宝贝 says
12 years ago
:-( at least can eat chilli crabs!
12 years ago
yeah can't wait for that!
12 years ago
My frd who did braces before only ate yogurt for lunch every single day for the 3 years she wore it.
naeboo环保宝贝 says
12 years ago
how the hell she survive!
12 years ago
wow wtf. i can't even eat my favourite food every single day. favourite also will become most hated! lol
starwish says
12 years ago
lol, same here. Variety is the spice of life for me.
naeboo环保宝贝 says
12 years ago
i think fave food max days eating it everyday also 1week only. canot ler 3yrs
retardedly_cute says
12 years ago
my braces experience wasn't so bad .. i think the most memorable pain is when they inject u with the pain killers instead 4 me.
retardedly_cute says
12 years ago
this happened during the gum contouring & reshaping part tho .. u'll look like a vampire right after that session lol.
12 years ago
When we had lunch, we need to go to supermarket and buy her yogurt first, then go to satisfy my lunch.
12 years ago
worse diet than even a weight loss diet, lol
12 years ago
What's worse is when she watch me eat.
12 years ago
did she always get tempted to eat other stuff or was she quite happy being on that diet?
12 years ago
She has High restraining power. Nowadays, she finds all meat revolting. She will throw up if she has to eat meat. Only veg for her.
12 years ago
wow... that's good. can be vegetarian without needing willpower and discipline :-P
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