Lukas feels
12 years ago
like a trip to the library. The hard part? Avoiding others on his way there.
latest #62
12 years ago
finds himself waiting at the bus stop and tapping on his foot impatiently. He must really be out of his mind if he wants to go to the
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library of all places.
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sighed as soon as he got on the bus. There was only one seat left, meaning whoever got on next would have to sit next to him.
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finally lets out an unconcerned sigh when the bus finally arrives, fixing his backpack before flashing his bus pass and making his way
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inside. The only one seat was next to someone... familiar. Sitting, he turns to the other, expressionless. "Nor."
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almost felt as if he was staring into a mirror, blank gaze for blank gaze. "Alfred. Did you hit your head on something? Or perhaps you're-
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on medication?"
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tilts his head, feeling a little confused. Not that he could recall... except if the memory of said head-hitting disappeared because he
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had. "No... Neither of the two. Why?"
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studied the man more closely for a moment before shrugging. "It just seems as though a light went out in your personality, is all. I was-
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merely curious as to the reason."
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"Oh." Curious, of course that's all he was. No reason to be concerned or anything, but he couldn't expect that much out of someone he
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barely knew. "I don't know what light you're talking about, and there's no specific reason."
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snorted derisively, shaking his head. "Just because there's no specific reason doesn't mean there's not one at all." He shhrugged, turning-
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to look out the window. "And there's obviously something wrong. If someone such as me can tell, what would someone close to you think?"
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pulls off his bag and begins rummaging through it for his phone. "Maybe." He finds it and pulls it out, proceeding to text. "It's not like
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I'm trying to hide anything anyway. Do people really have to make such a big deal out of it if I talk less?"
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shook his head, although he continued to stare blankly out the window. "Speaking less isn't your problem, it's your lack of expression."-
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He glanced at the American. "You're just generally more cold than you were the last time we met." He would know a bit about that.
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What lack of expression? He was merely holding back on his emotions and not smiling as much... was that really such a bother? And what was
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that about the cold? "No, I'm pretty sure I'm still warm." He presses a finger to his wrist; it was colder than his usual temperature,
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yes, (which went along nicely with his now paler hair), but still relatively warm. "Yeah, I'm still warm. Not dyin' or anything."
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couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Don't be an ass. I meant your personality seems more cold." He crossed his arms over his chest, raising an
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eyebrow. "Oh? So if someone is warm, that makes them alive? What if they're dead on the inside?" A cheesy line, but it fit the situation.
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"I wasn't trying to be one." He was really just trying to prove that he wasn't cold... oh. That's what he meant. "How can a personality
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be cold?" He frowns a little at that. It wasn't like there was really any "warm" personality. "Yeah, pretty much. My heart's still beating,
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so I can pretty much say I'm still alive." Although it's barely beating, he wants to add.
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pondered the question for a moment, trying to think of a way to explain it. "I suppose it happens when someone lacks conviction or passion
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in the things they do." He shrugged; maybe he would look up where the term came from later. He cast the American a frown. "Are you alive, or
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are you merely living? Believe me, there's a difference."
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"Ah." So that's what it meant. Well then, he'd have to tuck that away for future use. He frowns slightly though. "Well, you seem to act the
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way I am right now. Does that apply to you too?" Pursing his lips, he tries to differentiate between the two. "Well, I'm getting by. Doing
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what I need to, responding to people. Which would that be?"
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averted his gaze, once again looking out the window. "I'm not going to deny that." If Alfred was looking for an elaboration, he'd be hard
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pressed getting one. Lukas put a hand against the rather chilly glass of the window, thinking. "I'd say that's merely living. To be alive,
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well, can you imagine your most enjoyable moment? To be alive is to always strive towards that, I suppose."
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"Then doesn't that make you have a cold personality, too?" He inquires curiously, jumping just a little at the beeping of his phone, before
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he returns the message. "I see... Then does it really matter if you're alive, or living? As long as we do our job as you-know-whats, then
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it shouldn't be that big of a problem."
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shrugged. "Probably, but I've always been like that." Compared to Alfred, who most certainly hadn
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**hadn't. He rolled his eyes, turning to rap his knuckles against the American's head. "Have you stopped to take into consideration that
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when you're not happy, your citizens tend not to be, as well?"
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"Really?" He's actually surprised by this; to be honest, this sort of sombre mood tires him out at the end of the day, more so than when
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he was "happier". "So what made you like that?" Blinking at the sudden touch, he sighs and shakes his head. "Well, it's not like they know
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me. When they're unhappy, I can feel them. But when I am - which I'm not - the worst that can really happen is rain." And lots of it.
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nodded slowly. "Yes, really." He turned to look back out the window, gaze blank and arms crossed, as though shielding himself. "I don't
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think I was 'made' this way, as you so put it. I just am." Which wasn't necessarily true, but all well. He sighed, shaking his head. "Do you
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actually believe that? There's a lot more at stake than that; sometimes, all a person has is pride in their nation. And if their nation is
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practically giving up, what do you think will happen?"
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frowns a little. "Who said I was giving up? If I'd given up, I would have just curled up in a couch somewhere and refused to come out." He
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sighs. "If anything, this is an improvement. I'm doing my work. I'm still the same person just..." Pausing, he tries to come up with the
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right word. "Less hyperactive."
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definitely wasn't an argumentative person. If Alfred wanted to think that everything was alright with him, then he could just go ahead and
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keep thinking that. He glanced out the window, checking their progress to the library; apparently, they were close. "I think the hyperactive
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tendencies suited you." He shrugged, pulling on the wire as the bus pulled up to the street with his destination, signaling the driver to
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"Hm, maybe. But I haven't had enough energy to maintain it recently. I guess even I run out." Shrugging, he takes a quick peek outside,
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not having noticed that they had arrived. Deciding to pounce on that as a change of subject, he asks, "What's your business in the library
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today, then?"
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couldn't really make a comment on that; his own energy levels hadn't exactly been a shining example recently either, more so than normal. He
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really wasn't cut out for this 'socializing' thing. Without a sound, he slipped off the bus, waiting for the other nation out of habit. "My
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business? Somewhere peaceful to read, which is what a library is normally used for. What about you?"
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