12 years ago
Stalking is the new socialising - New blog post. No more virus on my blog so come back!
latest #30
Aerlinniel says
12 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
oh no just gave myself a chilli crab craving
Aerlinniel says
12 years ago
(LOL) chilli crab subway!
12 years ago
serious? got ah?
Aerlinniel says
12 years ago
got! but dunno until when
12 years ago
omg i need that!
Aerlinniel says
12 years ago
go try!!!! they have new cookie flavour too! raspberry white chocolate!
12 years ago
wish i'd known about it earlier! a bit late to try tonight, so have to wait till tomorrow :*
Aerlinniel says
12 years ago
lol now i have subway craving too. i love the meatballs!
12 years ago
lol the meatballs are quite nice but so hard to eat cos keep trying to run out of the sandwich
Aerlinniel says
12 years ago
hahaha yeah, usually I just eat the meatballs and not the sandwich, cos its so gooey and messy.
12 years ago
huh, then you might as well just buy meatballs and eat lol
Aerlinniel says
12 years ago
lol, but i like it when it's from subway! it must be the sauce.
12 years ago
haha crazy.
12 years ago
would be like if i buy chilli crab then just eat the sauce and throw away the crab :-P
Aerlinniel says
12 years ago
heheh actually... whenever my mom cooks crab, i only eat the sauce, (ninja)
Aerlinniel says
12 years ago
i like the crabby taste but i don't like to have to dig through the hard shell for the meat.
12 years ago
12 years ago
JayWalk says
12 years ago
So which banner ad gave you the malware?
tvbaddict says
12 years ago
12 years ago
Don't think it's ads. Probably one of my wordpress plugins.
tvbaddict says
12 years ago
uhh... list ur plugins..
12 years ago
DOn't want to
retardedly_cute says
12 years ago
lol i remembered reading something bout stalking ..
retardedly_cute says
12 years ago
if you're ugly = you're a stalker, if you're beautiful = you're a secret admirer / a crush ..
retardedly_cute says
12 years ago
or if u know too much bout a normal person, ur a stalker but if u know too much bout a someone famous, ur a fan lol.
12 years ago
lol. all these unfair labels on people.
retardedly_cute says
12 years ago
lol yes .. mean & funny in the same time de statements.
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