Aus might be upset tomorrow then...
I'll pop in during the morning and see fft-
probably not but chaknow How goes it?
/15k words and none of my homework done
/it has been a productive day
Woo! Procrastinsting on the homework! /same
I like the odyssey, but I have no desire to take notes on it derp
Notes? What are these things you speak of?
/hides under table? <2841535otqitwpywotwit?
/also just forced the whole family to take the MBTI test
/brother and I are, as usual, as different as can be
/not at that part in the book yet /spoilers hiss
/snerk there was this guy in band last year who was the assbuttiest of all the trumpets
/runs away from interpersonal relationships with
/awkwardly comforts /nobody hits on me ever except for that creepy guy who asked me to have sex that one time after school
/I'll try to saaaaavvvveeee yooouuu
I'll hire some people to knock some sense into your unwanted suitors
... ouch, build a back up robot for the same purpose?
/should be doing homework or writing
oh my god I hate people who dont give up
"Hey, you're hot, wanna go on a date." "Nope."
Next day.... "Wanna have sex." "Hell no."
it went downhill from there /lets protect each other
/had spoke like three words to that guy total prior to that first conversation
You must have been the most adorkable six year old ever.
I was actually rather normal for a child. Oh how things have changed.
"How did you make that girl look pregnant?" "Well you see children when a man and a woman love each other very much..."
/that happened in front of almost 500 people in the aud today snerk I love my Drama teacher