Cause then I have to return to reality...
Got the hetalia movie though~
It's free on OnDemand, I think ;u; /DNW dub, though
....this upsets me greatly...
;3; Maybe it's just on OnDemand, but you have to pay...? /Someone mentioned it during Eventing
Hmm...I hope so...I paid for the limited edition on amazon, and it sucks that everyone can see it now...
I already saw it torrented, I just like the dub
/horrible at finding things on the internet...
/literally just asks anyone for a link on tumblr and wha-la~
Pfft! So not~ I'm just as air headed as him
I hope you're bringing those props up for AB What?
Sadder tales have never been told
You guys make the perfect trio~~~~
SO CUTEEEEEEE likeeeee soooooo cutteeeee
You guys just make it can't wait until it is April
Mmyup, we're all going to AB together ;w;
;//3//; Come up and see us <3 We'll be cute matching Romaheta~ And we might match Ao no Exorcist, I'd also like to match Tomatoryoshka with
Spain, or do matching Halloween outfits, or match in uniform cosplays, and it looks like fem!Meri's not happening... 8'D
fem!Mari's not coming?? ;3;
I go to Sakuracon as my spring con. QAQ
Toni: There's so much I want to do... would you be able to whip together a Hunter!Spain to match my Grandmano?
Fin: ;n; /Huffs
Lovi: if my schedule is less demanding...and I get shit tons this Christmas for more fabric.
Tomatoes_Dammit: I'd go, but my bff is up in Tacoma and it's the only time I see her...
Toni: They were at AB last year...
Fin: ;n; Aww, that's sad. /Coddles
I just remember the Sakuracon commercial...
Aus: Aw...that's rather sad...but I can understand. Traveling isn't always fun.
No driving in your future? /got licence cause hated troubling parents to take me places
Remember, their driving age might be different than ours? We've got one of the youngest.
;;; Yeah, way too many sob.
Suggestion: Pick the few that you want to od the most and is possible...
Don't worry about me, I'm flexible, and I want Spain and you to enjoy you two
;//3//; Well, I already promised RomaHeta, so. <3
Haha, I am really happy with Romaheta already, so Nii chan and find one cos that is with spain.
Nod nod, your plan, Spain~
Cosplay plan for AB con, what do you want to cos, with Nii chan.
Oh~! Well...I have military!Spain, Austrian sucession!Spain, Matryoska!Spain, and I will have Pirate!Spain. Along with
I wanted to match Matryoshka outfits, or Halloween outfits, and I was thinking about doing military!Lovi but it's probably not happening 8'D
And then I wanted to match your Rin and Yukio with a Sheimi so I'm not left out... ;u;
You don't know how much I wanted to match while cosplaying. It's up to you~
Yes, of course. That way I have a reason to follow you around more~
;//3//; Well obviously you don't need any reason to follow me around...
Yeah...but people will take our picture together instead of seperate...
;uuuuu; People wouldn't want to take my picture seperate.
SO what are you guys going to match?