[event 1] has switched his spot with whoever was sitting near China. He is now sitting is his new seat, proud of himself.
latest #12
returns and is surprised to see a different person beside his seat. Thinking that he might have gotten the place wrong, he walked away.
sees him walk away, and stans up to wave him down. "Come back! We are next to each other, isn't this so convenient?"
turns around. "I thought I am supposed to sit with the other G8 members aru?"
shakes his head. "Oh, no, no! And besides, I'm G20!"
, being unable to find another seat, sighs as he sits beside him. "Alright then, what do you want aru?"
scoots his chair closer to him. "Oh, nothing! What could I possibly want?"
"Why did you even take the trouble to change seats aru?" Noticing the distance between them, he shifts a little further from him.
scoots his chair again, since he can't go too far. "Because maybe I just want to be close to my big bro~ Bonding time!"
trapped. He could not go any further since the person next to him is scary. ((Shan't mention names here xD)) "We are here to discuss, not _
laughs. "We can discuss and bond at the same time, can't we?"
still rejecting the idea. "No! This is work, not just have fun aru!"
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