what type are you Flamingo~?
/sees reply on other plurk /demands brofist
I got two different types oops
/also, father is apparently an ENTJ, no surprises there
/never gets anything other an INTJ /ever
all of the introverts, all of us
/will be forcing family to take a test online
according to this handy dandy tumblr I've found, ISFP's are in the artisan category, and INTPs are rationals
I know I'm like "Whelp. I'm fucked."
/tucks into bed /kisses on forehead /sleep Flamingo, sleep
Now now, despite common belief, I am not a teddy bear
/huff huff /not even very snuggleable irl
nfdisjh this is so accurate
Dude you are so snuggable irl
"On other occasions, the same individual may be aloof and detached" this is me I am an ISFP
"They may venture so deeply into thought as to seem detached, and often actually are oblivious to the world around them." Also me.
But the second one was INTP
"A major concern for INTPs is the haunting sense of impending failure" Okay I am officially saying I am only INTP.
/also hipster INTJ is my life
/also someones looking fabulous today
/you have so much color in your wardrobe how do you ever
/all black, dark reds and blues /every hour of every day /what is color
sounds fabulous lsjf;lsdj
Well that is technically my thoughts on death
Moral of the story: Don't argue, you will be proven wrong.
/also awkward moment when brothers friend asks if he's home on facebook why
/goes on being invisible ok
The Cybermen one was funny
i seem to be a complete mic of INTJ and ISTJ
"Fictional INTPs:
Sherlock Holmes"
Good to know.
"Relationships, particularly romantic ones, can be an INTJ's Achilles' heel."
So true it hurts oh my gode
what is a gode, gode does not exist
I almost wrote Gord instead of God yesterday
what is that. I don't even know.
The beginning makes sense