Lovina was
12 years ago
listlessly crunching leaves under her feet as she walked through the town park.
latest #48
Lukas was
12 years ago
finally enjoying the silence of the outdoors, able to sit down and read a book like some certain nations never wanted to let him do.
12 years ago
saw a light haired man sitting on a bench in the park, for some reason she wondered if he was a nation like herself, however knowing no male
12 years ago
nation with that appearance she dismissed the thought.
12 years ago
none the less she walked causally in his direction.
12 years ago
glanced up at the sound of someone approaching, curious as to why he was being studied. "May I help you?"
12 years ago
"I'm not sure yet bastard." She squinted at him why did he look so familiar... Then it suddenly hit her. He looked just like Norway, she'd
12 years ago
only seen her once or twice at meetings but she was sure this guy was her twin or something.
12 years ago
frowned. "Why are you bothering me if you
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-'re not sure?" Sure, he was feeling a twinge of familiarity as well, but that wasn't uncommon.
12 years ago
Lovina felt her cheeks heat up. "You're the one who started the conversation idiot! If you didn't want to talk to anyone you could have kept
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your stupid mouth shut!" This guy was beginning to really irritate her, and she couldn't shake the feeling that he was somehow connected to
12 years ago
12 years ago
found himself to be rather amused by the conversation. "I only spoke to you because you were approaching me, as is common courtesy." He
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shrugged, looking back out over the park. "But I wouldn't mind ignoring you, if you would prefer that."
12 years ago
Now this guy was seriously starting to annoy her. "I didn't man that stupid!" she growled at him. She hated the way he seemed to stay so
12 years ago
12 years ago
raised an eyebrow at her. "Oh? Then please, elaborate so I do understand."
12 years ago
Frowned at him, "I just wasn't sure if I knew you damnit!" She suddenly blurted out, surprising herself into silence.
12 years ago
paused. "Knew me? Are you a nation, then?" Although he highly doubted it; he may be antisocial, but he at least knew the other nations.
12 years ago
"Of course I am! Haven't you ever heard of the renowned South Italy?" Lovina smirked what a stupid guy, then she was hit by another thought.
12 years ago
if he knew about nations did that mean he was one too? "Wait, are you a nation to then?" She asked the thought scaring her slightly. She had
12 years ago
thought he looked like Norway...
12 years ago
"I have heard of South Italy, in fact, and you are not him." They did have an uncannily similar temper, though. He gave her a blank gaze at
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the question. "Of course I'm a nation, known as the Kingdom of Norway." He tried to keep the slight insult he was feeling from his voice.
12 years ago
narrowed her eyes at him. "How dare you! Of course I'm South Italy bastard! And in fact I know who Norway is, and that most certainly NOT
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you. unless you are somehow a girl, which i doubt as you seem to have no brains what so ever."
12 years ago
snorted derisively. "I have no brains? Please. There's no way for you to be South Italy, either, unless those curves are for deception
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alone." Although, Lovino wasn't exactly one to go parading around as a girl, either. "I can assure you that I am Norway, although your small
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mind seems to be having trouble processing that."
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reddened how dare he insult her! "FINE if your somehow telling the truth about being Norway, which I still doubt, then why the fuck could
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I not be telling the truth about being South Italy?" She ended this sentence drawing in a breath. This guy seemed to have no comprehension.
12 years ago
12 years ago
considered this for a moment. "I suppose that's a fair enough point. Then why are we both the opposite gender of what the other knows?" It
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certainly was intriguing.
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paused a moment to consider this. How could this be? And if it was true did all the nations have opposite genders? "I-I don't know..." she
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stuttered, at a loss for words.
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nodded slowly. "No, I suppose you wouldn't." He stared at the ground for a moment, trying to come up with an explanation. "It may be best
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to see what exactly is going on before we try coming up with what the problem is."
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supposed this was a good idea. Though how test the theory was beyond her. "Do we just wait until we see another nation then?" she asked.
12 years ago
hummed in consideration. "We could go looking for other nations, but it isn't necessary. If this is common, we're bound to run into someone
12 years ago
12 years ago
suddenly felt the need to sit down. She lowered herself onto the park bench he was currently occupying and took a deep breath, her day
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just seemed to get stranger and stranger.
12 years ago
leaned back, staring blankly at the sky. It certainly was something to ponder, this gender situation. "So I'm guessing you have a sister,
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not a brother, right?"
12 years ago
scowled "yup a stupid fucking useless sister." She decided to turn the question around to avoid talking about herself. "I suppose that also
12 years ago
means that you have brothers instead of sisters huh?" She grinned inwardly at the thought a whole new world of guys I never knew about
12 years ago
sounds fun
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