Lukas is
12 years ago
starting to wonder if he's losing his mind.
latest #68
Arthur thinks
12 years ago
he's right up there with you. Chin up, old chap-it's not so bad.
12 years ago
would rather keep his brain cells, but supposes he could find a bright side somewhere.
12 years ago
doesn't think brain cells are much use when half the world doesn't use them, anyway. What makes you think you've gone off your rocker?
12 years ago
finds that slightly problematic, since he does believe brain cells have a use. "I'm going 'off my rocker' because idiots now make sense."
Arthur will
12 years ago
assure you by pointing out that brain cells can grow back-coffee's reccomended for that sort of thing. "Which idiots in particular?"
12 years ago
must agree that coffee would probably help. "Well, to begin with, one Danish idiot who won't really leave me alone."
Arthur hopes
12 years ago
that you find your sanity soon...why not try asking the faeries for help? "Danish idiot..? Ahh, I see...he's stalking you, then?"
12 years ago
doesn't want to bother the faeries; they have enough to worry about. "Stalking? I don't- actually, that really wouldn't surprise me."
12 years ago
doesn't think the faeries do nearly as much as they used to back in the old days, honestly. "Well, what else would you call it? Alright,
12 years ago
and what sort of...idiotic-yet-sensible things has he been saying?"
Lukas thinks
12 years ago
that's not really the faeries' fault; with so many people not believing in them, what can they do? "No, you're right, stalking is probably
12 years ago
the right word." He paused for a moment, thinking back. "I don't really remember too well. I think I was drunk."
12 years ago
supposes it has something to do with the spread of capitalism and industrialization-interest in nature and magic dwindled, and now the poor
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creatures have nowhere to go. "...knowing Denmark, I suppose it certainly is." He lets out a quiet sigh, shaking his head. "Well, that
12 years ago
certainly explains quite a bit...perhaps you only thought it was sensible because you were drunk?"
Lukas wishes
12 years ago
people would think twice before deciding things like faeries weren't real. "I should probably confront him about that; I don't need to be
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followed about like a child." He hummed in thought, nodding at what Arthur said. "Because I was drunk? That's definitely a plausible
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explanation, one which would also indicate that I haven't really lost my mind, wouldn't it?" Except for the whole 'drinking with Denmark' in
12 years ago
the first place.
Arthur thinks
12 years ago
that it would be wonderful if someone stood up and spread awareness about the existence of faeries. Then again, they'd probably be labled as
12 years ago
absolutely mad. "That's true, may not be the case. What if he's following you for an entirely different reason?" Not that stalking
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of any form is healthy for either parties, but nonetheless. "Precisely. People do and say the oddest things when they're drunk...he could
12 years ago
have said 'let's blow up Africa' and it might have sounded like the most brilliant thing in the world."
Lukas is
12 years ago
quite aware that some people have already tried such a thing... And indeed were labeled as mad. "What other reason would he be stalking me
12 years ago
for?" He really would prefer to just ask Denmark about it. Over a phone, considering the others lack of appreciation for is personal space.
12 years ago
"Yes, that's why I normally don't try to get drunk. In fact, I can't quite figure out why I did this time, anyways."
12 years ago
can't help but feel sorry for those people, as he himself usually gets labelled off as 'a little out there' by the other nations whenever he
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even mentions the faeries...then again, such is the cruelty of life. "There are quite a few possible reasons I could think of,
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would be best if you asked him." Mostly because it's a subject much too awkward to talk about. "Stress, I would imagine...I'm guessing
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that Denmark was the one who talked you into it? Getting drunk, that is."
Lukas has
12 years ago
definitely experienced much the same, except he's definitely more subtle about mentioning the trolls. "I'll ask him eventually." Probably.
12 years ago
sighed. "Yes, he was the one who convinced me. Said he'd keep me from making any of those stupid decisions I tend to make when drunk."
Arthur wonders
12 years ago
if he ought to try and follow your example-you're rather similiar to him in quite a few ways, and yet you're much...quieter about
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everything, and seem to get along much better because of it. "Well, it would certainly be to your benefeit...unless you don't mind him
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following you around, of course." He nods thoughtfully. "I see...that's understandable. You trust him, then?"
12 years ago
finds that being quieter about things makes it both easier to observe and participate in things without incident. Although, he would never
12 years ago
suggest that Arthur change himself. "Why would someone not mind being followed around?" It honestly did not make sense to him. At the next
12 years ago
question, though, he paused even longer, thinking carefully. "Trust him? I suppose I do, although that may not be the smart choice."
Arthur thinks
12 years ago
that sounds suprisingly similiar to something Japan would say...though, honestly, he thinks there are quite a few things he needs to change
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about himself. After all, people are constantly pointing out his flaws-it'd be rather odd if he just ignored them. Things like his cooking
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,though, would be unacceptable to change. "Well, er...usually in special cases, though I doubt that's the case between you and Denmark
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considering you're siblings..." He clears his throat,shaking his head. "Well, he seems...sensible enough at times. Just don't put too much
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faith in him."
12 years ago
finds pointing out other people's flaws to be a waste of time, unless of course his temper has been touched. His blank gaze switched back to
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Arthur, a small frown arising out of confusion. "Special? How so?" He snorted, shaking his head. "Oh please, I'm not an idiot. Denmark does
12 years ago
not exactly think things through, so relying on him long term would be a very bad idea."
Arthur wishes
12 years ago
that the rest of the world were like you, in that sense. Unfortunately, it seems to be full of closed-minded, unsympathetic bastards...for
12 years ago
the most part, at least. He does his best to appear innocent, a slight flush appearing on his cheeks. "I mean in the sense of...erm...ah, no
12 years ago
,nevermind...oh? So he tends to be rather bad when it comes to commitment?"
12 years ago
also wonders what the world would be like if people weren't such idiots. He hummed, even more intrigued now that Arthur couldn't answer.
12 years ago
"Never mind? You do know such a statement never works, right?" He frowned, shaking his head. "No, not really a commitment issue. Just, as
12 years ago
far as I can tell, he doesn't really think about long-term effects when he makes a decision."\
12 years ago
would think that it's too much to hope for, unfortunately. At the very least, the more intellegent, caring bunch can do their best to
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improve what they can. "Y-Yes, I'm aware of that...but I wouldn't want to put any odd ideas into your head, so it would be best if you had a
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talk with Denmark beforehand." Trrying to calm down a bit, he offers you a weak smile. "So, then...he just tends to ignore the consequences
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of his actions...?"
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believes improving things is a worthwhile goal. He blinked slowly at the Englishman before shrugging. "Alright, I'll speak to Denmark about
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it." He hesitated before nodding slowly, as if not sure that was the right answer. "I suppose that's the best way to put it, yes."
Arthur will
12 years ago
go to you the next time he has a relatively sensible proposal for one of the world meetings-after all, you seem like the sort of person who
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might be able to actually get things done. "Alright, then...I hope it turns out well for you. Hm...and does it worry you that he acts that
12 years ago
Lukas is
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quite sure he doesn't hold a lot of influence at the meetings, but he can certainly try. Nothing will get done otherwise. "It worries me
12 years ago
a bit, I'll admit. He's going to get himself killed, at this rate. Have you ever seen him drive?" Just the memory made him shudder.
12 years ago
wouldn't mind standing up for you, as he has just a tad bit more influence as one of the larger nations. Sometimes, he thinks, what the
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world just needs is a new point of view. "Well, I would certainly think so...I must admit I've never seen that, but I'm sure it's
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frightening. Have you...erm...ever talked to him about it?"
12 years ago
appreciates the thought. He will also vouch for you to make your proposals seem a bit more credible, at least. "Talked to him about it? No,
12 years ago
I'm quite positive I haven't. It wouldn't do much good; I'm afraid Denmark doesn't take me very seriously."
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