:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
woah! havent been here in ages! what have i missed?
latest #60
12 years ago
a whole lot
12 years ago
I'm in Idaho
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
shit seriouly?
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
damn what you doing in Idaho?
12 years ago
yep yeps, I'm a physics and math teacher
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
wicked!!! ;D
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
hows it going?
12 years ago
so far, so good, no students have tried to kill me...though they think I'm very hard
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
haha thats good to hear (: you are :-P but thats a good thing that way they know whos in charge! >_<
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
btw what grades you teaching?
12 years ago
I teach 7-12
12 years ago
haha, i guess i'm hard, i think i'm an easy teacher if you pay attention
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
7&8 eww!!!
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
:Hello Kitty: wishes
12 years ago
you like w those
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
ha yea the majority dont do that
12 years ago
I don't, I'd rather teach 9-12
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
yes! i know id want to teach those instead
12 years ago
I got stuck with the 7-8 bc no one would teach them (LOL)
:Hello Kitty: wonders
12 years ago
why (unsure) (LOL)
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
neither would i haha
12 years ago
yeah, they don't the 7-8th graders are my thorn, they get on my nerves
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
psssh i bet fucking get a ruler or something and whack em! haha
12 years ago
since they've pissed me off, they're getting a seating chart and more homework and 1 day announcement s for quizzes
12 years ago
I have (LOL)
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
now thats what im talkking about! (woot)
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
i love you!!! (cozy)
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
12 years ago
haha (cozy)
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
so other then that whats new?
12 years ago
other than that, I have my own apartment, and am thinking about getting stuff from back in Ca
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
so youre gonna be there for awhile?
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
:Hello Kitty: thinks
12 years ago
best teacher goes to Joe haha
12 years ago
well, i'll be back in December
12 years ago
for break
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
awesome :]]
12 years ago
yep yeps :-)
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
crazy stufff
12 years ago
indeed :-D, but it's been good here so far
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
glad to hear that ((:
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
*oopd wrong face :-))
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
whats gonna happen to blade?
12 years ago
hehe, not sure what's going to happen to him, staying with my dad and his g/f, my apt doesn't allow pets, though if I had a pet
12 years ago
i'd want different style of dog, or a panther
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
thats lame! id hate to be at a place w no pets allowed
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
couldnt live without my dina<3
12 years ago
well, i could sneak a pet in here, no one would no
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
haha DO IT!
12 years ago
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
12 years ago
(muhaha) I do what I want :-D
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
thats what im talking bout baby!!!
12 years ago
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
love that emote
12 years ago
it's pretty cool :-D
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
yea haha
:Hello Kitty: says
12 years ago
12 years ago
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