Misfit Elphie
12 years ago
got bit in the boob by an autistic 7 year old today. Sadly it was the most action I've had in a long time (unsure)
latest #8
12 years ago
(LOL) (cozy)
Misfit Elphie
12 years ago
Circle! How could you laugh at my PAIIIIIN?!?11?! (angry)
Misfit Elphie
12 years ago
See? Tea is a good friend :-P Still love you anyway, Circle (heart_beat)
12 years ago
Tea is the sweetness. I, obvs, am not :-P
88Banshee says
12 years ago
Nothing more dirty and full of microbes than the Human mouth -- Better keep an eue on that.. ;-)
Misfit Elphie
12 years ago
put a sheep on it? O.o oh... that's a ewe.... (devil)
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