13 years ago
Spoiler from last night's "Modern Family."
latest #9
13 years ago
I'm still giggling today over the line "You're the whole package, but I want to be with someone who has one." :-)
13 years ago
Gah! Haven't seen it yet! plugs ears and mutes
Epi (Epione)
13 years ago
I love that show but i'm not watching the current season. I'm so spoiled by dvds that I don't want to watch regularly tv.
13 years ago
finally watched the episode, so cute.
Epi (Epione)
13 years ago
which characters do you like? I like Cam and Mitchell and Claire. I think Gloria is pretty funny too.
13 years ago
epioneserendipity I like them all, actually. It depends on the writing for each episode. Every single character has had me laughing hard at
13 years ago
different times. But yes, Cam and Mitchell both have really good timing together. And the moments when Claire sees right through
13 years ago
whatever game her kids are trying to run on her is priceless.
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