Zoeyve says
12 years ago
Thank you simonseow!! Pretty watch and handsome Paul. https://images.plurk.com/3191876_271a0c7c432719d38ed80a9770e89907.jpg
simonseow says
12 years ago
oh, they have arrived safely ;-)
simonseow says
12 years ago
Paul Frank plushie got through collecting of stamps from 7-11 in HK
Zoeyve says
12 years ago
I was showing it off to EVERYONE in my school today. LOL. I was an annoyance. It was so distracting too. I kept checking the time rather
Zoeyve says
12 years ago
...than studying. Hong Kong! So cool! Thank you... I realize you like Paul Frank a lot.
simonseow says
12 years ago
I like Julius lol