Misfit Elphie
12 years ago
Had fun with CircleW beating back the lads at Frank's Jazz tonight while giggling on Skype. :-D Good times...
latest #7
88Banshee says
12 years ago
The night is still young!.. :-D
Misfit Elphie
12 years ago
Oh, but I'm exhausted now (LOL)
12 years ago
Hey I didn't beat anyone up? I'm GOOD now.
12 years ago
Oh you said beating BACK >.>
Misfit Elphie
12 years ago
You pagan goddess you... go run through a field, after your commute, and get me a sacrifice :-P
Misfit Elphie
12 years ago
I'll wait here with "Prince Charming" until you return.
12 years ago
It's all win :-D
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