[Meme] Character sexualities
latest #12
Bobby: Right now Bobby's mostly interested in girls, though my head!canon makes me say that he might have been curious about experimenting--
with St. John a bit... cuz Fire and Ice, yanno.
I haven't read enough current comics to know what he's like in those, but if I'm remembering right he's pretty hetero
Scott: My Head!canon has Scott being slightly bi, though leaning more towards women. Head!canon tells me Scott likes to be submissive in--
the bedroom since he's making difficult leader decisions all day and wants to just relax in the bedroom.
He also likes having his mind fucked with... thus why his two greatest relationships are with Jean and Emma...
Zannah: Is currently not interested in anyone, but her canon has her with a male. I personally don't see her having a problem with a female-
As she's more interested in the actions and less in the emotions, thanks to years of training and having emotional attachments destroyed
I don't think she could ever "love"
Jack: Of course, is fluid.
Jack doesn't feel like he needs to be defined and neither do I.
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