Søren is
12 years ago
enjoying a morning bike ride through the city.
latest #230
12 years ago
yawns widely, strolling down a street. Oh, how he wished he were still in bed.
12 years ago
felt his Norway senses tingling and quickly diverted his path, a broad grin on his face as he sidled up besides the familiar blonde._
12 years ago
"Morgon, Norge~" He called out in a sing-song voice while riding around Lukas in a circle.
12 years ago
sighed softly. It was way too early to be dealing with the taller blond, and he had been hoping to avoid him until at least midday. Rubbing
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at his eye sleepily, he glanced at the Dane and frowned slightly. "Don't remind me. I was trying to imagine it was later than it is."
12 years ago
blinked obliviously, being quite the morning person. His face lit up brightly at an idea. "If you're tired," he began with a broad grin. "I_
12 years ago
could carry you on my bike!"
12 years ago
hesitated for a moment, weighing the odds. On one hand, it really was too early for walking all the way to the market. On the other hand,
Lukas was
12 years ago
it really worth it to get physically closer to the Dane? The Norwegian had some strict personal boundaries, after all. Tough choice.
12 years ago
Eventually, he glanced warily at the other nation then at his bike. "Are you sure that thing could handle the weight of two people?"
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beamed like a small child at Christmas that had just been given everything he'd ever wanted. "Of course it can!!" He proclaimed excitedly._
12 years ago
"You can sit on the handlebars... Or if that's too scary, I'll even let you sit on the seat, but you'll have to hold on really tight~"
12 years ago
Either way sounded enjoyable to Søren, and both would probably lead to a headache for Lukas.
12 years ago
rubbed his head gently, already feeling the start of a headache coming on. "In case you haven't noticed, that thing doesn't have two seats."
12 years ago
gestured to the bike before crossing is arms over his chest. "Unless you expect me to magically grow one, I don't see how this will work."
12 years ago
rolled his eyes with exasperation. Silly Norge. "People share bikes all the time! It's easy!" He began to move to motion towards the seat._
12 years ago
"You sit on the back of the seat, and I sit on your lap and pedal! Then you hold on to my waist!" It made perfect sense!
12 years ago
waited a moment, and another. Then the information sunk in. "You sit where? And I hold what?" He gaped for a moment before shaking his
12 years ago
head. "No way. I'd rather walk."
12 years ago
pouted. "C'mon! It'll be fun!"
12 years ago
scowled slightly. "Have you not taken into consideration the fact of personal space? Because if I were to do what you were asking, that
12 years ago
would eliminate all of it."
12 years ago
"I know!!" He boasted excitedly. That was the best part! "What's wrong? You don't want to get close to me?"
12 years ago
gave him a blank, yet somehow still stubborn stare, his tone flat. "No. I don't. The incessant need to be close to others is not a trait I
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deem necessary to have."
12 years ago
jumped off of the bicycle with a bark of a laugh as he skipped closer to Lukas, draping an arm around his shoulder with complete disregard_
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for his private space. "You don't mean that~!"
12 years ago
cringed at the contact, brushing the arm off of his shoulder. "Believe it or not, I do mean that." He paused for a moment, staring at the
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bike. It was highly unfortunate that the market was still... Too far away. Sighing again, he climbed on, clenching his eyes closed and
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tightened his fists on his jeans. "Let's get this over with."
12 years ago
hadn't expected that to work! This was the best day ever!!!!!! He climbed on excitedly, trying his best not to squish his Norwegian_
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companion. Lukas would never be rid of him now...
Lukas was
12 years ago
not an idiot, believe it or not. He knew he couldn't get through this without touching the Dane, but for the moment, he leaned as far away
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as he could, hands clenching the bottom of the seat instead of going around his companion's waist. He shifted, avoiding getting sat on, too.
12 years ago
shifted backwards, purposely wiggling his butt on the other man as he started to pedal.
12 years ago
stiffened, ready to smack the Dane until the bike lurched forward, leading his arms to fling forward and clamp around the other man's waist
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in a bit of a vice grip. "Shit!" Who would have known being the one without control of the bike would make if feel so precarious?
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laughed loudly and threw his hands in to the air. "Look! No hands!"
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clung on even tighter, squishing himself against the others back. "Are you insane?" He clenched his fists in the Dane's jacket, trying to
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somehow keep them both from falling.
12 years ago
wouldn't fall off! He had done this plenty of times, though it wasn't quite as rewarding on his own! He grinned excitedly and reluctantly_
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returned his hands to the handlebars. This was the best day ever.
12 years ago
loosened his grip with a relieved sigh, though he kept his cheek pressed against Søren's back. "Can we just go to the market, please?"
12 years ago
laughed. "Sure~!" Though he decided that the market on the other side of town would be best, meaning a nice, long ride.
12 years ago
nestled against Søren, against his better judgement. The Dane was much too warm for someone as sleepy as he was; if he wasn't careful, he'd
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fall asleep.
12 years ago
would be more than happy to take Lukas home with him if the man fell asleep and needed a place to rest~! He tried not to look too giddy_
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as he rode through the town.
12 years ago
had decided it was certainly not fair; Søren was like a teddy bear. A large one, yes, but it was apparently enough for him to fall asleep
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clinging to the Dane.
12 years ago
felt a bit surprised when the other man seemed to relax, and glanced over his shoulder curiously to find him asleep. His grin broadened_
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proudly as he decided to skip the market and bring his prize home instead! He kept one hand on the handlebars while the other held to Lukas'
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arm to make sure he didn't fall off.
12 years ago
nuzzled sleepily into the warmth of the Dane's back, completely unaware that he was, in fact, being kidnapped.
12 years ago
doesn't think it counts as kidnapping... and his bed was very warm and comfortable! He was certain Lukas would enjoy it.
12 years ago
definitely would consider it kidnapping, once he was awake and clear-headed, although the warm bed may ebb his anger. A bit.
12 years ago
stopped the bike outside of his house and tried to think of the best way to drag Lukas inside without waking him.
12 years ago
mumbled sleepily against Søren's back, subconsciously moving his arms to flop over the Dane's shoulders, even if they were slightly higher.
12 years ago
shifted awkwardly off of the bike and turned so that he could try to lift Lukas up while balancing the bike precariously between his legs.
12 years ago
opened his eyes partially, groggily muttering a "What are you doing?" before shutting them again, unintentionally assisting Søren by curling
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into his chest.
12 years ago
couldn't have been happier if he tried. He had to keep himself from skipping and singing as he made his way to the front door to open it.
12 years ago
really should have woken up by that point, if only to stop the supposed kidnapping. But he had woken up early to go to the market, which
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apparently wasn't going to happen.
12 years ago
slipped inside, not bothering to shut the door for fear that it would be much too loud and wake his prisoner/friend. He happily danced_
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towards the bedroom, unable to believe his luck!
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groaned slightly in his sleep, disturbed by the bouncing motion of being carried, before going back to sleeping peacefully. For now.
12 years ago
made his way in to the bedroom that was surprisingly well kept. He quickly set Lukas down before smothering him beneath a mountain of white
12 years ago
12 years ago
would, of course, choose that moment to wake up. He opened a bleary eye glancing around the room without moving, and then closed it again.
12 years ago
"Mmm. Obviously that wake up attempt didn't work, because there's no way I'd be in Søren's room. No chance."
12 years ago
chose that moment to wiggle his way in to the bed besides Lukas.
12 years ago
turned when Søren wiggled into the bed, staring at the Dane until all the pieces fit together. "Seriously. Of all the things, you become a
12 years ago
12 years ago
pouted, his hair messier than normal beneath the blanket. "I'm insulted! I would never!" He was opportunistic, but not mean.
12 years ago
raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? Then would you care to explain as to why I'm here instead of at the market?"
12 years ago
"I thought you were shopping for bedding and love~!"
Lukas was
12 years ago
beginning to wonder how he ever put up with the Danish man. "Why in the world would you think that? Besides, this is your bedding."
12 years ago
"I know~!" He sang while snuggling up to Lukas blissfully.
12 years ago
attempted to shove the larger man away, gaze blank again. "If you were going to put me in a bed, why didn't you just take me home?"
12 years ago
"You always lock the door." He pouted, latching on to him as though his life depended on it.
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sighed, giving up on trying to push the other away. "The lock has never stopped you before."
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"But then you would have woken up before we got inside." He whined, nuzzling in to the smaller man's shoulder happily.
12 years ago
"I don't see the problem with that. Then I possibly could have actually gone to the market." And this is why he never took rides from
12 years ago
strangers or seemingly insane people.
12 years ago
hadn't considered himself a stranger, or insane. He began petting Lukas' hair with a grin. "The market's open all day." He had needed_
12 years ago
to go to the market as well, but that could wait. It wasn't every day he got to snuggle with his little Norway in bed!
12 years ago
raised an eyebrow at the petting, but didn't comment on it, although he did take his barette out of his hair before it could be disturbed.
12 years ago
"The market may be open all day, but who says I didn't have something else to do?"
12 years ago
took the action as an invitation to continue petting. "Like what?" He asked curiously. Not that he would let Lukas away to do it, but he_
12 years ago
wanted to know what it was he was keeping him from doing.
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froze, not expecting to be called out on it. Well, let's see, what was a plausible excuse? "I was going to go to the bookstore as well."
12 years ago
"Is that all?" Book stores were open late, so there was no immediate reason to go now. His bed was much preferred to anything that... wasn't
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his bed.
12 years ago
wasn't about to admit that he really hadn't had much planned for the day. Instead, he stayed silent, staring at the wall behind Søren.
Søren was
12 years ago
too busy nuzzling his neck to be bothered with where he was looking. Søren grinned. "You smell pretty~!"
12 years ago
snorted, shaking his head. "I smell pretty, do I? How intriguing."
12 years ago
"Mmm." He hummed, draping a leg around Lukas, as though his vice like grip around his torso hadn't been enough to secure him in place.
12 years ago
raised an eyebrow at the Dane. "Søren, do I look like a stuffed animal to you?"
12 years ago
12 years ago
"Well, I'm not." He shifted slightly, not very used to contact with others.
Søren will
12 years ago
cure Lukas of that soon enough; he happened to love being close to others. "Why not?"
12 years ago
actually had to chuckle at that question. "Are you honestly asking me why I'm not a stuffed animal?"
12 years ago
"Yes?" He laughed, clinging tighter.
12 years ago
laughed as well, maybe even slightly hugging back. "I don't think I can answer that question, Søren."
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"Why not?" He inquired for the sole purpose of being difficult.
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thought for a moment, then shrugged. "I guess it's because I'm not some all-powerful being."
12 years ago
pouted. "Why not?"
12 years ago
believed there was only so many times that one person could ask 'why', and the Dane was quickly approaching that limit. "Well, why aren't
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you an all-powerful being?"
12 years ago
opened his mouth to ask 'why not' but realized he had been caught in a corner. He nearly laughed, but settled on tightening his embrace._
12 years ago
"How do you know I'm not?" He could be!
12 years ago
could swear that if the Dane squeezed any tighter, his head would pop off from the pressure. He wiggled a little bit, trying to loosen the
12 years ago
other's vice grip. "If you were an all-powerful being, you wouldn't have to wait until I was asleep to kidnap me."
12 years ago
"I didn't kidnap you." He huffed defensively, loosening his hold... barely.
12 years ago
gave the other a disbelieving look before just shaking his head. "If you say so."
12 years ago
"I do!" He said firmly, making himself more comfortable. "You're lucky I'm sharing my bed with you! It's much more comfortable than the
12 years ago
12 years ago
rolled over, his back to the Dane, and mumbled under his breath. "I never asked to share the bed with you. In fact, I still don't see why
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you didn't just take me home."
12 years ago
"You didn't have to ask, I saw it in your eyes. You were practically begging for it!" He proclaimed. That may or may not have been true. He
12 years ago
figured that he could get a better hold on Lukas here, and would have probably gotten locked out if it were Lukas' house. Better safe than
12 years ago
locked out in the cold!
12 years ago
rolled his eyes. "Yes, because my eyes are able to be seen when they're closed." Although, the other man was probably right. Lukas would
12 years ago
have locked him out with only a little bit of guilt, which he would never admit to.
12 years ago
nods happily. "I knew it!"
12 years ago
turned back to the other with a sigh. "Didn't you actually have any plans for the day?"
12 years ago
shrugged. His plans could wait; spending quality time in bed with Lukas was more important than buying groceries.
Lukas wonders
12 years ago
if maybe he should be disturbed by the kidnapping instead of feeling slightly touched.
12 years ago
doesn't see why he would feel disturbed! It wasn't a kidnapping! It was helping a friend... by dragging them back to his bed and then
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helping keep him warm by cuddling! That was perfectly normal.
12 years ago
wouldn't exactly choose the word normal. But at least it hadn't been a white van, plus he could now claim the Dane had used up his cuddling
12 years ago
opportunities for the year.
12 years ago
didn't think he had a limit on cuddling... and if he did, he would go above and beyond it! Lukas should feel honored, and lucky, to have
12 years ago
such a loving and compassionate friend!
Lukas thinks
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it would be obvious there's a limit on cuddling, considering his dislike of personal space invasions. In fact Søren is lucky he lets him
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cuddle at all.
12 years ago
considers himself incredibly lucky, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't press for it regularly anyway!
12 years ago
should have probably realized by now that Søren is not going to leave him alone, no matter how much he asks.
12 years ago
would wonder why he had ever assumed/hoped otherwise. He wiggled a bit more to get comfortable with a sleepy yawn, feeling himself growing
12 years ago
12 years ago
observed the yawn with interest. Considering he wasn't tired anymore, he may be able to sneak away once Søren was asleep.
12 years ago
snored obnoxiously in Lukas' ear, still obviously awake.
12 years ago
rolled his eyes, shoving at Søren's shoulder. "Don't be obnoxious, I know you're still awake."
12 years ago
snored louder and practically rolled on top of Lukas.
12 years ago
sighed in frustration; so much for being able to escape. "What did I say about being obnoxious, Søren?"
12 years ago
snorts mid snore to make it more 'realistic' and stretched out on top of Lukas.
12 years ago
gave the 'sleeping' Dane a disbelieving expression. "Really?" He prodded at Søren's sides, testing for some sort of reaction.
12 years ago
flinched slightly defensively, but quickly tried to ignore it and resumed snoring.
12 years ago
took note of the flinch, hummed slightly, and then decided to just flick Søren on the nose.
12 years ago
purposely wiggled more violently, making sure to push all of his weight on the other man.
12 years ago
huffed. "Don't go suffocating me, Søren. I'll come back to haunt you in the afterlife."
12 years ago
12 years ago
paused for a moment before giving the other a look. "If I say yes, you won't suffocate me on purpose, will you?"
12 years ago
"..." If it meant having Lukas stuck with him forever he might consider suffocating him... But it would be harder to catch a ghost, so being
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alive and human might work out more to his advantage. "If I don't suffocate you, will you stay here???"
12 years ago
narrowed his eyes at the pause; was the Dane actually considering it? At the question, though, he hesitated. "Exactly where do you mean by
12 years ago
12 years ago
"In my bed~!" He assumed that had been obvious.
12 years ago
blanched. "So my options are either stay in your bed or get suffocated? Is there no middle option?"
12 years ago
thought it over for a second; there really didn't need to be any other options. "No."
12 years ago
believes there definitely should be another option. "Well, I suppose I may be able to stay here for now." Better than suffocating, at least.
12 years ago
"I know you'd agree!" He said brightly, relaxing his hold slightly, and almost rolling off of him, but not quite.
12 years ago
sighed, mentally waving goodbye to the opportunity to leave. When the weight didn't shift off of him, he glanced at the Dane, confused. "Why
12 years ago
exactly are you still on top of me, then?"
12 years ago
wiggled. "I like laying on you~!"
Lukas was
12 years ago
starting to feel like their conversations were going in circles. "You're too big to be laying on me."
12 years ago
12 years ago
dreaded the return of the constant 'whys'. "Because, Søren, there's this thing called personal space, and you are currently invading mine."
12 years ago
"What's wrong with that?" He happened to enjoy invading Lukas' personal space.
12 years ago
took a deep breath. "I appreciate the concept of personal space, even if you don't."
12 years ago
"But why?" He whined, pouting once again. What was so wrong with wanting to be as close as physically possible to someone??
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didn't quite know how to answer that. Instead, he tried edging away from the other, although it was quite difficult due to being smaller.
12 years ago
tightened his hold the second Lukas started to pull away.
12 years ago
huffed grumpily into the pillow he was laying against, but he didn't protest anymore. "What do you want me to do, Søren? Just sleep again?"
12 years ago
"What do you want to do?" He countered. Not that Lukas' decisions mattered much, but laying in bed did get dull after a while.
12 years ago
shrugged, staring at the wall blankly. "I don't know, I wasn't exactly planning on getting abducted today."
12 years ago
had been preparing to argue with him over the abduction when his stomach growled loudly. He had been on his way to get something to eat when
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he spotted Lukas earlier, though now that he had him his body was growing rather angry at him for overlooking his hunger.
12 years ago
glanced at the Dane's stomach before snorting. "Can we at least get you some food before you get a crazy idea and eat me instead?"
12 years ago
looked at Lukas incredulously but sat up and released him from his hold. "Why would I try to eat you? That's ridiculous."
12 years ago
couldn't even describe how relieved he was to be let go. He scrambled off the bed, straightening his clothes, and shot the Danish man a
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skeptical look. "You are aware that half the things you say are just as ridiculous, right?"
12 years ago
scoffed. "No they are not." Everything he said made perfect sense... to him. He jumped out of the bed and quickly set about making it with_
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a strange precision that contrasted greatly with his wrinkled, lazy clothing and attitude.
12 years ago
watched with genuine amusement, leaning against the door frame. One would never figure Søren to be precise in anything, but he had known him
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long enough not to be terribly surprised. That didn't mean he couldn't be amused by the complete opposite sides of the man, though.
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liked to have a neat, and tidy house! There was nothing wrong with that! Though... as he stood up once satisfied with the bed he realized_
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that he had left the front door open this entire time... hopefully it hadn't started to snow or rain. He grinned at the look of amusement
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that Lukas wore. "What?"
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quickly looked away, fixing his features into their normal blank state. "Oh, nothing. So, what were you planning on eating?"
12 years ago
shrugged. "I dunno." He hadn't had anything in mind, he was going to look for a cheap food cart with greasy food. He walked past Lukas and_
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stopped in front of a mirror, adjusting his shirt so that it was just lazy enough, with only the top two buttons undone. "You want something
12 years ago
12 years ago
had his mouth open, ready to decline, when his stomach gave an audible protest. "I suppose food is probably a good idea."
12 years ago
smirked, messing up his hair in the mirror to give it that 'just slept in/wind swept' look, because rolling around in bed clearly hadn't_
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helped enough. He then turned to Lukas with a snicker. "You suppose?"
12 years ago
scoffed at the Dane's appearance' making sure to fix the cross in his own hair. At the snickering, he huffed. "Let's just get this over
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with." He may have been secretly planning to disappear at some point on thier journey, but the Dane didn't need to know that.
12 years ago
"I'll drive!" He said, walking down the hall to shut and lock the front door. He wasn't going to let Norge escape that easily, and it was_
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much easier to lock him in in the car.
12 years ago
followed after, only managing to sigh when the Dane mentioned the car. And there went another escape plan.
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"What do you want to eat?" He asked as he jingled the keys in one hand. Not that it really mattered; he would take them wherever he thought
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sounded best, but at least this way he looked considerate.
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shrugged. "Food is typically the best option." He glanced at the Dane with a knowing look. "Besides, we both know you'll go where you want,
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even if you ask me."
12 years ago
"That's not true!" He whined. He would have gone where Norge wanted... if he wanted it, too.
12 years ago
merely rolled his eyes. "Right. Now convince yourself that's the truth first, then try again." He paused, realizing the Dane would
12 years ago
probably take it literally, then sighed. "On second thought, just shut up and drive, please."
12 years ago
had nearly started to try before Lukas told him to drive. He turned on the radio, flipping through the stations rapidly.
12 years ago
grumbled in his seat; he was still a bit put out about his ruined escape plan. "Exactly how far are you planning on going that the radio
Lukas needs
12 years ago
turned on?"
12 years ago
shrugged without saying anything. He settled finally on an upbeat pop song before buckling his seat belt and pulling out.
12 years ago
felt as though the silence was more bothersome, if only because the Dane was consistently chatting. He must be going out of his mind.
12 years ago
started singing along loudly, and purposely out of key. His fingers drummed obnoxiously against the steering wheel as he drove, little_
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attention being paid to the actual road or pedestrians. Lukas probably should have enjoyed the silence while he had the chance.
12 years ago
probably should have enjoyed the silence. How bothersome. With a sigh he childishly plugged his ears, tuning out the terrible singing.
12 years ago
took that as encouragement to sing even louder, leaning over the divider between their seats to serenade Lukas by practically screaming in_
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his ear.
12 years ago
leaned against the window, grumbling under his breath as he tried to keep himself from going deaf. "Keep your eyes on the road, Søren."
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"I'm fine." He scoffed, nearly hitting another car. He didn't hit it, however, so in his mind there was no problem.
12 years ago
held his seat with a tight-knuckled grip, all too aware of the terrible driving. "You are most definitely not fine."
12 years ago
saw nothing wrong with his driving, though he may have been driving aimlessly, with no real goal as he had no idea what he wanted to eat.
12 years ago
slumped in his seat, attempting to avoid seeing outside the window. He did not need to know how close to crashing they were getting. "Søren
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do you have any idea where you're even going?"
12 years ago
"It's a surprise!" For both of them...
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grumbled. "I hate surprises."
12 years ago
laughed boldly, taking one hand off the wheel to mess up Lukas' hair. "Where's the fun in that?!"
12 years ago
shot a glare at the offending appendage and the fact that it wasn't on the steering wheel. "The fun? I suppose it would be in not dying."
12 years ago
"We can't die." He scoffed incredulously. "Stop worrying so much!"
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