Lukas has
12 years ago
decided Halloween is more than just a little intriguing.
latest #240
Søren has
12 years ago
decided that Lukas is more than just a little intriguing.
12 years ago
really can't find it in himself to care what Søren thinks.
Søren thinks
12 years ago
that Lukas must miss him, and want a visit~!
12 years ago
believes that Søren has finally gone insane, or has he forgotten he likes being alone?
12 years ago
believes that Lukas is just pretending to prefer being alone. After-all, who wouldn't want his company?!
12 years ago
could probably name a dozen off the top of his head, and his name is certainly not pretending to be at the top of said list.
Søren likes
12 years ago
it when Lukas acts difficult! It was one of his favorite games!
Lukas wonders
12 years ago
when Søren will realize it's not a game, but the truth. Basing off of intelligence, he'd say never.
Søren is
12 years ago
highly intelligent, and on his hunt for Lukas at this very moment, bringing with him the wonderful gift of Danish beer!
12 years ago
suspects that Søren is trying to get him drunk, and is thus hiding from him.
Søren will
12 years ago
find him! He is relentless and will not give up! Or... he will make himself at home in Lukas' living room and wait. Though the beer may
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be gone by the time the other man returns...
Lukas wants
12 years ago
to avoid a drunk Søren as much as he wants to avoid getting drunk. What a dilemma, considering he is quite certain the other will actually
12 years ago
wait for him.
12 years ago
laid back on the couch, making himself comfortable as he waited.
12 years ago
considered sneaking around to the back door, but he was quite positive that key was still in the house. So he braced himself before putting
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the key in the front and twisting the knob.
12 years ago
opened one of the beers and took a sip, his legs dangling over the edge of the couch. He was oblivious to Lukas' entrance and tossed the_
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beer cap in the air with one hand lazily.
12 years ago
peeked around the door, rolling his eyes when he spotted the Dane. Figures. He stepped inside and kicked the door shut behind him, working
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at the buttons on his coat with slightly numb fingers and mumbling curses when they simply slipped between them.
12 years ago
looked up excitedly from the couch. "You're home!!" He debated getting up, but the couch was pretty comfortable, and he was giving Lukas_
12 years ago
some personal space... for now.
12 years ago
frowned at the Dane. "Honestly, you would think this is your house or something, the way you get so comfortable." He struggled with the
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buttons for another moment before giving up, walking into the sitting room and sitting on an armchair by the couch. He held onto the ends of
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his scarf, fiddling with the fringe, while glancing to the beer in the older man's hand. "Exactly how long have you been here?"
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shrugged as he sat up. "Need some help undressing?" He teased with a smirk.
12 years ago
tried to keep the flush from rising in his cheeks, turning his gaze to the side. "As if. I just need a moment is all." Unfortunately, all
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heat that had been going to his hands had apparently decided to change direction and go to his cheeks. At least he could blame the cold.
12 years ago
"Awww," he said in a childish voice as he set the beer down and came at Lukas with his hands out in the air, his fingers making grabbing_
12 years ago
motions towards the jacket. "Does little Lukas need help with his jacket???"
12 years ago
rolled his eyes. "I'm not a child, Søren." Nonetheless, he stepped back from the Dane, falling back into the armchai when his knees hit the
12 years ago
12 years ago
grinned and leaned over him, unfastening the buttons regardless of whether or not the Norwegian wanted it. So much for giving him personal_
12 years ago
12 years ago
tried to back away even more, only to succeed in pressing himself into the cushion. Instead, he batted at the Dane's hands, although not
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hard enough to be considered threatening.
12 years ago
wouldn't have considered a punch in the face as threatening from Lukas, so the batting was little more than amusing. He laughed brightly_
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and easily ignored the swatting as he fumbled with the buttons.
12 years ago
decided on a new method, crossing his arms over his chest stubbornly. Not only did it succeed in blocking off some of the buttons, but it
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also got the point across that he wasn't completely helpless.
12 years ago
watched him with a maniacal glint in his eyes. "No?" He sang before making a dive for his sides, tickling at him relentlessly in the hopes_
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that it would work.
12 years ago
let out a surprised squeak before automatically uncrossing his arms, trying to fend off the merciless tickling. It didn't help that he had
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to gasp for air. "That's- a cheap- trick."
12 years ago
laughed, though he was torn between continuing the attack or unbuttoning the jacket. The tickling was more entertaining, so he decided to_
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stick with that.
12 years ago
squirmed under the attack, slinking lower and lower in the chair until he was practically laying on the cushion. With another gasp-laugh, he
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attempted to try and duck under Søren's arms to the safety of the other side of the room.
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had cat like reflexes, catching the attempt to flee with a deep laugh. "Not so fast~!" He had no intention of letting Norge go like that.
Lukas was
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glad he had at least stopped the tickling. He glared at the wall behind the Dane since he couldn't exactly see the man's face at the moment.
12 years ago
"I'm a hostage in my own home. Brilliant."
12 years ago
pouted. "You're not a hostage~!" It was just a fun game! That Søren happened to be dominating...
12 years ago
rolled his eyes. "Right. Then would you mind letting me go? Despite all your jokes, I really am wearing far too many clothes for this." The
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scarf had tightened to the verge of being uncomfortable and now that he had been in the heat of his home long enough, the coat was stifling.
12 years ago
huffed quietly with a grin before returning to his prior task of unbuttoning the jacket. He was always more than willing to help Lukas_
12 years ago
12 years ago
huffed slightly. "Honestly, you'd think I was incompetent or something." Still, he only stared at the ground as the Dane undid the buttons.
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opened the jacket with a triumphant look, as though it was akin to having victoriously defeated an enemy army.
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remained with a blank expression, not removing his gaze from the Dane, even once the jacket was open. "Satisfied, moron?"
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grinned. "Ja~! Now to get the rest of these clothes off!" He teased.
Lukas was
12 years ago
quite positive his blush was back, and that he couldn't really blame it on the cold anymore. "Why in the world would I need more clothes
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taken off?"
12 years ago
laughed and grabbed his beer to take a sip, giving the poor Norwegian a break. "Why wouldn't you?"
12 years ago
had to give a sigh of relief at the re-introduction of personal space. At the question, though, he frowned. "Because then I'd be too cold."
12 years ago
"I could keep you warm~!" He stated suggestively, making his way back towards the chair. It was more of a promise than a suggestion.
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furrowed his eyebrows, slightly confused. "The concept of shared body heat doesn't really work, you know. One person gets warmer, but the
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other gets colder."
12 years ago
doesn't believe that at all, and flops down on top of him, beer in hand. "Wanna test that theory out?"
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attempts to push Søren off of him. "Next time, ask before you act." He rolled his eyes again. "Besides, I'm pretty certain I'm right."
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wiggles on him happily while taking a sip. "If you make me fall off, I might spill my beer on your floor~!" He warned, more concerned with
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the wasted beer than the mess on the floor that it would cause.
12 years ago
pauses for a beat before snatching the Dane's beer, taking a sip of his own. "Then go drink beer at your own house, Søren." Still, he wasn't
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pushing the man away anymore.
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wiggled his butt to make sure Lukas didn't forget he was there, though he was amused that he had taken the beer. "But I wanted to drink with
12 years ago
Lukas was
12 years ago
quite positive he couldn't forget Søren was there; the man would never let him. He shifted his weight, letting the Dane know he hadn't
Søren was
12 years ago
content to stare very intently at Lukas, observing every feature on his face.
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forgotten. Still, the other nation was saying some ridiculous things. "Why me? You could have just as easily gone drinking with Sweden."
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pouted. "But you're more fun than the Swede." He had no idea where Sweden was, and he preferred Lukas anyway.
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hummed softly, shaking his head. "I doubt that, but go ahead and think so if you want." He took another sip of the Dane's beer, pretty much
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claiming it for his own.
Søren was
12 years ago
willing to part with the beer if it meant Lukas willingly spending time with him! "I will!"
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took another drink of the beer. "Why were you waiting for me, anyways?" He paused for a bit before frowning. "And why is it still so warm?"
12 years ago
"Hm? Why wouldn't I wait for you?" He asked curiously, slightly confused. If he hadn't waited, he wouldn't have gotten to bother him!
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"Maybe because, as far as I know, you didn't know when I'd be home. You could have been waiting for awhile."
12 years ago
"So?" He is very patient... sometimes.
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"I just don't see why you'd bother waiting for me when there's plenty of other things to do."
12 years ago
"Like what?" He could drag Lukas in to doing other things with him!
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thought for a moment. "Well, there's studying, romance, or you could get a pet."
12 years ago
"I'm studying you!" He sang, bounding on his lap like a pleased child. "And I brought you a romantic gift!" He said, motioning to the beer;
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it hadn't actually been a romantic gift, but he could say it was.
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snorted. "Keep saying stuff like that and I'll think you've been hanging out with France far too much." He attempted to shove the larger
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male off of him again, this time so he could try and get to his bedroom to change into something less warm.
12 years ago
fell on to the floor with a rather loud thud as he whined. "You're so cruel." He pouted, though he remained undeterred and would follow
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Lukas to anywhere in the house (or out of it) that he went. "France?" He crinkled his nose. "Why would I hang out with him?"
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smirked over his shoulder as he made his way to his room. "If I'm so cruel, than why are you still here?" At the other's question, he merely
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shrugged, shuffling over to the dresser in the corner. "I don't know why you'd be hanging out with him."
12 years ago
followed after him like a lost puppy, but not before grabbing another beer for himself. "It's how you show you love me~!"
12 years ago
grabbed a spare shirt before turning to the Dane, eyebrow raised. "Show that I love you? Isn't that highly presumptuous?"
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balked at the idea that he could possibly be wrong. "Nope!" He grinned, flopping himself lazily on to the bed.
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shook his head slowly. "You say the most ridiculous of things sometimes." He shrugged, undoing the buttons to his shirt (successfully).
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kicked off his shoes and wiggled up the bed to make himself comfortable against the pillows.
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pulled a t-shirt over his head before turning to the bed and frowning, arms crossed over his chest. "And who said that the bed was open?"
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"I did!" He laughed and popped open his beer. He rested one hand behind his hear and looked up at Norway with a grin. "My bed is better."
12 years ago
snorted before flopping onto the bed next to the Dane. "I disagree. My bed is much better."
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shook his head and wiggled a bit. "Mine is much softer. And warmer. If you want, I'm willing to let you sleep in it more to realize the
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folly in your ways." He was that nice of a friend.
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huffed. "Oh please. Besides, wouldn't that option involve me sleeping with you, or would you be sleeping here instead?"
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"That's the best part!" He said brightly. "I am an amazing person to sleep with, you should feel honored I'm willing to share my bed with
12 years ago
12 years ago
"I'll pass. I get this feeling you would cuddle way too much, and I wouldn't get any sleep."
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pouted, his lower lip quivering ever-so-slightly.
12 years ago
stared at the pout. Really? He would stoop so low? Well, Lukas' resolve was stronger than that! "Don't give me that look. If you were so
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adamant to sleep with me, you'd have to compromise and do it here."
12 years ago
laughed loudly with joy and rested his head on Lukas' shoulder. "I knew you'd ask me to stay with you sooner or later~!"
12 years ago
froze for a moment, finally understanding what had just come out of his mouth. He roughly shoved Søren's head off his shoulder, pointing
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accusingly at him. "You tricked me." Somehow, though, he couldn't really seem to find it in him to be completely angry.
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wasn't too bothered by the accusation. "Admit it! You want me here~!" He sang happily, nothing Lukas said now could detract from his glee.
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grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. "Can't admit something that was never true to begin with."
12 years ago
ignored that; it was so cute when Lukas denied his true feelings. He laid himself over Lukas affectionately.
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glanced up at Søren, shaking his head. "You know, there's more than enough of the bed for you to lay on without suffocating me."
12 years ago
"But you're so comfortable~!" And if he got off of him, Lukas might run away! Not that he didn't enjoy chasing him around, but he was
12 years ago
feeling lazy.
12 years ago
"Comfortable? Now you're just being unrealistic. I'm made of flesh and bone, neither of which are supposed to be very comfortable." He
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sighed, staring past the Dane and to the ceiling; personal space? Apparently not an option.
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squirmed around as though it would prove his point more. "You like one of those body pillows~!"
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narrowed his eyes at the poor ceiling, although it didn't do anything. "You know, I may revoke that invitation. You're proving my theory of
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your clinging tendencies, and I suspect it to be worse in your sleep."
12 years ago
pulled back and looked at him with wide, pleading eyes.
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hesitated, turning his gaze away. "Don't look at me like that. The kicked puppy look won't work." Which really wasn't convincing when he was
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looking everywhere but at Søren.
12 years ago
sniffled a little bit, his lower lip trembling.
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tried for another moment to resist, then just sighed. "Fine. Whatever. I give up."
12 years ago
"I knew you'd give in sooner or later~!" He sang before sitting up to finish his beer.
12 years ago
shot a glare at Søren. "But if you stay here, you have to know that, if you ever step in this room drunk, I will lock you right back out."
12 years ago
"What about tipsy?"
12 years ago
"Possibly." He glanced at the beer in the others hand, thinking for a moment. "Of course, such an arrangement would be null if I were drunk
12 years ago
Søren will
12 years ago
take that as an open invitation to get him drunk. Not that he opposed the idea in any way. "Really?"
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probably shouldn't have mentioned that, but it was too late now. He sighed, giving the other a warning glance. "Yes. really."
12 years ago
"I better go buy some more beer then!" He said eagerly. He hadn't brought nearly enough to get either of them drunk.
12 years ago
blanched. "I am not getting drunk right now. In fact, why would I get drunk on purpose, if you would enlighten me?" It didn't make sense.
12 years ago
had no idea why he wouldn't want to get drunk. "Why wouldn't you get drunk on purpose?" Did Lukas prefer to get drunk on accident? That
Søren was
12 years ago
silly. Even a little bit irresponsible!
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obviously needed to correct himself. "I just don't like getting drunk in general." It was a good thing he had a high alcohol tolerance then.
12 years ago
"Why not?"
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glanced away, a bit of color entering his cheeks. "I may or may not make the smartest of choices when I'm inebriated."
12 years ago
needed no more encouragement than that! What more could a Dane want than a darling little Norwegian who was making bad decisions? Naturally,
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he wouldn't have approved were Lukas drinking with anyone else, and knowing that Lukas made mad choices while drunk did worry him to the_
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extent that he may now have to monitor Lukas' every moment to make sure no one took advantage of this... But around him? It was clearly_
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the best way to spend a dull evening!! "What's wrong with that?! I'll make sure you don't do anything bad!" However, their definitions of_
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'bad' may have differed quite a bit.
12 years ago
*bad, not mad choices.
Lukas was
12 years ago
usually good about making intelligent choices, but whenever he became drunk, it was as though all of his inhibitions just flew out the
12 years ago
window. Leave it to Søren to insist, though. The night would probably end badly if he agreed, just like it would if he declined. It was a no
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win situation. Could he really trust the other to keep him from making a bad decision? Maybe. The Dane had probably followed him often
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enough that he knew most of the decisions the Norwegian boy would make anyways. He cast another glance at the beer in the taller man's hand
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before sighing, glancing away. It's not like anything too bad could happen, right? "Whatever. We'll just have to make sure to lock the
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door first."
12 years ago
"YES!" He cheered excitedly. "Let's go get more alcohol then!!"
12 years ago
had a feeling he was going to regret this decision. He slipped off the bed, making his way to the sitting room to grab his coat. "None of
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that Danish alcohol, though."
12 years ago
pouted. "What's wrong with Danish alcohol?" He liked it!
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"Just the fact that Norwegian alcohol is so much better." Although, it probably didn't matter much if the goal was getting drunk, did it?
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would let it slide this time, but only because it guaranteed that Lukas was actually drinking with him. "Fine, Norwegian alcohol."
Lukas was
12 years ago
glad to have finally won one of their arguments. He paused in slipping his coat on, dropping it onto a chair again before going over to a
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cupboard. "I wonder if I still have some in here somewhere." Not that he could really successfully check the higher ones, but that was fine.
12 years ago
set his empty bottle on the counter of the kitchen, entertained as he watched the shorter man looking through the cupboard.
12 years ago
became increasingly frustrated as he dug through on cupboard after another, including the bottom ones, before turning to the Dane. "Will you
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check the top cupboards? I, well, can't quite reach."
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smirked. "Oh?" He teased as he came up behind him. "Too short?"
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mumbled a curse under his breath. "I'm not short, you're just too tall." He went to move out of the way so Søren could look for the alcohol.
12 years ago
snickered while he moved so that Lukas couldn't get out of his way, then bent down and grabbed his waist to lift the shorter man up.
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spluttered in protest as he was lifted, reflexively whacking the Dane in the head. "This is not what I meant." Still, he quickly checked
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the cupboard, pulling out a pack of Norwegian beer and clutching it to his chest before he could drop it.
12 years ago
laughed loudly, amused at the reaction. "But that was much more fun!" For him at least.
12 years ago
scowled at the laughter. "It was not any fun. At all. Now put me down." With both his drinks and the ones the Dane had brought, he was
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pretty sure they had enough for both of them to lose coherency, which would honestly be kind of interesting.
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"Why should I?" He asked with a grin, purposely shaking around uneasily.
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narrowed his eyes at the Dane. "Because if you don't, I will smash each of these bottles over your head."
12 years ago
sighed in defeat, setting him down obediently. Wasting alcohol like that was against his moral code.
12 years ago
let out a sigh of relief once his feet were back on the ground, handing a bottle of the beer to Søren. "Remember, it's your job to keep me
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from doing something stupid." He doubted it would work, but may as well try, right?
12 years ago
grinned giddily as he took the beer. "Yeah! Sure!"
12 years ago
sent the Dane a wary glance, then gave a similar look to the beer in his hand. "I'm going to regret this." And with that, he tossed back
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about half the bottle, wincing as the alcohol burned on its way down.
12 years ago
"Why would you ever regret drinking?!" He gave a deep laugh as he drank his beer; after years of drinking he didn't feel a burn from the_
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alcohol, it was more a familiar warm sensation that trailed down his throat.
12 years ago
snorted. "Oh, shall I list the ways?" He quickly finished off the first bottle, feeling a nize, soft buzz in the back of his skull. His
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tolerance for alcohol was, apparently, not as good as it used to be. It wouldn't be too long before his tongue was loosened.
12 years ago
laughed with a nod as he drank his bottle much more slowly. He wanted to savor and enjoy the taste. He messed up Lukas' hair, purposely_
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rousing the hairs around his barrette. "Yes, tell me the ways!" He didn't think anything bad could come from drinking... unless you were an
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idiot Swede that drank too much and locked himself in the bar. ((Something that legitimately happened to a man in Sweden.))
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scowled, habitually batting the Dane's hand away from his head. "One reason is because it makes people even more annoying." At that, he cast
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a smirk at the other. Then he thought for another moment. "As I said earlier, it usually promotes making bad choices, and most people don't
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typically like making those." He took a sip of his beer, going more slowly now that he had passed the initial burn.
12 years ago
rolled his eyes as he finished his beer. "I never make bad choices and I drink all the time!" He was clearly the perfect example of being_
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an ideal drunk. Really, he was a perfect example of being an ideal person. He grabbed another drink before reaching out towards Lukas'_
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hair once more.
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ducked under the incoming hand, shooting Søren an incredulous look. "Are you honestly saying you never make bad choices?" Sure, Lukas knew
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that the other nation was a much more experienced drunk, but everyone had something they did that they regretted. He scoffed, taking another
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swallow of the alcohol. "Why in the world do you drink all the time, anyways?"
12 years ago
shrugged. "Why not?" Drinking was fun, and helped him to forget the bad times... usually. It made everything more entertaining, and was_
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better than getting a therapist. Not that he needed one, but he'd lived a long time, and had seen many bloody battles. Some things left_
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stronger impressions than others, but alcohol helped wipe all of them out! Even if only momentarily. His hand shot out towards the barrette_
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again, quickly snatching it off between his fingers.
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knew that some things needed forgetting; he had been around plenty long too. Instead of drink, though, he usually turned to the world of
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dreams, which probably wasn't very healthy. He shrugged at the thought, finishing off the beer in his hand. His mind was already whirling a
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bit, and honestly, he was a bit disappointed in himself. The thought was banished once Søren snatched his barrette, though, and he
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automatically scowled. "Hey, give that back." With an extreme lack of coordination, he leaned over, trying to take back the cross.
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laughed in his face and held the barrette well out of his reach. He set down his beer and looked in to his reflection on a window, adjusting
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the barrette in his own messy hair. "Look! I'm Norge!" He laughed as though it was the funniest thing ever and returned to his beer.
12 years ago
scoffed, attempting to reach the barrette with precarious balance. "No, no, you can't be Norge. You're much too tall, and you have that
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ridiculous hair." Obviously well past the point of coherency, he huffed, almost smacking the Dane in the face in his attempts to reach the
12 years ago
12 years ago
enjoyed this much more than he expected to. He laughed and messed up Lukas' hair, though without any hairspray it did little; he must have_
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used a better conditioner than Søren did. "I'm not too tall; you're too short!"
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ran a hand through his hair, trying to fix the weird feeling from having the Dane muss it up. Of course, it only succeeded in making it look
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like he had just crawled out of bed. He scowled, leaning almost completely against the other nation in his recovery attempts. "I am not too
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short, I am just redefining average."
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messed his hair up again, playing with it like a child would. "Redefining average?" He laughed out. "For where? Japan?!"
12 years ago
gave up trying to grab the barrette with a huff, grabbing another beer. He may have been tipsy already, but the goal was to get drunk,
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wasn't it? He took a sip of the drink before smirking at Søren. "What about if I said I wasn't short, but fun-sized instead?"
12 years ago
cocked an eyebrow. "Fun sized? Fun for what?" He teased. He was hardly beginning to feel a warm tingle, let alone tipsy. However, getting to
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watch Norge like this was more than entertaining enough for him.
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blinked, pausing to try and think through the fog. "I'm not quite sure, actually. What do you think it means?" Maybe he needed to do this
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more often, if only to work on his apparently ridiculously low alcohol tolerance.
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would eagerly help him work up his alcohol tolerance! Really, it was the least he could do. "It depends on what you want to be fun for."_
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He said with a shrug, not putting too much thought in to it. "Are you drunk enough to go run outside naked?" He asked with a grin.
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should probably make a vow to stay away from alcohol after this... Not that it would last long. "I haven't really thought about what I would
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like to be fun for." He would have to do that. Eventually. He paused, seriously considering the question, then shook his head. "It's too
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cold." Which was probably a good thing, otherwise he may have done it.
12 years ago
"I'll keep you warm~!" He sang jovially. He hadn't actually wanted to go through with it, though he was entertained at seeing how far gone_
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Lukas had become. He might actually be a willing snuggle buddy like this!! One could only hope!
12 years ago
blinked blearily before shrugging. "Wouldn't having two people run together be rather difficult?" Running around naked inside was always
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an alternate solution, but he got this nagging feeling he shouldn't mention.
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"You can carry me on your back! I'll wrap myself around you like a blanket." Clearly this was the best idea ever, and he was having a_
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difficult time keeping an even kind-of straight face.
12 years ago
snorted. "You're too big for me to carry, Søren." He swayed slightly on his feet before shrugging it off and taking another drink.
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