Mariya asks
15 years ago
For how much longer will the Heart of Love skins be available..?
latest #7
15 years ago
I'd like to know that too and I'd like to know if the money will go to shir. I mean I don't mind donating to RFL but they get a lot from SL
15 years ago
as it is, nothing wrong with continuing to give to her, she'll need it I'm sure.
Shellywashere is
15 years ago
pretty sure it was decided from the getgo that any money leftover went to RFL and the decision was made not to stray from that.
15 years ago
Not sure tho how long they're avail for
Mariya says
15 years ago
Hm... I already got them all, but I want to blog them, I'm just not sure how stressed I should feel yet :-P
15 years ago
if annyka told us I missed it. Annah would know tho..maybe?
15 years ago
Haven't picked a hard cut-off date. I'd say the end of next weekend is as good a cutt-off as any
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