12 years ago
[AU] The Italian stumbled out of the house, walking on shaky legs to the end of the path before collapsing somewhere near the mailbox. After
latest #232
12 years ago
scrubbing tears from his face, Lovino managed to tug his phone from his pocket, punching in a number after numerous tries and holding it to
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his ear, listening to each ring and wondering how to appropriately explain his situation.
12 years ago
[[For Roddy ;3;]]
12 years ago
His voice trembled as he whimpered out a soft, slurred "...R-Roddy?" The brunette's head was spinning, and he was all too aware of the state
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of his stomach, which was a bad clash with his slap of sobriety. Not too sober, though, judging by the way he burst into tears and begged
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the Austrian. "H-help... please, h-help..." So much for appropriate explanation.
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"I-I... I f-fucked up," he sobbed out, curling with his knees to his chest and back against the mailbox post. "…C-can you come get me?" The
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brunette knew he would; it was why he called. "Grampa c-can't know..." He was sure he'd be reamed out, and Lovino would never be allowed to
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move out. 'Too irresponsible.' Not that he didn't spend most of his weekends on Roderich's couch.
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"U-um..." It took him a minute to remember the address, but he stammered it out, shivering in the cold. "I'm s-sorry…" he sniffled, pressing
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the phone closer, hearing shouts and crashes intermixing with the loud music blaring from the house. The small male scrubbed at his eyes
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again, whimpering.
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"Y-yeah... t-thanks..." he murmured out, voice still quavering as he shivered in the chilly air. He didn't want to hang up, but he figured
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his churning stomach was a bad omen, so a good-bye stumbled from his lips before he dropped his phone, leaned forward, and not-so-elegantly
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emptied his stomach onto the lawn.
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The Italian's eyes flew open, face painted with a mix of shock and fear, until he registered who it was. He flung himself forward and buried
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his face into the older male's chest, sobbing into it, body trembling weakly. "R-Roddy..." was all he could manage, even though he could
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on his hands the number of times he'd called the other that since he was little.
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His hands curled in the fabric of Roderich's shirt, and he buried his face into his chest. "T-take me home..." he whimpered out, but Lovino
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definitely didn't want to go to his own house-- not only could he not get caught like this, but he didn't want to see Romulus in the first
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12 years ago
He stumbled a few times, but he finally managed to collapse into the passenger seat of Roderich's cozy car. He hardly had the motor skills
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to buckle himself in, but he gave a valiant effort befort cursing and giving up, letting the belt slide back into position.
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[[Sorry, guy friend called and decided he could talk for an hour -3-]]
12 years ago
Lovino snuggled into the coat gratefully, drinking in Roderich's scent. Who decided one human could smell so good? "A-are you mad at m-me,
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Roddy...?" he mumbled, sniffling softly and pink-tinted cheeks now visible in the car lights.
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He nodded softly, burying the lower half of his face in the jacket. "T-thanks..." Biting his lip in an attempt to fight back more tears, he
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shut his eyes, trying to push all memories of the party out of his mind.
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He hated when the other did that, especially when he got too close to his curl. But he allowed it, simply huffing and looking away. "Well,
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t-that too..."
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He stood, and cuddled into the Austrian, waiting to be led to the door. It was debatable whether he actually couldn't make it or if he was
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just using it as an excuse to get close to Roderich.
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He accepted the glass and sipped from it, though half of it drizzled down his chin and shirt-- probably succeeding in calling attention to
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his almost-too-tight clothing. Still, the water tasted good in his dry mouth, even if he'd have preferred wine.
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The Italian bit his lip, averting his gaze. "I-I..." It hurt to think about it, and yet he still second-guessed himself, wondering if he'd
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overreacted. "Feli... took me to a party with him..." he breathed out quietly.
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He lowered his head in shame, cheeks burning, starting to tremble slightly. "I didn't really know anyone… so I just drank, because I didn't
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want to l-leave Feli..."
12 years ago
He sniffled, burying his face in his hands to hide the tears rolling down his cheeks, but his posture showed the sobs easily. "I-I... it's
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12 years ago
His voice trembled along with his body as he spoke, looking anywhere but at the Austrian as tears rolled down his cheeks. "I-I just...
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I s-shouldn't have drank s-so much... and I-I didn't... b-but I said n-no..."
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His body went stiff even as he took a sip as told. He barely had the courage to say anything in the first place, nevermind repeat and add
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more. "I-it's okay. It doesn't matter." Lovino mustered up a small smile.
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The smile faltered, and he mumbled something, curling in on himself. "I... I feel dirty..." he whispered out, unable to stop himself from
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crying again. "I-I'm really sorry... I didn't mean t-to do this to y-you..."
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He nodded, even though all he wanted was to curl into Roderich and cry until he felt better. "I missed you," was all Lovino said, though,
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even though it'd probably been only a few weeks since they'd last seen each other.
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The brunette nodded and managed to stand, wiping his tears away with his forearm. "Couch?" he inquired.
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With his level of exhaustion, the couch was looking more tempting. "No, I'm already imposing too much..." He didn't remember the last time
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he'd been this polite to Roderich. He tried to be nice, but it always backfired.
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The brunette blushed at the fussing, curling up and snuggling the blankets. "Yeah, I'll be f-fine..." He averted his gaze before leaning up
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to wrap the other in a hug, cheeks going crimson.
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Lovino blushed and nodded, burying under the covers, and when he was sure the other wouldn't see him, he reached up to touch his fingers to
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his forehead. The memory made his stomach flutter even as he drifted asleep.
12 years ago
Smash! Lovino cursed and stared at the dropped bottle of wine before hiccuping and sliding to the floor, leaning against the cupboards. He
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had really wanted that one, too; the cloying smell from the tile was practically rubbing it in his face. Choosing another bottle was rather
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tempting, but he figured Roderich would notice a third bottle missing. After a few minutes of silence, though, he huffed and went for an
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already-open bottle, pulling the cork and taking a swig. He wouldn't drink the whole thing, just a couple more sips...
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The small brunette jumped at the voice, gaze flicking up to the Austrian. He took another sip of wine before bursting into giggles. "You
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scared my hiccups away!"
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He whined softly, tugging the bottle back towards his chest. "No, Roddy... mine... learn to share..." His eyes were half-lidded and cheeks
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flushed red, plump lips pouting when Roderich tried to take away the alcohol.
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Lovino pouted when the bottle was yanked from his hands, wrapping his arms around the Austrian's leg. "It's not fair… give it baaaack…" He
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buried his face in the leg, nuzzling.
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He whined at that, but was complacent for once and latched onto a cupboard to drag himself up from the tile. Stability didn't last for long,
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however; he wobbled on his feet and collapsed onto the older male, grabbing on for all hopes of staying upright.
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The Italian went quiet, staring at the floor, before tilting his head up and looking up at the Austrian through his long lashes. "Was... was
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that bad?" His lower lip wobbled slightly.
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He sniffled, burying his face in the other's chest and clinging to him. "D-don't be mad at me... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..." Roderich
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smelled really good, he decided.
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He chanced to look up at the other again, blinking blankly. "I dunno..." Lovino bit his lower lip, then attempted a maneuver to sneak into
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the Austrian's arms.
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"Your bed?" He looked hopefully at the Austrian, still snuggled closely as possible. He let out a soft hiccup, followed by a giggle.
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He made a pleased noise and pecked the other on the cheek before sliding to his hands and knees and crawling across the floor to the living
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room, then disappearing up the stairs. It was appropriate to say that he looked foolish the entire way.
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His head poked out of the blanket when he heard the other enter the room. "It's so warm~" he purred out, nuzzling a pillow. "Hurry up..."
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It didn't take long for Lovino to start encroaching on the Austrian's space, but he was now surprisingly quiet, as compared to the obnoxious
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loudness of a few moments ago.
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The male pouted at that, but smiled mischeviously and ducked under the covers, fingers sneaking along. They finally found their destination,
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prodding and wiggling in Roderich's side, doing their utmost to tickle furiously.
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[[..../Paw /Naggy bitch ;n;"]]
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A few moments later, a head popped out from over the edge of the bed, eyes blinking curiously. "Roddy… why are you down there? That's pretty
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He puffed his cheeks, but seemed thoroughly pleased with the other facing. He scooted closer, shutting his eyes and steadying his breathing.
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His eyes slowly slid open, and he scooted to flank fully against the other. "Roddy...?" he whispered out, looking at the other through his
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He shivered softly as the arm fell over his waist. Slowly, he leaned up, brushing his lips against Roderich's lightly, desire darkening his
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eyes to a chocolate brown.
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"W-what...?" Lovino whispered out, brows furrowing up. His body quivered weakly, breath slightly shallow, cheeks flushed. "A-aren't… aren't
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I attractive...?"
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"I've wanted this so long..." he breathed, biting his lip and flushing adorably. "I haven't thought r-right of you for a long t-time..." He
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tried his hardest to look as supple and desirable as possible, heart beating obnoxiously in his chest.
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"But you want to?" The Italian clung to the small thread of possibility, staring up at the other, trembling with eagerness.
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"I'm a virgin," he breathed out, a pleading tone in his voice. "I saved myself for you..." The Italian paused, hurt in his eyes. "O-or, I
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tried..." The ache for more alcohol rose up again.
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The stroking of his hair made him feel inferior, and he wanted to shrink inside his shell and not come out for seven years. "I'm not tired…
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don't do this to me, ignore me like some junk letter... t-there's nothing wrong with how I f-feel..."
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He resisted the urge welling up in him to burst into tears, eyes looking misty as he refused to back down from the Austrian's gaze. "I'm not
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a child anymore. I-I know... what I want. And I don't think you understand that..."
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He visibly flinched at that, eyes wide as he took in the words. "O-oh. Oh," he mumbled, averting his gaze and trying to pretend that they
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*his eyes weren't filling up with tears. "I-I... I get it. Sorry."
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He trembled softly, sniffling. "I j-just… I w-was really drunk…" His voice dropped to a whisper, quivering as it came out of his throat. "I
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r-realized what... I was doing, t-though... and stopped him f-from doing much... m-more than touching..." It hurt to say it, but the worst
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part was the feeling that he was foolish for this, and that he shouldn't even say anything.
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"I-I'm sorry..." he choked out, pointedly avoiding his gaze. He hadn't meant to lead the older male astray, but his vagueness was all he
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had been able to manage then.
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He blushed and averted his gaze, scrubbing away any last tears. "Well... t-thank you..."
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[[Fuck I messed up the drama-to-smut balance;;;]]
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He buried his head into the other's chest, exhaling deeply. "I'm really sorry... about all this. I won't hold any grudges if you just...
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forget about it all..." His cheeks burned red, embarrassment seeping in for his actions.
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He nodded, staying quiet for a few beats. "You act like a child anyways..." he teased. Roderich acted more like a fretting butler, but he
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wanted to get a rise out of the Austrian.
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He froze at the kiss, and was suddenly aware of every breath, every motion that Roderich made, slowly tilting his head up and sliding open
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his eyes. "I-I... Roddy...? Lovino's voice came out breathy and trembling, cheeks flushing bright red.
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The brunette bit his lower lip, and then leaned forward, scarcely breathing before he pressed his warm, soft lips against Roderich's, entire
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body quivering like plucked guitar strings.
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Almost reeling with shock that he hadn't been pushed away (because half of his fantasies ended with that), he tried to quell his anxiety
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enough to melt into the other's arms, brows knitted up. The Italian's heart was beating faster than ever, and his inexperience was evident
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in his slightly-sloppy kissing.
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[[/P-paw ;;;]]
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Lovino blushed bright red, trembling against the other with the sheer level of his embarrassment. His head was spinning (was this really
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happening?), and it was this distraction of sorts that let him lose his awareness in the kiss, automatically opening his mouth.
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"Roderich..." he moaned softly into the kiss, tongue drawing back when brushed against but venturing back. How he wanted that hand to travel
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all over his body, touching, squeezing... He flushed bright red as warmth pooled in his stomach, blood going south.
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The Italian pushed close to the Austrian, cheeks burning with shame, and buried his face in his chest as he started rubbing up against the
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other. A moan spilled from his lips, and he was sure that he could do this all the way to orgasm. Still, he wanted Roderich's attention, and
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to not be treated like a fragile piece of china. This would, hopefully, be a good enough cry for attention.
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He gasped brokenly, and one leg slid around the other's waist to tug him closer and grind harder, slowly. It was embarrassing, but it felt
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so good that he couldn't stop himself.
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