Francesca is
12 years ago
skipping down the street dressed as a bumblebee, bucket in hand. So what if she was too old to trick or treat? Free candy!
latest #208
Alfred is
12 years ago
totally psyched for this entire Halloween thing. What better way to get completely pumped (and high) on sugar than free candy? Whoever
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made this holiday should be god. Walking down the street in his awesome heroic Superman costume, he grins and waves to everyone he sees.
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looked kind of awkward among all the schoolchildren, but they didn't seem to mind too much, and the parents were grateful
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for the extra vigilant eye. She spotted someone else who was a big kid at heart and smiled, walking up to them. "Hey! Great costume!"
Alfred feels
12 years ago
so heroic in this... he's just bouncing up and down in pure giddiness. He doesn't really care (or see) the glances aimed his way, content to
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excite himself at the prospect of cand- He blinks at the unknown female, before bursting out into a smile. "Yeah, thanks! Don't I just look
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totally heroic in this?"
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nodded, pinching a little bit of his bicep experimentally. "Very macho! Did you make it yourself?"
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jumps a little at the pinch, not really used to having someone actually just... touch him. That was surprising. "Uh-huh! Worked on it for
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about a week or so, too! It's totally awesome now." He takes a look at hers. "Yours is pretty epic, too! Ya' made it?"
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beamed, nodding frantically. She actually had a few tiny cuts in her hands from not being the best at needlework, but after much struggle,
Francesca was
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proud with the outcome. "Yes, of course! I think a costume is much more special when you do it yourself." She blinked. "I'm not nearly as
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intimidating. Bumblebees don't even sting unless they feel threatened."
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"Oh yeah, totally!" He's not going to add in the fact that he had England do last minute work on it because the seams kept tearing
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themselves apart. He laughs at her, before patting her on the head once. "Not as heroic, you mean, but you look totally awesome! Uh..
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what's the word for it..." What... "Oh, yeah! Cute! You look totally cute and it fits ya'!"
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chuckled, smiling at the pat to her head. "Really? Thanks, Superman!" She paused. "Oh, what's your name? Unless your name really
Francesca is
12 years ago
Superman, which would be pretty cool!"
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perks up a little at that. "Superman, haha! I like it! You should totally call me that for the rest of the night, yo'!" At her question, he
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hums a little, pouting. "It's a secret!" He gives her a wink, placing a finger on his lips. "But if you agree to be my sidekick tonight, I
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can tell ya'!"
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's eyes widened, her smile widening. "A secret? Sounds exciting!" She put her hands on her hips and looked determined. "Alright, Mr.
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Mystery Man also known as Superman! Let's do this!" She didn't really know what being a sidekick entailed, nor did she notice that she
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hadn't given out her name either.
12 years ago
(( their energy is terrifying xD ))
12 years ago
((LOL yeah.. They can probably power a whole country urgh.))
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laughs at her enthusiasm; hey, he was liking this girl a lot! Holding his pumpkin bag in one hand, he points to a random direction with his
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other, proclaiming, "Then onward, Miss Bee! Onward to our quest for candy!" A sudden idea makes him smirk, and he wonders if she's up to it.
12 years ago
"Say, wanna make this a contest? Whoever gets the most candy... gets to ask the other person anything they want!"
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couldn't really think of anything else she wanted to ask the stranger, but why not? It sounded fun. "You got it!" She said, grinning. She
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started to walk in that direction before pausing to look at him. "But only if candy we've already eaten counts too." She may or may not have
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torn through quite a bit of bite-size candy bars already and would continue to do so.
Alfred thinks
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he's such a complete genius for coming up with the most awesome game for Halloween yet. And he's even happier that someone is up to take the
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challenge! "Nuh-uh! Because I don't know how many you've eaten... and besides, I haven't eaten any and you'd get an unfair advantage!"
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pouted pathetically, showing him the inside of her bucket, which was about 1/3 wrappers. "I kept all the wrappers! It's not fair if
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you don't count them! I thought Superman stood for fairness and justice!"
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"Well..." He just didn't want to lose this game, especially when he'd just started! Okay, what was that word England always said...
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compromise, right! "Okay... well... how about if I eat the same number of candies you've eaten, and then that way, it's fair to both of
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us, and it counts!"
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((... stupidest... solution... ever.))
12 years ago
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put her finger to her chin thoughtfully. It sounded fair enough. "Well, okay! I'll start counting them and you start eating, yes?"
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grins, mood restored. "Alright, cool! I had some leftover candy from last week..." He starts patting his pockets before coming up with a
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bag. "Okay, go count! I'm set to go!"
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started to dig out the small wrappers, putting them in her pocket as she counted. "Uno.. due... tre... quattro..."
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blinks at the language, but shrugs. Definitely one of the languages he's learned then, especially from Italy!~ Nodding, he begins stuffing
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the candy into his mouth as fast as she's counting.
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kept counting for quite a while. Her stomach had a pretty big capacity, and people were rather generous this year. "... ventuno...
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ventidue... ventitre..." she looked up. "Okay! I think that's all."
Alfred is
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having absolutely no trouble keeping up with the eating and counting, and is just about to stuff another candy bar into his bottomless pit
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of a stomach when she stops. Giving her a thumbs-up, he grins. "Alright, all good then? Now we're starting fair!"
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looked pleased. She was also, admittedly, impressed at how he was able to keep up count for count. He'd even stuffed down some
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of the bigger candies. "Aye, aye, Captain Superman!" She said, standing at attention. "And it looks like a goldmine up ahead!" She pointed
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to the house at their left, which was ornately decorated and very much in the spirit.
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looks toward where she's pointing, eyes widening in excitement. "Oh, hell yes!" He gives her another pat on the head. "Very good, Miss Bee!
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You have a keen eye for these things!" With that, he sets off on a small trot towards the house, ringing on the doorbell and admiring the
12 years ago
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beamed proudly, setting off right after him. Contest or no contest, she was a sidekick after all, and sidekicks didn't burst in to the
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action first, right? "Trick or treat!" She yelled enthusiastically once she stood at the porch next to him, shifting her weight from foot to
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foot excitedly.
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waits a little impatiently for the person or owner of the house to answer... and when the old lady does come out, he gives her the biggest
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grin he can muster, holding out his candy bag. "Candy, please, ma'am!"
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giggled as she repeated herself. "Trick or treat, please! Preferably a treat because tricks are kind of scary!" She smiled her best
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smile, holding out her bucket hopefully. (( xD the lady's reaction is all yours. i'll take the next one. ))
12 years ago
just about hugs the lady when she smiles at them both and pours an armload - he shits you not, an armload - of candy into his bag, and
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into his sidekick's bag... it's like a shower of candy. "Thank you so much, ma'am! You are officially heroic today! Happy Halloween!"
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practically cried out of happiness at the shower of candy. "Grazie! This is really great!" She said, smiling brightly at the kind old lady
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and skipping off the porch, almost losing her balance. "Have a good night!"
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watches her stumble and catches her just on time by her elbow. "Be careful, now! Don't get too excited.~" He pauses to admire the already
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small mountain in his bag, before starting to walk over to the next house. "So, like, do ya' do this every year?"
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wondered if her bag would be a chore to carry around later, if they kept having such good luck! She nodded, mumbling a 'grazie' when
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he catched her elbow. "Every year! I try to get my sister to come with me, but somehow she doesn't seem to like that idea very much," she
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said sheepishly.
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looks around the next house... there's an ample amount of decorations, but he's not exactly sure if the person is into the holiday... but he
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might as well try! "Oh, really? I always try to bring my bro with me, but everyone just always seems to... forget about him." Including him,
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but he won't mention that. "She has something against Halloween then, or what?"
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didn't really know how to reply. "Ah, well... I guess you can say that she doesn't get very much into holiday spirits." Or spirits of any
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kind, really. "I'm sure if your brother made a really really ridiculous costume, no one would forget about him!" She knocked on the door,
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ringing the doorbell once. "Trick or treat!"
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shrugs. "Ah, that's too bad! That's her loss, right?" As if to emphasize, he points to his bag of candy, before laughing at the image of
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Matt in something completely ridiculous. "Yeah, something totally flashy... like.. a traffic cone!" Snorting, he trails behind her and holds
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out his bag.
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returned the shrug. "I guess so. But I always share my candy with her. And yes! Maybe a working traffic light or an ambulance with
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working sirens and lights!" She giggled, looking up at the couple who answered the door, who seemed pretty taken aback by the sight of two
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full-grown adults at their door. "Happy Halloween!" She said, and though the wife hesitated, she poured in a couple of candies. "Are you
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two collecting candies for your little brothers or sisters?" The lady asked, trying to keep a poker face.
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would so totally take a picture of Matt as a traffic light... oh lord, maybe he should get Matt to dress up like that one day. Or maybe
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later tonight when he visits. Snicker. He turns his attention to the couple, offering the standard greeting with a smile, before said smile
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fades a little at their question. "Um, no! It's for us, of course lady! You're never too old to celebrate the spirit of Halloween, after
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all!" He pauses. "And get candy, of course!"
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nodded in agreement. "What he said!" The woman offered them a small smile. "I see. Well... alright." Francesca flashed her a
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peace sign. "Have a good night, ma'am!" Unfazed, she headed back towards the driveway, ready for the next one.
12 years ago
totally doesn't get why some people have to be so picky about age when it comes to Halloween... why would one be, when it means free
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candy, really? "Alright, this is going pretty sweet! I wonder if we'll need a second bag after this..."
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looked down at her own bag. Even after eating a good bit of candy, it was getting full pretty quick. "I don't know, but I bet I'm winning!"
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"No, you're not!" He counters, looking at his own bag. He wonders about the outcome of this; it looks like they'll have their hands
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literally full in a few more houses. "As the hero, I'm totally going to win! and then I get to ask a question, haha!"
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laughed. "What could you possibly want to ask me, anyways?!" She had forgotten that this was the "prize" for winning. Off she
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skipped to the next house, whose door was already open and had a few trick or treaters still there.
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"It's a secret, of course!" When in reality, he really hadn't thought of a question just yet... but he was definitely working on that! He
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just didn't like being rushed, is all. Following along behind her, he sneaks up behind the rest of the trick-or-treaters and holds
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his bag out, flashing his usual grin. He didn't even have to open his mouth before a torrent of candies come flowing into his hands.
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"Awesome, dude!"
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might've gotten there before Alfred, but she wasn't as assertive with her bucket, and so she actually stepped up after him.
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This had its consequences, and the lady gave her an apologetic look as she gave her the last handful of candy. "No problem, thank you very
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much!" Francesca said cheerfully. "Now I've fallen behind by a lot!" She said, determined to make up the lost candy.
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looks a little sadly at her... because he always does feel bad when there's an unfair advantage... Idea! Reaching into his bag, he pulls out
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a handful of candy and pushes it into her bag. "There ya' go! Now the gap's not too big, yeah? Everyone should have lots and lots of candy
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for Halloween, after all!"
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's eyes widened. This guy sure was nice. "That gives me an unfair advantage!" She protested, but wouldn't protest too hard because
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well, it was free candy after all...
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"C'mon, no worries about it! There's a lot more candy where that came from, after all!" To make her feel a little better, he pats her gently
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on the head again, before whistling and leading them to the next house. "Ugh, is it me, or is it getting a little chilly?"
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shivered as a draft passed through. If Alfred felt cold in a Superman costume, you could be assured that Francesca was freezing in
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her little Bumblebee dress. "Si... maybe we should call it a night soon, huh? My bag is almost full, too!" She followed behind him. "Plus,
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don't forget that all the stores practically give it away tomorrow!"
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now feels a little bad for dragging her all over the place... "Okay! How about we go for one last house? Then we can come over to my place
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since it's pretty close, and we can do the candy count, yeah?" He grins at her, before frowning a little at the shivering. "Uh..." Reaching
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into his bag, he pulls out his hoodie of sorts, which he'd tossed in there because it didn't look heroic enough. "Wanna use mine?"
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didn't mind! She would have been wandering around this late anyways, and then called and begged her sister to pick her up because
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she was too lazy and cold to walk back home. It was a good system. She nodded firmly. "That sounds good!" She looked at the hoodie and
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smiled widely. "Oh, thanks, Mr. Superman!" She paused for a moment to take off her wings and pull it on. It was comically big on her, but
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she was warm!
Alfred feels
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a lot better now, then! Though he's not sure if a pretty lady like her should even be wandering alone, ya' know? "No problem!" He smiles at
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her, happy that he had done his "heroic" deed for the day, before approaching a house that looked relatively... "simple", with just a few
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decorations here and there. Ringing the door bell, he holds out his bag, yelling, "Trick or Treat!"
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wandered alone all the time! Admittedly, she didn't have the best judgment. She ran after him, holding out her bucket just as excitedly
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as before. "Trick or treat! I swear I'm wearing a costume underneath!" She waited, and a young man answered the door. He grinned at them.
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"Oh awesome!" He said, shoveling some candy into their containers. "Right on, dudes!" Francesca giggled, finding that this
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man reminded her a lot of her companion.
Alfred gives
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the man two thumbs-up before checking in his bag and waving him goodbye just as he closes the door. "Oh, sweet! Look, we got just enough!"
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His bag was just about to overflow, too. "Alright, now, on to my awesome heroic house!" Hugging himself a little, he half-ran, half-walked
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to his house, before he remembers something. "Oh yeah!~ Since you were a good sidekick today, I'll tell ya' my name. I'm Alfred! Alfred F.
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Jones, aka Superman! What's your name?"
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looked down at her candy, marveling at how it was almost overflowing. "This is going to last us a long time!" Translation: Like a week,
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given her sweet tooth. She followed after him, and what started as a powerwalk turned into a jog. She smiled, not breaking a step. "I'm
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Francesca! Francesca Vargas!" Jones? This guy had the same last name as America! She figured it must be a pretty common name in the states.
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finally arrives at his porch without really breaking a sweat, though his hands shake a little from the cold. "Oh yeah, totally! Or, ya'
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know, like two days." Giving her a knowing smirk, he pushes inside and tosses his bag by the couch. "Vargas?" Familiar... Wait, wasn't that-
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"Hey! You don't happen to have a brother name Lovino Vargas, do ya'?"
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followed him inside, slipping off her shoes before she entered. It was warm enough inside. She sighed happily, plopping down
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on the couch and cradling her candy. She looked up at him, her head tilted. She hadn't yet learned about the existence of their counterparts
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, so the question seemed to come out of the blue. "No, not as far as I know. I only have a sister."
Alfred is
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now sort of confused... unless "Vargas" was a common Italian name... "Oh, okay... Um..." Wait, what if this was like the weird thing with
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female Germany?! Trying to approach this as casually as possible, he starts boiling water in a kettle in the kitchen and
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shouts at her. "I know this is a weird question yo', but do ya' happen to be nation or somethin'?"
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practically choked on the candy bar she had started to chomp down on. Coughing a little, she felt her face turning bright red. "How
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do you know about nations?!"
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should totally get a reward for his awesome deductive skills! With the kettle whistling, he takes it off the stove and pours it into two
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mugs. "Um... I dunno!" He pretends to ask, because stupid is his forte! (not) "Ya' never answered my question, ya' know! I'll answer yours
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if ya' answer mine!"
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hesitated. She was usually pretty good about keeping her identity a secret, since it was difficult for others to understand. "Yes,"
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she said finally, scratching her head a bit nervously. "I represent Northern Italy."
Alfred is
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somehow finding this whole thing to be kind of funny... since he'd basically completely freaked out already upon meeting the female
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Germany. Pouring the chocolate into the cups, he walks back into the kitchen and holds one out to her, grinning. "I knew it!" Okay, maybe
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not specifically, but he had an inkling. "And I represent the United States of America. Ya' know, land of the free and awesome.~"
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stared at him, and she briefly wondered if she was really going crazy this time. She took the hot chocolate, cradling it in her hands
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while she just... kept staring. She set it down on the coffee table, looking really concentrated. "No," she said, still not getting it.
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"America..." she positioned her hands so that they hovered over her chest, making the motion of really big breasts.
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"You don't have those."
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sort of waits for her to start yelling and freaking out or something... just.. anything close to the reaction he'd shown. Of course, his
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mind wasn't able to really grasp it, so instead of blowing it up, he just... accepted it and totally thought it was cool. But this
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reaction... Snorting at her action, he rolled his eyes. "Uh, yeah, duh, of course I don't have... er... boobs. I'm a dude... obviously."
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nodded, keeping her hands there mostly out of forgetting to put them back down. "Exactly! I could have sworn America is a girl,
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mister! Although you do act a lot like her. Quite a bit, actually!"
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"And you act like the guy North Italy!" Well, sort of... Okay, maybe there were some differences, but overall...? Alright, he was losing
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his point here. Shaking his head, he takes a quick sip of his chocolate. "Yeah see! I met the female Germany the other day, and I even told
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her that the Germany I know is a male! So like.. I dunno." He shrugs. "And then she told me there was a girl me! Sorta confused about
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that, but I think it's kinda cool!"
12 years ago
thought about that for a moment. If this guy wasn't yanking her chain, it was actually a pretty cool concept! Her eyes lit up at the
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realization, and she finally started gulping some of her drink down. "There is a male me?! I've always wondered what I would be like as a
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guy!" Well, not always. But she had wondered before.
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finally relaxes a little when she finally starts to believe him (or he thinks), and nods excitedly. "Yeah, there is! His name's Feliciano,
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but everyone just calls him Feli!" He chuckles at the image of the North Italian representative. "Well, I guess he's sorta like you... he's
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a funny little guy, always flirting, and he's always around Germany." Pause. "But like, he's always running away and stuff, and he has a
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whole storehouse of white flags or something."
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pouted a little. "I always imagined myself as more macho as a guy. But at least he sounds cute! And if he hangs around Germany, that must
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mean that your Germany is super cool too!" She had never considered a male Germany before. Her eyes widened. "A male Germany! He
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must be made of muscles, like Arnold Schwarzenegger!"
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((Lolwat. XD))
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just snickers at her, taking another sip of his hot chocolate and feeling himself warm up a lot. "Oh yeah, definitely! You really remind me
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of him like that, except, ya' know, female!" How about Germany...? He has to grudgingly admit that the dude is... "Yeah, buff. That dude, is
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totally and completely buff, it's actually kinda creepy. And he's so serious all the time! He's always yelling at world meetings trying to
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get everyone to shut up!" He pouts. "As if the hero would need to shut up! Everyone should just listen to me!"
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probably didn't need to share that Aloisia did the same thing, and that Francesca was pretty intimidated of her in those moments.
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"I don't think it sounds creepy! I wonder if he would let me squeeze his muscles if I asked nicely!" She looked wistful. She smiled at him
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as he spoke, definitely seeing America now. "Do you want to know about the America I know?"
Alfred is
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now very glad that she believes him because otherwise, well that'd be just a little problematic. "Pft, well, you'll see!" She wasn't the
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one on the other end of his gun, urgh. ;-; "Er... I'm not sure why you'd want to do that... but probably! Since you're an Italy, and he's
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always so much nicer to them!" At her question, he pauses, eyes lighting up a little. "Oh yeah, yeah, sure! Is she really heroic like me,t
12 years ago
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smiled brightly. She really liked America, so she didn't mind raving about her. "Yes, of course! She always has a solution to any problem,
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which I think is really great!" She paused to think. "And I already said this but she has big breasts, and they feel nice, which is pretty
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great too!" Another pause. "She's very kind. i think you will like her very much."
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totally thinks that everything she just said could apply to him, and is both excited and freaked out by the fact that indeed, these other
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versions of them seem to be almost exactly mirrors of them. He can't help but snort a little at the comment about the brests
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breasts*... "Er.. wait, you touched them?" ... That was inappropriate. "And yeah, I totally will! Since we're both like, completely heroic
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and all!~ Oh yeah, Aloisia said that she wears.. weird... clothes. Like, skimpy. That true?"
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didn't seem to mind too much. "Well when I hug her they make great pillows!" She giggled, downing more of her hot chocolate. "Yes,
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but I think she looks great! It's cute."
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really has no comment to that... and besides, he's inexperienced with that kind of stuff so maybe... that was normal? "So, she doesn't mind
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you touching them...?" Still really weird to him. He sits down on the couch and sips the drink. "Oh, yeah?~ Well, if she's cute, then I
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must be awesome! ~ "
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looked confused. "Well, I guess not. I didn't touch them with my hands, just rested my head on them!" She smiled, nodding firmly.
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"Very cute. And you are pretty cool! So I wonder... are the male nations I know female for you?"
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"Oh, okay! That sounds totally more normal!" Nodding enthusiastically, he goes over to his bag of candy and starts lurking around, seeing
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if any particular candy catches his eye. "Um.... well, depends! I have a male England, France, China and Russia..., if that's what you're
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talking about!"
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