Iris Seale says
12 years ago
Secrets are up! And are rated M for language.
latest #17
12 years ago
WOW! A couple of POBs have been busy writing secrets! (POB = Pack of bitches)
Iris Seale says
12 years ago
I know! I think we should start a new post for secrets written by a collective.
12 years ago
hrrrrm what would they do if they couldn't complain about something? (unsure)
12 years ago
They might have to shower, leave the basement, go outdoors, talk to real people, etc. Soooo much easier to complain on the internet.
Iris Seale says
12 years ago
There's one about Barb? Can you let me know which so I can take it down?
Iris Seale says
12 years ago
that happened? jesus.
12 years ago
I saw one with a mole... I missed a rat, but the mole one could mean the same thing?
12 years ago
12 years ago
Iris, there is ALWAYS one about barb. lol.
12 years ago
for some reason SL Secret-types find me to be very relevant, when i am anything but.
Iris Seale says
12 years ago
It's cuz you're so damn awesome. (K)
12 years ago
hah! ty <3
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