12 years ago
decides to go exploring, beginning with a small wood. So far, it's silent, but he's positive there must be something here.
latest #69
Alfred loves
12 years ago
the outdoors, and has decided to go out hiking while the weather still allows it. It's too bad no one wanted to go with him... but as long
12 years ago
as he gets to go outside, he's fine with that!~ He still wonders vaguely though, if anyone else is out here...
Lukas wonders
12 years ago
how he couldn't have heard the nation stumbling through the woods before. Okay, so maybe it wasn't really stumbling, but it certainly
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sounded like it. With a small sigh, Lukas turned on his heel, trying to get away before Alfred could notice him. Dealing with others wasn't
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high on his list of things to do.
Alfred has
12 years ago
just totally found a rock shaped like a snail, and has now been officially wooed by it! He's definitely going to keep this! Tucking it into
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his pocket, he continues to advance, wondering if he just imagined that small rustling of the leaves... Oooh, what if it was the Loch Ness
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monster or something? That would have been awesome!
Lukas hates
12 years ago
it when his body decides gravity is a force that it's all too willing too meet. Of course, he usually only thinks so when he already flat on
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his face in the mud, but when a large branch cracks loudly from the impact of his weight, that usually makes things that much worse. It
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didn't help that he could swear he heard the tree elves laughing at him.
12 years ago
visibly pauses upon hearing that crack; he might not be the sharpest tool in the box, but when it comes to hearing and seeing, war has, of
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course, made those senses impeccably keen. Blinking up at the noise, he approaches wherever the sound came from, looking up at it and
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seeing just a bunch of leaves. "Yo', someone up there?"
12 years ago
winced slightly, aware that he most certainly could not get away unnoticed now. Instead, he picked himself up of the ground, brushing off
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some dirt on his clothes, before glancing at Alfred. "I don't believe anyone is up in the tree, but on the ground there certainly is."
12 years ago
blinks as the other figure makes itself known, and a grin bursts on his face when he realizes that no, it's not some sort of bear (though
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the Loch Ness part would have been really cool). Though for some reason, he couldn't quite place a name... "Yeah, you're right!" He
12 years ago
chuckles. "You're a nation, right?"
12 years ago
raises an eyebrow, slightly befuddled as to why the other nation was grinning. He frowned at the question. "Isn't it obvious?" He avoided
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directly answering the question, though, instead humming lightly in though. "US of A, right?"
Alfred is
12 years ago
now definitely more than proud that he has been recognized... but then again, who wouldn't have recognized him... unless a person was living
12 years ago
under a rock, or something of the sort? "Yup, totally, dude! You are now basking in the presence of awesome!" He leans forward to take
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a closer look, head tilting to try to fit a name to the face. "Mm.. you're one of those guys up north in Europe, right...? One of 'em...
12 years ago
what're you called, Nordics?"
12 years ago
frowned slightly, running the sentence over in his head. "Right, if something awesome were to be the type to use an adjective as a noun."
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also stepped back, creating more space between them as Alfred leaned forward. "Yes, I'm a Nordic." He didn't elaborate, leaving it to the
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other nation to try and figure out which one, although he was pretty sure if Alfred said Sweden or, god forbid, Denmark, he'd sic the forest
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trolls on him.
12 years ago
just sort of blinks at him, his words flying over his head in his failed attempt to try and make sense of them... ah, well, that much p
12 years ago
probably* didn't matter, right?~ What's more important is the guessing game they're playing! "Okay... so..." He goes through a mental map in
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lieu of the situation, and can't seem to locate any "Nordics" on the US map, so... he'll go for memory. "You're shorter than the rest... so
12 years ago
I'll take it you're either that Iceland or Norway kid, yeah?~"
12 years ago
blanched at the man's reasoning before bristling ever-so-slightly as the words settled in. "Excuse me, but I am not that short. Besides,
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Finland is shorter than either of us."
12 years ago
just blatantly ignores that comment, trying to decide which of the two names he'd mentioned was the right one. It was fifty-fifty chance
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after all... "Uh... Okay, you're... Norway! Final answer!" Oh yes, he'd definitely watched Who Wants To Be A Millionaire more than a few
12 years ago
12 years ago
rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. "Are you sure you wouldn't like to make a phone call, or even ask for a hint?" Yes, even
12 years ago
Lukas knew about game shows. Plus, it would be intriguing to see whether or not the American would change his mind after the seed of doubt
Lukas was
12 years ago
12 years ago
blanches a little at that; so he knew how to play the game! He pouts, trying to rethink his decision, but then again, he's already said
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"final" answer so... "Yeah, I'm sure! I can't back out now!" He jumps up and down a little excitedly. "So, so? Do I get a prize? Did I
12 years ago
12 years ago
snorted, shaking his head. "And why should I tell you if you're right or not?" He kept his blank eyes on the American, raising an eyebrow.
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"There's not exactly any benefits in having you know. In fact, it's probably easier not to."
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shrugs. He did make a good point... "Well... 'coz it'd just make it easier for both of us, yeah?~ Ya' don't have ta' tell me though!" He
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nods enthusiastically. "If ya' want, I'll just call you Shortie and we can live with that! It's no loss to me either way!~"
12 years ago
couldn't help the scowl that flitted over his expression. "Shortie? That's completely original. Aren't American's supposed to be creative?"
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With a small huff, he directed his dull eyes away from Alfred, his tone becoming bored. "Fine. I admit that you're right."
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"I thought that was creative!" Alright, maybe not so much, but he could have really come up with much, much worse. But at the
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confirmation, he grins. "Awesome!~ So you're Norway..." He pauses. "'Kay, I'll call ya' Nor!" Slapping him on the back roughly as a friendly
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gesture, he questions, "So what'cha doing out here by yourself? Ya' into hiking and stuff?"
12 years ago
rolls his eyes again. "That was the furthest thing from creative you could possibly get." With a wince, he
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blinked slowly at the other nation. "You will either call me Norway or Lukas. Not some ridiculous nickname." He paused for a moment,
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considering the question, the shrugged. "Hiking is good to do from time to time. Keeps your brain from combusting."
12 years ago
"It totally is creative! Coming from me, you should be totally glad I even came up with something remotely cool!" He pouts a little,
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before laughing and patting the other on the head. "Nah, Nor is fine! Besides, it's shorter and more awesome! .... Eh?" He stares at the
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other, blinking uncomprehendingly, before both hands shoot up to protect his head. "Really?! Wow, I didn't know that! I should get some of
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my peeps to hike more, then! Good thing I'm safe, huh?"
12 years ago
considers pointing out that it isn't remotely cool, but decides it isn't worth the trouble. He scowled slightly at the patting, smacking the
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other nation's hand away. "Nor is not fine." He snorted at the man's comment, though. "I don't think anything can save you from a fate that
Lukas has
12 years ago
already happened."
Alfred is
12 years ago
beginning to like this... person-nation! He was fun, and definitely reminded him of Artie... what was it... Right, he acted like he had a
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stick up his butt! "Nah, Nor's good! Anyway, Nor," he continues, ignoring the mosquito-bite slap and the supposed insult, "What'cha
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doing out her? Ya' been out here long?"
12 years ago
scowled, placing his hands on his hips. By this point, he was realizing it was pretty much useless to argue with the American. What he
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lacked in brain cells, he made up for in stubbornness. "I was out here trying to enjoy the silence of nature. Which someone is currently
12 years ago
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