I would~ since I'm not doing anything particularly productive. Though I'm not creative with ideas.. ^^; do you have something in mind? ^w^
ah, many thingssss, but i'm in the twilight now so is it okay if we have fun tomorrow? or you could just decide and i'll play along xD
it's coming to 1am here as well. XD alright we can play tomorrow.

im up for anything!
sweeeet! i'm looking forward to it!
/Would but doesn't know if she's allowed to use Ice account
but what would i rp with you? besides, you're already the denmark to my sweden <3
YEEEEES, CAPTAIN. <3 and ah.. nh, made me smile to see replies here.
If I'm your captain, what are you to me then? Or, on other note: What to rp?
what to rp, what to rp. -ponders-
I wanna rp with you, but I haven't rped with a Norway yet because there's even less I can find with norway and Germany than I can with
Germany and Sweden... ;w; And I know that Norwegians are still holding a deep grudge because of WW2
You could be ~edgy~ and do something WWII -w-
dude, germany and sweden is awkward and adorable.
you went after our precious fjords, of course ;_;
i kid. well, if anything we could... yeah, i see what you mean though. hmmm this was difficult xD
I've been holding back on some comments concerning that, but no, not now. ;w;
denmark + sweden = biggest Ikea love ever
no no, please don't hold back
the only other time I had the chance to get close to something akin to rp-ing with norway was within another rpg and they were basically
of course, i'm always joking, we love germans here. hahahha
bitch-fighting. (On that note, it was Girlmany.)
burusuto: What are you talking about? B'| IKEA?
ohhhhh dear. poor tyskland. xD
bitch-fighting over Lucas? and... thick-headed norwegians?
okay, I won't hold back the next time
snickers Why'd they be bitch fighting over him? XD
And what're you holding back on? You know you don't need to.
-nods- it's true, captain. if anything, i really appreciate honesty and holding back is a hassle if you really have something to say.
nah, it's usually just stupid ass jokes. and
Erik I know your memory is bad, but don't tell me you don't remember THAT.
OTL our rp? that scene where Luise tried to get Leif's consent on that one conference? I think a few slaps to Lucas' cheek happened, tool.
Jens wanna do porn? cuz that seemed to have peaked your interest.
Ooooh yes yes, I remember now. Sorry xD;
had not picked up on that subtlety
how did you know, captain? xD and i'm going out in a bit, so i'm getting ready
/thinks she's a great smut roleplayer
ah, I think it was you enthusiasm about boobs. XD
also, i'm on my way to a family dinner myself, so.
Erik: I am not really surprised, XD but I wasn't really THAT subtle, was i ?
burusuto: Ffft don't go around mocking my inability to pick up on stuff like that xD;; You were!
hahahha! my enthusiasm about boobs, you say. quite a leap, but i guess you have a point there xD i enjoy writing erotica haha
also, your interest. being peaked at porn-theme. xD
erotica... does that mean you don't use words like penis?
i wrote cock, pussy, cum and whatever. xD
hahahah, don't worry about being too descriptive.
I think most people here do 83 It's kind of a normal word, isn't it?
and i hope so. it's kind of sad when i rp with someone and they squeal and tell me to tone it down. ;_;
pets consolingly ;;"
Ah, and I meant the word "penis". it's a pretty normal word to use, I think
Pfff Ger would tell you to tone it up.
i like this rp more and more
;uuuuuuu; That makes us really happy because it's been a while since we've had a new member stick around 8'D
salutes I dislike flowery discriptions
stick around? xD i've only been a member for a couple of days, but
hahah this makes me very happy
well. Our previous Norways all lasted at most a month and they were quite... well, not as talkative XD
can you start one? i'm horrible at starting.