w3n♥w3n says
12 years ago
Whole body ache, felt like gona get fever soon!!! Wana report labour board dy la! More than 15hrs of work per day! nei yu! (angry)
latest #7
12 years ago
wendy.. hi.. do u have whatsapp in ur mobile?
w3n♥w3n says
12 years ago
nope =(
12 years ago
what about yhoo msngger? I'd like to ask u some more info hehe
w3n♥w3n says
12 years ago
hmmm... email me la =) i seldom got time to log on messengers... How r u? havent heard from u for some time :-))
12 years ago
ok.. gimme ur email :-))
12 years ago
Okey.. :-)
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