argh, is it leather or something?
soft cloth. so it got soaked pretty easily. currently cringing through lecture with damp tights.
Awe... Sorry to hear that

They're not ruined or anything, are they?
had a pair of nice suede flats ruined by the water in summer
i hope they're not.

im quite fond of them because they're cute and a year old.
eriku paws for replies..? ;x;
oWo ..... goes to check ooooold posts God... Haven't I been notified again? ;;
;x; I found it and replied now hopes to be forgiven for the unwilling tardiness
uerfjedeyd ugggh pet peeve ;x; /Raining and has that fear today
baaawr ;A; It's not raining here, but I can't even see over to the hospital on the other side of the small road here. It's THAT foggy xD;;
/just got out of class and dropped by the post room. my costume has arrived! :3 <3
osterreich has dropped that cold already? ;O its only around 9 degrees
pip_kin it's shorter than i had hoped for but it's looking good
ume_onigiri: Not too short, I hope xD But I guess stockings are always an option~
pretty much what it looks like
Looks cute! When's your Halloween btw? x3; keeps forgetting
Okay, so Halloween's the 29th?
for uni, yes XD but its supposed to be 31st
i shall be blonde for the night though with dramatic makeup so i hope it turns out well ^^;
Pictuuuuuures, Kiki ;o; Remember them <3 *wants to see.* Sounds really fun actually. I'm kind of envious of those costume parties xD
i will remember to! a better quality one! ^//^ hopefully with the whole getup in order.
I hope so :3 Do you guys usually take pictures of everyone at the party and stuff like that?
;3; /Shoes have a small sole surface area so sides of shoes get wet easily if foot placement isn't correct
erik if we went in a large group then there would be a couple of photographers. but since its just my friend and i prob not >_<;
lovi that is very true and hence what i am experiencing right now. /cry
;;n;; -Cuddles, removes shoes and rubs feet to warmth-
/turna docile and allows feet rub
>//< Immensely pleased with foot rub /pets head
That happens to me so much ;A; like, none of my shoes are rain resistand Dx
;//u//; /Purrs more, nuzzling into hand
kolkolkolkol ;A; saame none of my shoes can last more than a year. they all die off.
ume_onigiri: I got scold b/c I am still wearing shoes from 5 years before....
XD; i get scold for buying pretty shoes by my mum whenever i come back during summer XD /just got back from hallloween shopping
XDDDD, share some of the shopping passion with me....I just can't seem to shop at all...
Get scold b/c wearing cloths that is out dated for 6 years
Yeah, my prolbem is that I only buy one or two pairs of shoes at a time and then they wear out fast ;w;
/Never wears out shoes ;u; /Shopping fiend
I need to buy more shoes, I just buy clothes ;w;
feli ahh~ you shouldn't shop with me! I would probably dress you up and make you shop more than you need to! XD;
kolkolkolkol i only buy when i need shoes ^^;; so that's why they die off too often
ume_onigiri: it's really really hard to convince me to buy something. =w=
Kiks: Same ;w; I only buy shoes when they wear out =w=