12 years ago
dials Sadiq's number while cursing to himself.
latest #100
12 years ago
answered the phone while he was doing some work. "Hello?"
12 years ago
relaxed when he heard his voice. He hesitated before replying, not sure how to best go about it. "Can I visit?" he asked, hoping
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he sounded more confident than he felt.
12 years ago
frowned a bit, "you're asking if you can visit?" He moved the receiver to his shoulder. "You can visit anytime you want."
12 years ago
nodded, and it took him a second to realize that Sadiq couldn't see him nod over the phone. "Okay." He was already putting on
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his jacket, and set the phone back down, heading out the door.
12 years ago
hung up the phone, completely confused as to why he had bothered to call. He brushed his fingers through his hair before he went back to his
12 years ago
12 years ago
knocked on the other's door, a small backpack on his shoulders. His cheeks were flushed, as he'd rushed over.
12 years ago
looked up from the documents and frowned a bit before he got up and went to answer the door. He looked him over for a moment, "you didn't
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have to call."
12 years ago
blinked, head tilted slightly. "Do you mind that I called?" He slipped off his shoes.
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shook his head. "No, I just think it's weird."
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smiled a little. "Can I come in?"
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nodded stepping aside. He stepped aside to let him in. "So what's the visit for?"
12 years ago
rather than answering right away, he stepped forward once the door had been closed, wrapped his arms around Sadiq's waist and
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kissed him softly.
12 years ago
blinked a bit caught off guard by the sudden embrace and kiss. He slowly moved to kiss him back. "I think you owe me an explanation."
12 years ago
had missed being this close to him, and rested his head on Sadiq's shoulder. "Hm?"
12 years ago
gently wrapped his arms around his waist and kissed him on the cheek lightly. "What's with the bag?"
12 years ago
looked up at him. "I was hoping you wouldn't notice." He pulled away from him briefly and took off the backpack, presenting the
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other man with two ornate looking books. "Happy Birthday. This is part of your present," he said, smiling. He was a little nervous, and
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hoped he'd gotten the other's favorite author right.
12 years ago
stared for a long moment as he accepted the books. He looked the over and paused. "Ah... Heracles you didn't have to get my anything."
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set the bag down and hugged him again, craving the contact. "It isn't much," he said lowly, still very much embarrassed at his economy.
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"But I hope you like them."
12 years ago
moved a bit and set the books aside. he pulled him close and kissed him again lightly. "I do like them Heracles."
12 years ago
relaxed a little. He'd never been very good at holidays and birthdays, and for some reason pleasing Sadiq had a different kind of
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importance. He trailed his hand idly along his shoulders. "Are you working?"
12 years ago
shook his head lightly. "No... I can finish it later." He kissed him on the lips lightly as he smiled. "Let's go to the living room."
12 years ago
smiled, wondering how he'd managed to be away from the other man for the past few days. He picked up his bag and followed him. He was
12 years ago
He was feeling a little bolder, so he reached out to take his hand.
12 years ago
glanced over at him as he took his hand lightly. He smirked a bit before he pulled him over to the couch, pulling him down with him. "Thank
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you... for coming for my birthday."
12 years ago
ran his hand through Sadiq's hair, pensive. "There is a second part to your present, if you agree to it." He kissed his forehead.
12 years ago
raised his brow at that curious for a moment. "What is it?" he wasn't sure he should be encouraging this.
12 years ago
reached behind his back, into his bag, pulling out a bottle of scented oil. "I've been told I give good back massages."
12 years ago
blinked a few times as he stared at him. "Ah... Heracles you really don't have to."
12 years ago
smiled faintly, having anticipated the response. "I want to. Let me."
12 years ago
sighed a bit as he watched him closely. "Mmm... Fine."
12 years ago
leaned forward to kiss him gently. "Where is the best spot? I will try my best not to get any on your things."
12 years ago
smiled a bit at the kiss before he thought about that question. "Ah, how about the bedroom."
12 years ago
grinned, and there just a hint of deviancy. "Your mind is already wandering," he teased, but got up, grabbed his bag, and offered him his
12 years ago
12 years ago
couldn't help but smirk at that as he got up, taking his hand and kissing him lightly on the cheek. "My mind isn't wandering. You just asked
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for the best spot and that's the best spot."
12 years ago
shrugged as he lead them down the hallway. "Oh. Well, my mind is wandering." He said this casually, as if it were polite
12 years ago
conversation between any two people.
12 years ago
walked next him as he listened to that comment. "Is it now? So should I be expecting more than just a back massage?"
12 years ago
embraced him closely when they entered the room and chuckled. "What you want, birthday boy. I wouldn't want to force myself on an unwilling
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partner," he said, kissing him briefly.
12 years ago
laughed softly at that as he wrapped his arms around him and kissed him back lightly. "How can I be unwilling? I can't get enough of you."
12 years ago
started to remove Sadiq's jacket, tugging it down his arms. He grinned. "I'll keep that in mind."
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helped him take the jacket off, putting it on a chair off to the side. "Please do, I am looking forward to the massage though." He moved to
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place a light kiss on his forehead. "I think I've gotten all soft with you."
12 years ago
moved to take off his shirt now, placing it right above his jacket. He tucked a stray hair behind Sadiq's ear tenderly. He didn't know
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how to respond to that statement, so he just smiled warmly and hugged him. "Come on. I want you to relax."
12 years ago
hugged him back lightly. What had brought them to this point? He honestly had never even considered this kind of intimate moment between
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them. He had gotten so used to being at each others' throats.
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knew that they would probably be back at each other's throats again soon, but he was enjoying the peace for now. He took Sadiq's
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hand and led him to the bed, watching. "I've wanted to do this for a while, you know."
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followed him, more because he was curious to see how this went. "You've wanted to give me a massage for a while?" He gave him a look of
12 years ago
complete disbelief. He didn't buy that one bit.
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blinked and spoke plainly. "Yes. Is that so hard to believe? You have a very nice back." He honestly didn't think it was too strange.
12 years ago
didn't think he had a nice back at all and he still didn't exactly believe him. "Yes... It's pretty hard to believe."
12 years ago
shrugged. "You don't have to believe me." He hugged him one last time. "On your stomach, please." He was even asking politely.
12 years ago
sighed a bit at that before he did as he asked, stretching out comfortably on the bed. "I'm beginning to wonder about this..." he wasn't
12 years ago
really talking about the massage anymore now.
12 years ago
smiled, taking off his own shirt and setting it by his feet. He positioned himself so that he was straddling the other's hips, hovering over
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him. He kissed his way up his spine gently, admiring him. "Wonder about...?" he murmured.
12 years ago
turned his head as he felt that, shivering lightly. "This isn't going to be a massage is it?" he hummed lightly, avoiding the question.
12 years ago
grinned. "It is, but I couldn't help myself." Sadiq had successfully diverted the subject, as Heracles didn't even notice the question
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went unanswered. He dispensed some of the oil into his palm, slowly working it across his shoulders. "It should be warm soon."
12 years ago
smirked at that as he shifted slightly, taking the mask off and setting it aside. "If you keep it up I might not be able to help myself."
12 years ago
chuckled, gently massaging his upper neck and shoulders with lazy, slow movements. "I guess we both have poor self-control, then,"
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he whispered.
12 years ago
hummed lightly, relaxing into his touch as he smiled. "So it would seem," he was enjoying the massage, but he wanted more than just that
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from him now. He glanced over at him awkwardly. "Heracles you're good at back massages but much better at something else." He couldn't help
12 years ago
12 years ago
ran his hand down his spine firmly, kneading the muscles along the way and resting his palms along his waist. He leaned down,
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lightly running his tongue along Sadiq's earlobe. "You're so impatient."
12 years ago
groaned at that, Allah those hands felt so good. He hummed a bit, "only when you're being so damn sexy."
12 years ago
really was enjoying this. There was a part of him that actually liked doing nice things for the Turk, especially when he got such
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good reactions. His movements grew firmer, with the intent to actually soothe whatever tenseness he could feel along his upper back and
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shoulders. But every now and then, he couldn't help himself, and his hands would roam lower and lower, fingers dancing along his waistband.
Turkey was
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enjoying this, it was quite relaxing, though he couldn't help but notice the hands going to his waist band occasionally. He smiled a bit to
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himself as he shifted a bit, looking over at him. "Heracles... thank you... this is the perfect birthday gift."
12 years ago
beamed at that, blushing just a little bit. "I'm glad," he said, leaning down to kiss his cheek as best he could. "Let me know when
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you want me to stop. Otherwise, I will keep on going for as long as you wish."
12 years ago
smiled even more at that before he turned a bit and caught a quick kiss on the lips.
12 years ago
"I think... I want a little more than just this."
12 years ago
laughed softly, letting his hands linger on him even as he kissed him back and climbed off of him. "You think?" he teased, resting
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his head on his palm and propping himself on his elbow as he laid down beside him. "I know I do."
12 years ago
shifted to lay on his side and face him, tilting his head a bit with that. A devious look spread across his face before he moved,
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pressing the Greek back into the mattress and kissing him lightly.
12 years ago
sighed contently as he felt the other's now-familiar weight on him. He had missed this greatly, being this close to him. Heracles still
12 years ago
had to swallow his pride and apologize for cutting contact for almost a week... putting that thought out of his mind, he weaved his fingers
12 years ago
into Sadiq's hair, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss.
12 years ago
(( you make the private plurk this time 8D tag, you're it! ))
12 years ago
(( it bothers me that this has 99 replies, so one more to make it 100 shot ))
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