12 years ago
, like many others, is also in search of Kiku. He's wandering around the market, trying to catch sight of him near his favorite stands.
latest #21
Kiku is
12 years ago
currently trying to haggle with the store-holder to give him a discount for the salmon that he wants to buy.
12 years ago
spotted him and walked over, pausing once he realized that he was busy. He waited patiently while he finished.
12 years ago
eventually gave up the fight, since he doesn't like fighting with people, accepting the price with a heavy sigh. Slipping the salmon into
12 years ago
his basket, he started to walk away...only to see a familiar face. "Greece-san, is that you?"
12 years ago
approached him, smiling faintly and looking happy to see him. "It's been too long," he said once he was within earshot. "I hope it was
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alright of me to visit. I was wondering how you've been."
12 years ago
bowed to the man, feeling his mood lighten up immensely at the prospect of spending time with Greece. "Indeed it has," he replied, voice
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soft with nostalgia. "And thank you for your concern, I have been quite well. How about yourself?"
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resisted the urge to embrace him, since he knew that Japan valued his personal space. Instead, his smile grew wider. "I'm well." Well, he'd
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been having pretty serious economic troubles lately, but there was no need to bring up negativity. "You still buy fish from that man after
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all this time. It must be very good quality."
12 years ago
returned the wide smile with one of his own, shifting his basket onto his other hand. If Greece isn't going to bring up any current issues,
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then he won't either. "The best, if I have anything to say about it," he agreed.
12 years ago
found it rather endearing that Kiku was such a creature of habit. "Are you too busy? I can come visit you another time if you prefer." He
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looked around in wonder, meeting a couple of eyes. "I forgot how much attention a foreigner attracts."
12 years ago
shakes his head to the suggestion. "I am not busy at the moment," he says, his eyes following the other's gaze to the stares, and he bows
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his head in apology. "I-I'm sorry if my people are...intrigued...I'm sure they mean no harm!"
12 years ago
smiled at that. He really hadn't changed. "Don't feel the need to apologize. It's kind of nice." He tilted his head. "Oh. I believe I
12 years ago
remember most of the Japanese you taught me. Want to see?"
12 years ago
tilts his head a bit in confusion at those words, but chalks it up to the odd ways of Europeans, and blinks. "Oh, that's wonderful! I would
12 years ago
very much like for you to show me!"
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