certainly does! She has a sweet tooth for it, though she does not eat them too often..
wishes 13 years ago
her a happy birthday with a hug and offers as much as she can stomach, for now or later.
smiles and hugs him back, blessing him a happy birthday too! She looks at the trays of desserts. "How did you manage to get all of these?"
's face flushes a little with embarrassment. "Well... I made them last night. It's not a very manly hobby, I know," he says sheepishly.
looks at him. "Why, I think it's wonderful! We should bake together one day! Which should I eat first?" She eyes at the handmade desserts.
's eyes lit up. "I would like that. Strangely enough, I'm not as skilled at cooking actual food." He looked over and held up a cream puff.
"This one! I've been told it should be my specialty."
takes a bite of the cream puff. "It's delicious! Of course you have skill, or it would have turn out to be like England's." She thinks
about the characteristics between them and asks. "Have you ever thought that you were female?"
made a small face at the mention of England's food. He'd been tricked once... never again. He flushed a little at her question. Was he being
too feminine at the moment, was it giving him away? "Well..." he trailed off, trying to will the red off his face. "Yes, when I was a
child..." he looked pretty embarrassed.
not. "Well, I did think that I was a boy at first. It was funny seeing Prussia's reaction when he found out."
felt a little better than. "How did he find out?"
that he had already found out a long time ago, but his reaction was priceless when she was injured from a war with the Ottoman Empire.
smiled a little bashfully. "Over the years, I've finally developed an interest in more masculine things, but cooking is something that
I will always enjoy." Let's not talk about the dresses he once wore.
smiles. "Let's eat your handmade desserts together!" She continues to finish the cream puff.