krisandro shares
13 years ago
latest #8
☠阿恩幺二零九 says
13 years ago
okay roll call. how many are there again?
tstar says
13 years ago
yeah, there are new birdies i haven't met!
13 years ago
wah why the bokeh so nice?
13 years ago
furryphotos: DSLR shot of course! No way the iPhone or filter can do tt
13 years ago
RN1209: 6 of em. Bluey, Greenbean, Uno, Mango, Hopper and Pipi. Hmmm wait... maybe 7 birds. :-D
tstar says
13 years ago
what's the 7th one? is bluey or another of the females pregnant again? or is this another sort of bird... hmm...
13 years ago
Nicesshhh :-D should try lining all up to shoot challenge
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