賈伯斯的stay hungry, stay foolish,被翻成求知若飢,虛心若愚,很多人在網路上批評這樣的翻譯. 特別問了我家馬克,他說是:
latest #7
"To stay hungry is be not stayed satisfied but always keep fighting on and always getting better at what you do.
Stay Foolish, means don’t be so serious at what you do that you don’t enjoy what you are doing.
So maybe you can strive to be better and strive to have fun."
我覺得第一句應是:不滿足於現況,好要更好,第二句應是太嚴肅面對正在做的事情,就無法樂在其中. 所以大概是要樂在工作吧.
中國人面對事情的時候總是既嚴謹又八股. 這點應向美國人學習學習.
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