bluh so much insanity, but the school is oddly united
and bluh I am so not ready for my test on Thurs
Oh! Pupa! My parents won't drive me down Saturday.

/on a seperate topic I just bought eyeshadow for the first time ever just so I can make a rainbow
/Got a 65 on a US His test the other day /Also probably failing English
In Lit, we're writing an essay about a book, the theme I have to use is about true beauty. Just kill me now.
Sob I'll be wasting this weekend at Ycon
It's a good book, but not quite my taste.
/likes Poe ouo can we trade?
We had to write a persuasive essay that we learned about while I was sick so I didn't understand it and didn't do it, also I didn't do my
summer assignment so /Goodbye good college
Ooh Poe~ /Has a collection of his stories and poems
... what is a bananafish even
Today was oddly anticlimatic.
only you would suggest that pfft ohoho
/woke up at 6:30 for an awesome dance party
/wasn't actually allowed to see the protesters, but we heard em and pics are all over the place
/Dancing to Lady Gaga while pretending to smooch a wig head is fun
I am in that picture, if you can find me, I am impressed.
niiiice. /filled out a form /going to be part of school musical somehow
Notice the amazing amount of purple in the crowd though, it was like we had a dress code for one day.
/Was just about to say Red pants? 8'D
your creeperiffic nature does not disturb me... much
the hair gave me away ouo
Your cheeks have a distinct shape ;v;
... it's always the cheeks /always gets cheek pinched </3
fft /also what do you mean by cute elbows /how does one acquire cute elbows
/spotted you without reading this before XDD
jdhaksfhd /sticks out like a sore thumb apparently
/huff huff /not that cute /golly
jdkljfaslj /blames our old Bela
her vocabulary is contagious, for cereal.