12 years ago
would i be able to shed some pounds if i try the muesli diet for a week?
latest #11
12 years ago
Wad diet is tt?
12 years ago
m x
12 years ago
Museli diet got gd reviews? I jus vaguely googled dint really saw any reviews on it
Yan says
12 years ago
nah..i just happened to like muesli and i was thinking if i eat muesli for 3 meals for a week would i be able to lose weight. Random thought
m x says
12 years ago
haha i think so
m x says
12 years ago
eat museli with yoghurt ah?
Yan says
12 years ago
i tried it with peppermint almond just now... too sweet :-(
Yan says
12 years ago
it still tastes the best with orange juice
12 years ago
Think u will. If Just that and nth else.
Yan says
12 years ago
really?? hahaha i am going to try for a week and see wad the result.. if i can tahan for 1week
12 years ago
Lol. Post yr result k!
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