13 years ago
doesn't quite remember how he ended up on a tree.
latest #49
13 years ago
...would look up randomly while on a stroll and kind of stare at that. It was certainly an interesting surprised.
13 years ago
would take his time looking around if not for the fact that... he's not quite sure how to get back down.
13 years ago
blinks a little before shouting a polite greeting to this stranger. " Pryvit! Are you alright there sir?"
13 years ago
startles and very nearly falls out of the tree in surprise. He looks around. "Ah, bonjour! I am fine... but I do not know how to get
13 years ago
down. It's... troublesome."
13 years ago
nods a little as he continued to look up. " Would you need some help then?"
13 years ago
clings on to a branch for dear life. "O-oui, that would be appreciated."
13 years ago
adjusts his scarf a little as he looked around. He was quite lucky in managing to find a ladder for the other.
France thinks
13 years ago
that's really quite lucky as well. And also that he's not afraid of heights.
Dmytro was
13 years ago
tall so it he could help out a bit. He places the ladder securely onto the tree. " Can you climb down yourself?"
France wishes
13 years ago
he was just a bit taller. Nodding, he shakily begins to grasp the rungs of the ladder, putting down one foot at a time. Mon Dieu...
Dmytro was
13 years ago
ready to catch him. He wouldn't have him fall to the ground of course.
13 years ago
doesn't think that would be necessary... ah, there. With deep breaths, he uses the ladder as support as he pants.
13 years ago
"A-ah... merci, monsieur. I do not recall how I even ended up there."
13 years ago
looks away slightly. " Perhaps you should wear some clothes first. That might be a good explanation." He smiled awkwardly.
13 years ago
blinks... his eyes slowly widening. A bubble of laughter escapes his lips. "Mon Dieu! Well, this would explain a lot.~ But now, I would
13 years ago
rather not clothe myself.~"
13 years ago
nods a little though unsure why he would choose to stay rather naked. " Are you sure you won't be arrested?" This male was quite peculier.
13 years ago
nods quite happily, feeling very free. "Of course not!~ This seems to be my neighbourhood and they are quite used to me and my extremely
13 years ago
sexy body.~"
13 years ago
isn't entire surely if he should really let everything hang loose. " Ah, I see..." He wasn't sure about the people in this neighborhood_
13 years ago
_ though.
13 years ago
"There is nothing wrong with having no inhibitions, Monsieur!~" He laughs, already feeling much better on the ground. "Feel free to join if
13 years ago
you wish.~"
13 years ago
shakes his head putting his hands up in defense. " Ah no, I'll be fine, thank you."
13 years ago
just laughs at that and shakes his head. Too bad; people were such prudes. Bur he had to admit, it was a little cold... "Ah, I suppose I'll
13 years ago
head home. Do you mind accompanying me? I shall cook something; it is the least I can do.~"
13 years ago
nods a little. " The sounds good if you do not mind of course."
13 years ago
"Of course not!~" He leads him towards his house, which is just a few houses down. As was expected, the neighbours don't even give him a
13 years ago
second glance.
13 years ago
would assume the double takes they had at him however were that of pure surprise. A normal male following a naked person was always nice...?
13 years ago
... would think that was the case, yes. He unlocks his door (which is somehow already unlocked, he'll note) and presses in. "Ah, please
13 years ago
take a seat in the living room. I'll be back!~" He runs on over up to his room to get changed.
13 years ago
seats himself onto the couch and glances around. It was certainly nice.
13 years ago
would like to think so. After careful consideration of a light blue corduroy and equally light coloured pants, he makes his way down. "Ah!
13 years ago
I'm sorry for the wait. S'il vous plait, come to the kitchen." There, he smiles a little more. It's his element, after all.~"
13 years ago
smiles a bit as he looked over to the other male with a polite nod. " Alright." He stood up from resting his aching joints and follows him.
France has
13 years ago
just thought of something. "I haven't introduced myself yet... but out of curiosity, are you a nation?"
13 years ago
nods with a polite smile. " I do believe regular humans aren't able to see us so easily."
13 years ago
"Ah, of course.~" He waves his hand dismissively and just leans a little towards him. "I... don't think I've seen you before, however... but
13 years ago
you remind me of la Russie... But you are not him...?" Oh dear... he was in big trouble if he was.
13 years ago
tilts his head. " You can say Ivan is sort of my younger brother." He reassured him in a way.
13 years ago
frowns a little. "But he has only two sisters, non?"
13 years ago
nods. " I am the counterpart to his older sister, Miss Ukraine."
13 years ago
blinks.... oh, dear. He's the counterpart to... oh, wow. He shakes his head. "Ah, I see.~ What might your name be?"
13 years ago
smiles politely. " Dmytro is fine. It would be problematic if I was mixed up with Miss Ukraine."
13 years ago
nods at that, though he'd probably never mix up the other beauty with this handsome fellow. "Very well then, Dmytro.~ You look so uncannily
13 years ago
like our Russia though... it's quite.. well, odd, to be honest."
13 years ago
nods back with a small smile. " Well, we are technically related."
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