France is
13 years ago
staring at a tombstone with a bouquet of flowers in hand. In the rain.
latest #352
13 years ago
|He will notice a small boquet all ready left there.
13 years ago
hasn't noticed much except for the name... it was so long ago... but when he blinks, he does notice, and leans down to see who it might be
13 years ago
13 years ago
|There is no name on them, but the flowers would be familiar. They were Ann's prized roses.
13 years ago
takes a closer look at them and gently pries open a bud, feeling the petals. This was... No, it couldn't be. Not after the whole scene in
13 years ago
the house... He closes his eyes and says a quick prayer, placing his own bouquet next to it. He's about to leave, but he can't help the
13 years ago
tears running down his face, mingling with the rain.
Ann is
13 years ago
not near the grave anymore. Rather, she stopped in a small cafe on her way home to duck away from the rain. She sighs lightly, pulling_
13 years ago
her scarf around her more. She was cold, but the tea she ordered would warm her right up.
13 years ago
decides that he's probably just going to catch some sort of cold if he stands around here a bit more, so he wipes his eyes and touches the
13 years ago
stone one more time, then leaves. Perhaps he should grab some coffee... or wine. He knows a cafe nearby.
13 years ago
shivers a bit, sipping at her tea obliviously. Ahh, she hoped it cleared up soon.
13 years ago
enters the cafe, more than a little soaked and wrings out his hair. He doesn't look around and immediately goes straight for a table by the
13 years ago
window. The waitress comes, and orders, "Un café, s'il vous plait."
13 years ago
would not be immediately recognizable. Her hair was not up in it's usual pigtails, but rather kept down. Her attire, too was different from_
13 years ago
the normal dress. "Rain, Rain go away...Come again another day...~" She found herself humming to herself, keeping her gaze fixated on _
13 years ago
the weather outside.
13 years ago
looks around the cafe for nothing else to do, taking in the sight of the very few customers. He finds the purse of one such customer on the
13 years ago
ground, and out of pure habit, picks it up and hands it to her, tapping her on the back. "Excusez-moi, mademoiselle, mais je crois
13 years ago
que cela est le vôtre?"
Ann is
13 years ago
a little startled by the tap and turns around. "Ah! Merci..." She goes silent when she sees him, a little stunned.
13 years ago
's eyes widen as he quickly drops the purse on her lap. "A-Ann...? Why are you here...? At my place?" That was suspicious.
13 years ago
flushes at his words and because of her appearance. She hadn't felt comfortable leaving the house like this. "J-Just went on a walk is all."
France is
13 years ago
still recovering from his shock. "At my place?"
13 years ago
looks back to the window. "I walked a little too far! The weather mislead me!"
13 years ago
slowly stands back up and sits on the other chair. "... and... you somehow ended up across the Channel?" Likely.
Ann was
13 years ago
going to stick to her lie as unbelievable as it was. "...Of course."
13 years ago
can't help but smirk a little. "And then... you came here... to do... what?"
13 years ago
looks at her tea. "Just passing through to..." She paused. "Bother Carmen."
France is
13 years ago
again, struck by the sheer audacity of these lies. "In... France."
13 years ago
picks up the tea cup. "...I did say passing through."
13 years ago
"Oui..." He adds that fake little sad tone in his voice. "Well, don't let me disturb you. If you feel like visiting moi, just let me know."
13 years ago
He stands to leave to return to his table.
13 years ago
blinks. "You're going back? Visiting now that you're here is fine, right?"
13 years ago
shakes his head. "But Angleterre never comes to visit me, so there must be another purpose.~ And I do not feel like bothering her today."
13 years ago
|"I finished up what I was doing...I am free." She shakes her head. "So would you sit?"
13 years ago
pauses to think about it. "But wouldn't you have much more fun without me?~"
13 years ago
sips her tea before answering. "Must you always be so dramatic? I asked you to sit, so that means I don't mind."
13 years ago
laughs at that and takes the seat opposite her. "Oui, oui, mademoiselle. Now, will you tell me why you're really here, or will you continue
13 years ago
to so obviously lie through your teeth?"
13 years ago
sighs at him, deciding to be a bit dramatic herself. "Would you believe me if I said I came to see you?"
13 years ago
shakes his head simply. "Non, I would not. Why would you?" After what happened a while ago...
13 years ago
smirks a bit. "Well then you would be wrong, because today I did come to see you."
13 years ago
urges her on. "Because...?"
13 years ago
finishes her tea and stands up. She moves over to his side and points to him. "I came to tell you thank you. I decided that I didn't like_
13 years ago
where I was going with my life." She placed the hand on her hip now and tilts her head. "So I decided I am going to try and move on. If I_
13 years ago
keep on the way I am...I will be alone forever. I don't want that. I'm tired of being alone. Alicia is happy. I want to be a person who can_
13 years ago
be happy for her." She smiled a bit sadly before waving to him. "That is all I wanted to say. I hope you have a good day too." With that_
13 years ago
said, she picked up her purse and turned to go.
13 years ago
's eyes grow wider and wider with each words she says, not believing that they were coming.. and from the least likely person he would have
13 years ago
ever expected to have an epiphany. He stares at the empty space where she used to stand for a few seconds, not quite registering she'd left
13 years ago
before he hears that soft chiming of bells, and he's drawn out of his reverie. Immediately running out of the cafe, he grabs her wrist,
13 years ago
still a bit bug-eyed. "Ann...? You cannot just say something like that and walk off..." He tugs her a little closer. "When did you realize
13 years ago
all this?"
13 years ago
turns to him when she felt him grab her wrist. She felt the cool water seeping even further into her clothes, but she listens to what he_
Ann says
13 years ago
. "Ah...Some old habits die hard I guess." She tells him in response. She shakes her head before answering his second question. "The night_
13 years ago
I saw the locket. I got to thinking...about a lot of things."
13 years ago
can somehow feel himself flushing at the mention of the locket again, and all her other words seem to die out in comparison to it. He's
13 years ago
suddenly glad for the lack of light out. "Ah... yes... the locket... what did you think about?"
13 years ago
pauses at the question before breathing out a sigh. "I don't know really."
13 years ago
"Do you understand?" He asks simply, referring to the locket, somewhat hoping she hadn't.
Ann is
13 years ago
quiet for a minute. "I don't think it's really my place to 'understand'."
13 years ago
remains stubborn on the matter. "But you formed your suspicions, oui?"
13 years ago
|"Maybe. But I am not going to assume I know."
13 years ago
frowns a little. "I would still like to hear them."
13 years ago
pulls out of his grip, skipping towards the sidewalk, through a puddle. "Why? Why do you want to know what I think?"
13 years ago
follows along behind her, getting soaked in the rain. "Because you were there, and I want to know."
13 years ago
continues her skipping, purposely going through puddles. "It doesn't matter what I think."
France is
13 years ago
not very happy because he has to go around them, and the distance keeps increasing. "Yes, it does." ... He pauses, realization dawning.
13 years ago
"And if you didn't care, you wouldn't have visited my Jeanne's grave."
13 years ago
stops when he says that. She looks back at him over her shoulder. "It matters? Why? There's a lot I would like to know too."
13 years ago
sighs and crosses his arms. "If you tell me what you think, I will answer your questions."
13 years ago
turns on the heel of her feet and looks at him in silence. Finally she spoke. "Lot's of things went through my mind. I'm not sure what is_
13 years ago
true and it's presumptuous of me to assume any of them are correct. But I will tell you what ran through my mind if you insist."
13 years ago
smiles; yes, compromise works every now and again. "Shall we head back to the cafe first?" He does not like being soaking wet.
13 years ago
nods a little. "Very well." she starts back for it.
13 years ago
reaches out to hold her hand, but decides against it. It would not be appropriate right now. He follows along behind her.
13 years ago
takes off her scarf and coat when they get there. It was drenched.
13 years ago
takes them both and hangs it by a rack. He doesn't bother taking his off since he's going back home soaked anyway. Sitting at a table, he
13 years ago
waits for her and gestures for her to speak.
13 years ago
takes a seat. "I thought at first you might do what any normal person would and keep people you love in it. But then i thought that might_
13 years ago
be farfetched...So then I got to thinking that it might be a reminder. I don't know."
13 years ago
leans forward and rests his cheek on the palm of his hand. "My, Angleterre is so very observant.~ Why would it be far-fetched?"
13 years ago
smiles a bit sadly, before trying to shove that look off her face. "Ah, because. It's hard to think of being loved."
13 years ago
nods. "I suppose that makes sense... you would share mon Angleterre's feelings in that matter..." He looks down a little sadly. Then he
13 years ago
mutters more to himself than to her. "It is too bad he is so blind."
13 years ago
breaths out a chuckle. "Well it's just easier to envision being hated, when that's what you received the most of in one's life. It's not _
13 years ago
like either of us have ever been held tenderly before. Any love we had was forced, or because we were mutually lonely. Not because of_
13 years ago
love or anything of that sort."
13 years ago
shakes his head at that. "Why do you go so far as to presume hatred should be what rules you? I... do not understand." He sighs, running a
13 years ago
finger through his hair. "There has to be one person who cared about you?"
13 years ago
stares at him for a moment before nodding. "But those people die."
13 years ago
can't help the depressed look that flashes on his face at the mention of death. "Oui... they are only humans..." He sighs, ordering some
13 years ago
coffee. "Ah, well, like I have promised, it is my turn. Ask me anything."
13 years ago
eyes him for a minute. "Fine. Why do you keep bothering with me. You have no obligation to me."
13 years ago
blinks and answers simply. "Because it is very fun bothering you!~"
13 years ago
wrinkles her nose at the answer. "Pleasure to entertain."
13 years ago
smirks. "Were you expecting something else?"
Ann is
13 years ago
messing with her hair. "I just wanted to make sure that you weren't seeing me as an alternative to England. That's all."
13 years ago
shrugs without shame. "That, too.~ Since he's so busy with l'Amerique, I can barely find him alone, and it's quite boring."
Ann has
13 years ago
a blank expression. She stands up. "I should go."
13 years ago
"Huh?" He stands up instinctively as well. "Did I say something wrong?"
13 years ago
she grabs him by his shirt and yanks him down so that she is face to face with him. "I am me. I am not England. I am no one's Alternative."
13 years ago
should really get used to these violent tendencies... "But you are England."
13 years ago
((Derp. I meant to say Arthur.))
13 years ago
shakes her head. "Yes, but I am not Arthur."
13 years ago
looks at her as rh
13 years ago
though she was spitting out the obvious... which she was. "I know." ((Sorry, iPod derp.))
13 years ago
lets him go. "Therefore we're similar, but not the same. We feel differently and have different opinions at times." She picks up her stuff_
13 years ago
She looks back to him. "You're only going to hear this from me once. I am grateful to you. You made me realize a lot of things." She _
13 years ago
hesitated now, "And what I am trying to say is...I hope to see you more. Not as England, but as Ann. Now don't t-think this means I like_
13 years ago
you or anything of that sort! It just means I want to make my own name for myself in this world."
13 years ago
looks down, feeling quite.. embarrassed about how he worded that. To her rant, he just moves on over to her and looks down at her, allowing
13 years ago
her to see his eyes and smile. "I know... I'm sorry."
13 years ago
takes his hand in hers and gives it a shake.
13 years ago
looks at the entwined hands with surprise. "Uh... oui...?"
13 years ago
lets it go now. "Nothing. The rain is lighter I should probably get out of here, huh?"
13 years ago
supposes that's fine...~ "Oui, of course!" He feels a little spirited now, and grabs her coat and scarf. "Do not forget these.~"
13 years ago
takes them from him. She is glad he seems happier. "Thank you."
13 years ago
escorts her outside and gently tugs the umbrella away so he can hold it, since he is taller. "Is there anywhere you'd like to visit?~
Ann thinks
13 years ago
about this before shaking her head. "No..." She purses her lips. "But there is something I would like to do."
France was
13 years ago
thinking about going to the grave, but is quite sure she wouldn't like that. "Oui? Tell me and I'll try my best to be of assistance!~
13 years ago
looks up at him. "I want to dance."
13 years ago
"Uh... Quoi?" He looks at her, a little confused. "But why...? It's raining out."
13 years ago
shakes her head. "Doesn't have to be here! I just want to...I wanted to for a while now, but I have had no partner."
13 years ago
"I see..." He didn't know this.~ He'd always seen her as the clumsy type... what with the incident at the magic shop, and all. "Is there a
13 years ago
ball of some sort?"
13 years ago
shakes her head. "No...but I have music!"
France is
13 years ago
a little confused. "Uh... where and when did you want to dance, then?"
13 years ago
starts towards her house. "If you're not busy, we can just go to my house."
13 years ago
stops short and pulls her back. "It's across the Channel." Okay, maybe he was being a little lazy.
13 years ago
pouts a bit. "Then your place?"
13 years ago
raises an eyebrow at that. "With you and me... seuls?" A small smirk grows on his face. "Are you sure that's wise, Angleterre?~"
13 years ago
shrinks back at the implication, but she wasn't about to back down. "Nothing happened last time."
13 years ago
's smirk just grows a little wider. "And what makes you think the same thing will happen again?~ Especially when you all but admitted you
13 years ago
avoir des sentiments pour moi?~"
13 years ago
turns red at that. "I said no such thing!"
13 years ago
leans in even closer. "Etes-vous sûr de cela?" Oh yes, he liked using his language to tease her.~
13 years ago
pushes his face away, darkening. "I don't know what you're saying." She lied.
13 years ago
pulls her into an embrace, arms around her waist so she can't push away. "Je pense que vous faites."
13 years ago
squirms in his hold, not looking at him. "Speak English, you git."
13 years ago
just chuckles. Mais le français est très sexy."
13 years ago
huffs at him. "In your mind."
13 years ago
pauses to think of something... Yes, that might work. "So, you said you are different from Arthur?~"
13 years ago
blinks at him. "yes?"
13 years ago
continues. "And Arthur dislikes me, yes?"
13 years ago
tilts her head. "Yeah?"
13 years ago
smiles now. "Since Ann is different from Arthur... that means Ann likes me, oui?~"
13 years ago
stares at him. This was a trap. But it wasn't wrong either. "........"
13 years ago
can hear that mental sound of a trap closing shut. He had gotten her, hook, line and sinker.~ He leers at her, pushing up on her waist to
13 years ago
lift her a little and places his forehead against hers. "Oui...?"
13 years ago
stares at him with furrowed brows. How did she answer this without sounding like a hypocrite? "I don't...mind you...?"
13 years ago
releases her immediately and laughs. That's the best he's going to get... for now. "I'm glad you find my presence tolerable. Now, back to
13 years ago
the matter at hand. Are you sure you want to be alone with me in my own house?~ Ah, but you will not resist, oui?"
13 years ago
huffs lightly and starts to walk. "I am a big girl. I think I will be all right."
13 years ago
"Very well.~" He takes her hand again, leading the way to his house. Ah, the rain is finally clearing... Speaking of that... "Ah, ma cherie,
13 years ago
do you believe that the weather is influenced by a nation's emotions?"
13 years ago
lets him take her hand and ponders the question. "I don't know. I'd like to think I am not sad as much as it rains at my place." But perhaps
13 years ago
it was true.
13 years ago
"I think it is true." Almost as if on cue, the rain stops completely, the clouds moving over to allow sunshine in. He smiles at her. "See?"
13 years ago
seems thoughtful. "So you're better now then? I'm glad."
13 years ago
nods. "Oui, especially because Angleterre has admitted she likes moi.~" He can see his house now; just a few more metres.
13 years ago
protests lightly. "I-I did not say that!"
13 years ago
"But you didn't not say it." He lets go of her hand temporarily to search for his keys... ah! There they were. He unlocks the door and
13 years ago
13 years ago
follows him. "T-That means nothing."
13 years ago
instantly wipes the smile off his face and sets the umbrella aside. "Then it means nothing." Would that work?
Ann is
13 years ago
silent for a minute and takes her shoes off. "Thank you for complying with my request." ((Pfff. She's arguing with Thora and brought up_
13 years ago
the date with france in it. XD))
13 years ago
continues to ignore her and goes straight into the bathroom to see if his hair is the mess it feels like it is. ((Haha! Yeah I'm stalking
13 years ago
that thread. xD))
Ann is
13 years ago
shivering in her spot. She takes off the coat and scarf again and moves in farther. ((...I am loling so hard, they are bickering like kids.)
13 years ago
groans a little; yes, it was a frizzy mess and immediately goes on to fix that little problem. ((Haha, yeah it's awesome. XDD))
Ann has
13 years ago
moved into the living room and bundled up in a blanket she found there. She looks much like an eskimo.
13 years ago
finishes with that task and exits, looking around for her. Ah... did she leave?
Ann is
13 years ago
waddling back to the foyer like that.
13 years ago
hears the footsteps and goes towards the- what... He takes a look at her and just bursts out laughing. "Mon Dieu, aidez-moi! There is
13 years ago
penguin in my house."
13 years ago
goes bright red. "S-Shut up! Don't laugh! I am cold!"
13 years ago
shakes his head but continues to laugh, forgetting about his earlier plan of ignoring her. "Would you like to take a warm shower, then?"
13 years ago
shivers a little pathetically. "What about my clothes?"
13 years ago
"I shall wash them, oui?~" He grabs a nearby blanket and drapes them around her. "In the meantime, you can use one of mine.~"
Ann thinks
13 years ago
about it a moment before she agrees. "Fine...but after we are dancing?"
13 years ago
actually forgot about that. "Bien sûr." He puts an arm around her shoulder since he can't hold her hand, and tugs her upstairs. "Don't use
13 years ago
up all my hot water now."
13 years ago
nods. "Fine, fine..Thank you."
13 years ago
follows her into the washroom and leans against the door, smirking. "Go ahead.~"
13 years ago
stares at him, and pushes him out. "Bring me clothes!"
13 years ago
nods seriously. "I will... after you get into the shower.~"
13 years ago
shakes her head. "Before!"
13 years ago
stays put. "Non. Go ahead, Angleterre."
13 years ago
starts to push him out. "No!"
13 years ago
holds on to the doorknob and stays still. "It's my house, oui?~ I can do what I want."
Ann gives
13 years ago
him a displeased look. "You're being rude to a lady!"
France is
13 years ago
not fazed at all by that look. "Only if you admit you like me.~"
13 years ago
flushes. "Wh...What has that to do with anything!?"
13 years ago
just shrugs and looks at her seriously now, arms crossed.
Ann is
13 years ago
very cold. She finally relents. "Fine, I like you! Now get out."
13 years ago
immediately does so, but not before casting her an amused glance and "Merci, Angleterre.~" He then goes over to his room to pick out some
13 years ago
clothes for her.
Ann is
13 years ago
embarrassed. She waits for him to return with the clothes before she gets in.
13 years ago
picks out a unisex blouse... but he doesn't know what to do about the bottom part. Well, this is a dilemma. He's quite certain she's not his
13 years ago
13 years ago
peeks out. "What is taking so long?"
13 years ago
calls out. "I just realized I don't have any pants for you to wear...~ Or... actually, underwear, for that matter." He starts to laugh here.
13 years ago
"Well, then... what shall we do?~"
Ann is
13 years ago
red as can be. "D-Do you have a belt?"
13 years ago
cannot stop laughing at this point. "Oui... but I still do not that that will be sufficient. You could always just use my boxers.~"
13 years ago
fidgets. "T-That will work."
France is
13 years ago
now about ready to take a picture of this. He takes the blouse that will probably cover up to her mid-thighs anyway, and a pair of plaid
13 years ago
boxers. Walking over to her, he sets it by the sink. "Anything else, ma princesse?~"
13 years ago
shakes her head. "I will be fine now. Thank you." ((I just realized we have been rping all day~ I am happy you're back!))
13 years ago
"N'est pas une probleme.~" He takes one last glance at her, debating internally... before he places a quick kiss on top of her head and
13 years ago
slamming the door shut. ((Ahaha!~ I personally didn't notice. And I'm glad too. 8D Love these two.~))
13 years ago
huffs lightly. She didn't understand him at all. She turns and undresses before getting in the warmth of the shower. She wanted to stay in_
13 years ago
until the hot water was out...but she did make a promise that she wouldn't, unfortunately. ((;w; Yeah, it's fun! Do you by chance have MSN
13 years ago
or Skype?))
13 years ago
hums downstairs and waits patiently for her. He's sitting in the living room and staring at the pendant with a sad smile on his face. ((Ah,
13 years ago
I do have MSN but I'm usually never on it. >o< Always on Plurk, which is sad. Dx))
13 years ago
returns downstairs after a little bit, red faced. She thought about leaving her hair down again, but she was all ready embarrassed enough in
13 years ago
this get up. "I feel better...thanks..." ((Aww, that's okay then. XD Plurk is fun~))
13 years ago
startles at her voice and clicks the pendant shut, nodding at her. "Of course.~ And you look so cute in my clothes." As promised, he whips
13 years ago
out his phone and takes a picture. "Are you hungry now?"
13 years ago
((though I think these two should re-enact the burning of Jeanne of Arc. Yup. 8 ) ))
13 years ago
makes the most displeased face EVER. "Y...YOU! Stop taking pictures of me...!!" ((... ;; B-Baww it would be sad, and I am ill informed on
13 years ago
it. I would need to do a little research.))
France thinks
13 years ago
that face is cute, too and takes another picture. "Non, in my clothes, this is the least Angleterre can let me do, non?" ((Ahaha... so am I.
13 years ago
But.. we can just do the part where she's captured and actually burned, haha.~))
Ann is
13 years ago
trying to get the camera again. "Give that to me! This is the last moment I wish to have documented!" ((XD Okay, I don't mind. I have to
13 years ago
figure out how Ann would feel about the whole ordeal man.0)
France loves
13 years ago
this game! He stands and keeps it out of her reach... as usual. "But Angleterre...~ I'll only keep it to myself, oui? I will not show
13 years ago
anyone else. ((Haha, alright. My side is just super angsty France xD ))
13 years ago
jumps to try and get it. "Like I believe that!" (( ;; B-Baww))
13 years ago
holds down her wrist and peers at her. "J'ai promis. It will be for my eyes only.~" ((You could probably have her sort of happy about it,
13 years ago
since they did hate each other's guts at that point. xD ))
Ann is
13 years ago
red. "I don't know if I want you to look either." ((Hrm. I think she'd be indifferent to it really. Since i don't think she would bother too
13 years ago
much with the affairs of humans. she would have been more concerned with France. But the fact remains, she let it happen knowing full well
13 years ago
how france felt about that human.))
13 years ago
blinks down at her. "Well, I'm looking at you right now, aren't I?" ((Very true... and France would just be "you're heartless" at her
13 years ago
indifference. ;-; ))
13 years ago
flushes. "But you'll forget sooner!" (( ;; yeah. If you wanna start it, I'll reply.))
13 years ago
laughs and takes another picture. "But I want to remember this as the day Angleterre confessed, oui?~" ((Okay... might take a while to think
13 years ago
of something good.. and I'm doing homework. ;-; ))
Ann is
13 years ago
dumbfounded. "E-Eh!? What!?" (No prob!))
13 years ago
takes just one more picture and tucks the phone away. "What do you mean, what?~ Ann admitted it, did she not?"
13 years ago
| "I just said I liked you!"
13 years ago
blinks. "Oui... and...?" He tilts his head and smiles at her teasingly. "Unless there's something else she wants to say."
13 years ago
does not think that counts as a confession! "N...Never mind..."
13 years ago
"Are you sure?~" He pulls her closer with the grip on her wrist, the other hand tilting her chin up a little. "Is there nothing else she
France wants
13 years ago
to say?~"
Ann is
13 years ago
pouting at him. "Are we not going to dance?"
13 years ago
sighs; this is going to be harder than he thought. But he lets her go and walks toward the sound system. "Any particular requests?"
Ann is
13 years ago
a bit dense. "I want to waltz."
13 years ago
notices that... a lot. "Why a waltz?"
13 years ago
shrugs. "Do I have to have a reason?"
13 years ago
shakes his head. "I suppose not...~ Do you have any songs in mind?"
13 years ago
requests a song. (herp derp cause I have no idea.)
13 years ago
((Because I just Googled waltz songs:
13 years ago
finds the song and plays it at a moderate volume, immediately taking her hand, the other on her hips. "Do you know how to dance, ma cherie?"
13 years ago
((Also brb gonna run an errand ;-; ))
13 years ago
takes the appropriate position. "Of course. I would not have asked otherwise. I love to dance." ((Okay~!))
13 years ago
takes the lead slowly, just to test the waters. "This would be more appropriate in better wear.~" He snickers a little, casting a glance at
13 years ago
her outfit.
Ann is
13 years ago
so embarrassed. "Well we have to make do." She steps along with him.
13 years ago
should be gloomy more often if it gets her a little... wet.~ "Oui, if you say so." He begins to move around with her, although it's
13 years ago
somewhat restricted due to the space.
13 years ago
doesn't seem to mind. She is just happy to be able to dance. It was one of her favorite pass times, but she did not often get to do it. She_
13 years ago
seems genuinely happy as she follows his lead.
13 years ago
would be glad to satiate that desire then, as he himself prefers this hobby. He begins to gently hum the tune.
13 years ago
smiles at that, looking up at him when he does. "You're not a bad dancer." She knew this all ready though. It's not as though she hadn't_
13 years ago
danced with Marianne before.
13 years ago
pretends to take that as an insult. "Is that your idea of a compliment? It's not very good, ma cherie.`"
13 years ago
huffs. "No, it is a compliment. I don't compliment people on their dancing often!"
France has
13 years ago
to laugh at that. "You don't compliment people period. Or actually, you don't compliment me at all.~"
13 years ago
seems embarrassed by his words. "Sure i do." She liked his cooking.
13 years ago
But she doesn't say it out loud, which is problematic. "No, you don't. Name a time you've complimented me..
13 years ago
aside from now."
13 years ago
keeps the steps up. "I like your cooking?"
13 years ago
smirks a little. "Do you really?" He won't accept a pity compliment, nope.
13 years ago
nods. "Of course. It's good and if you cook..." It meant she could be lazy and have good food.
13 years ago
does not like that idea very much... "If I cook, what?" He wants her to say it out loud.
13 years ago
hums lightly. "If you cook I get to enjoy delicious food."
13 years ago
's smile just radiates into something more enormous. "Ah, ma cherie, thank you for your compliment.~ It is not often I hear one from you."
Ann is
13 years ago
not going to admit her secret. If she did, she couldn't have her rare lazy moment. "Any others and you have to earn them."
13 years ago
"Oh?" He sways a little in time to the music. "And how will I earn them, then? I'm sure my services will be more than sufficient.~"
13 years ago
sways along with him, laughing lightly. "You will have to figure that out."
France will
13 years ago
be more than glad to play this game, of course.~ "Are you saying I am free to do whatever I want to get a compliment from you?"
Ann wonders
13 years ago
why she feels suspicious every time he says stuff like that. "...I wouldn't say whatever."
France thinks
13 years ago
that that's her gut feeling actually being smart." Really? Then I suppose you should tell me the restrictions now, oui?"
Ann thinks
13 years ago
that's probably about right. "No touching..."
13 years ago
nods slowly. "What else?"
Ann has
13 years ago
to think. "Nothing perverse." That's for sure. "I suppose anything else is fair game."
13 years ago
now smiles a little and immediately drops her hand, stepping away. He turns off the music and starts to head upstairs. "Oui, but you are
13 years ago
aware that by saying "nothing perverse", you are basically denying moi? I might as well give up now, oui?~"
13 years ago
smirks to herself. "Oh, my apologies. I thought there was more to the nation of love than just pleasure." She was challenging him.
13 years ago
raises an eyebrow at that and pauses at the stairs. "But of course, mademoiselle. But only under all the pleasure, which I cannot unravel
13 years ago
if I am forbidden to be perverse, as you say.~"
13 years ago
taps her foot. "So you're saying you have no confidence in winning me over. I see."
France will
13 years ago
go along and play this game. "Non, not at all. I am sorry I have failed you, then.~"
13 years ago
pulls out a chair and takes a seat. "Pity."
13 years ago
raises an eyebrow at that. "Indeed..." Maybe he should actually go upstairs now.
Ann will
13 years ago
wait here until her clothes are done.
13 years ago
goes upstairs now and just goes to his room. He's feeling all numb all of a sudden.
13 years ago
sighs a little and gets up to check on them.
France is
13 years ago
now just going to lie down on his bed and stare at the ceiling, because that's always ufn.
13 years ago
Ann is
13 years ago
disappointed when they're still not dry. She starts to occupy herself by doing the dirty dishes.
France is
13 years ago
now officially bored of staring and goes on to his piano, beginning to fiddle around with some notes.
13 years ago
blinks when she hears the sound. She peeks around the corner at him.
France has
13 years ago
decided that he needs to watch Austria more if he's just going to make random noise. He'll do what he does best: paint. Taking out a canvas,
13 years ago
he sets down and starts.
13 years ago
smirks a little. She was more musically talented than him. Interesting. She just keeps watching him silently.
13 years ago
begins to paint an ordinary-looking landscape, one that cannot be seen in modern times. It is all grass and trees.
Ann feels
13 years ago
a little nostalgic seeing it. she sort of missed the highly forrested areas of her youth.
13 years ago
now begins to add the details of nature, such as the birds, the bugs and bees, and the multi-coloured flowers, focusing and enlarging
13 years ago
one tree.
13 years ago
rests against the door frame, pressing her cheek against it.
13 years ago
now finally begins to draw the main attraction: himself. His very much younger self leaning against the close up of the tree, eyes half-
13 years ago
Ann wishes
13 years ago
she had the talent to paint. She just ended up making a mess.
13 years ago
then hesitates before drawing the next part, just staring at the canvas for a good few seconds, unsure.
13 years ago
tilts her head, wondering why he wasn't doing anything.
13 years ago
takes a deep breath, going for a blonde colour, that of straw and begins painting a mop of hair on his self's lap, working his way down.
Ann feels
13 years ago
like she's invading his privacy...ah well...
France is
13 years ago
quite enjoying painting his older clothes, but more so the figure next to him. It takes him almost twice the amount of time that it took to
13 years ago
paint himself, but he finally finishes the figure of a very young England, resting his head on his lap.
13 years ago
smiles slightly and takes her leave before she is spotted.
13 years ago
doesn't notice her when he speaks, "Angleterre..." He doesn't know why, but his hand shakes when he finishes drawing their expressions, his
13 years ago
own one of pure happiness, and England's one of childish innocence. "Why..."
13 years ago
heard it as she was walking off, her heart clenching a little. Ah, perhaps they were two of the same after all. Yearning for what wasn't _
13 years ago
13 years ago
waits for the paint to dry, just staring at the baby England, emotions rising up and bubbling within him. A loud crack signifies him
13 years ago
having broken the brush in half, and he harshly slams it against the wall.
13 years ago
gathers her clothes up, relieved that they are dry now. She looks towards the room hearing the noise. she wondered why they always seemed to
13 years ago
part like this.
13 years ago
sighs and calms down a little, taking the painting and storing it into the room next to his, with all his other paintings. It isn't the
13 years ago
first; there are many others of the two of them together. He wonders if this is healthy.
13 years ago
gets dressed and slowly makes her way towards the door. She wondered if it was fine to leave without saying anything.
13 years ago
wouldn't have noticed anyway, as he's now drowning in all his old paintings, just staring at them.
13 years ago
stops to write him a note and sticks it to the door before leaving.
13 years ago
((Sorry uber slow replies, doing homewooork. ;-; ))
13 years ago
finally gets up and goes downstairs, having a feeling that he's forgotten something... a white piece of paper catches his eye and he goes
13 years ago
over to grab it.
13 years ago
| The note says, "Be strong. A frown doesn't suit you. Good night, Francis."
13 years ago
scowls and crumples the paper, before retreating back to his room. He needs a nap right now. ((Yay, another thread done! xD))
13 years ago
((We're eating through them! XD These two are so depressing at times though. Stubborn, the both of them. ;; ))
13 years ago
((I know, and France is supposed to be the one who just blurts everything out. =3= Sigh. ;-; ))
13 years ago
((They are definitely birds of a feather with their unrequited loves though, haha. Shall we make another thread?))
13 years ago
((Sure thang.~ You wanna start this time? 8D))
13 years ago
((Sureeee! Let me think of something, haha. They left on strange terms.))
13 years ago
((Don't they always, xDD)
13 years ago
(This is true. XD And ta dah!))
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