Basch is
13 years ago
jogging around the perimeter of his house. He seems to be absorbed in his training routine.
latest #114
Thora was
13 years ago
tip-toeing through the trees warily. She hadn't seen Basch in a while (mostly on account of being a recluse in her house) and some of her_
13 years ago
initial fear of his trigger happy ways may have returned. She had brought a large loaf of bread to use as a shield if he shot... or perhaps_
13 years ago
to throw at his head like a frisbee. She only hoped it didn't come to that.
Basch has
13 years ago
stopped to take a break and is hunched over, breathing heavily. He had been neglecting his work out for chocolates and banking. So he was_
13 years ago
pushing himself exceptionally hard today.
13 years ago
only saw him hunched over and breathing roughly. Worry overcame her, and she began to wonder if something had been chasing him! She_
13 years ago
looked around quickly for any sort of foe, finding nothing that would warrant the look on his face. Cautiously she started to step out from_
13 years ago
the woods, the bread clutched firmly over her chest as she tried to convey strong confidence that she entirely lacked.
13 years ago
hears movement and looks up with narrowed eyes. "Who is it?"
13 years ago
unconsciously clutched the bread a bit tighter, thankful that she had made a harder bread as her knuckles grew white. Maybe he was running_
13 years ago
from someone... or something. But she couldn't show her fear! She would act like she didn't care! "Thora," she said with a slight frown;_
13 years ago
did he not recognize her?! Her hair hadn't grown that much, and she hadn't grown a third head.
13 years ago
did not get a good look. He relaxes a little and stands up straight. "Guten Morgen."
13 years ago
huffed quietly, trying not to eye him too warily. She thrust the bread out at him. "I brought you bread."
13 years ago
takes it when it's offerred. "Danke. It has been a look different." Her hair had gotten longer.
13 years ago
frowned. "You look... redder." Though that could have been from his work-out.
Basch feels
13 years ago
nostalgic with her strange way of blurting things out. "Sunburn maybe?"
13 years ago
"What are you running from?" She asked, glancing over his shoulder and around the yard again. She kenw Jungfrau was mischievous, but she_
13 years ago
hardly seemed the type to chase after him maliciously.
Basch is
13 years ago
suddenly reminded of the whole body swap ordeal...and he gets rather embarrassed. "I was just going for a jog, want to join?"
13 years ago
blinked. "A jog?" That was what he had been doing? Why would be need to do that?
13 years ago
nods. "I am working out."
13 years ago
"Why?" He didn't look fat; though maybe there was a marathon coming up that she was unaware of. She always liked to work out a little_
13 years ago
before those.
13 years ago
just liked to keep up his physique. "Because it's good to stay in shape."
13 years ago
frowned. "I suppose so..." She disliked working out; it made her sweat, and get all... hot.
13 years ago
nods and starts the jog again. Luckily his house wasn't that far.
13 years ago
stared at him before jogging after him to catch up, though she stopped about half-way once her heart started racing more and she began to_
13 years ago
feel that familiar discomfort that came from exerting herself physically.
13 years ago
had to stop and wait for her.
13 years ago
frowns as she approaches him, her cheeks a bit more flushed than before. She didn't want to look sweaty and gross in front of him!
13 years ago
picks her up and starts his jog again.
13 years ago
flails a little bit as her face turns red. "What are you doing?!" She screeched in shock as she threw her arms around his neck so that she_
13 years ago
wouldn't accidentally be dropped.
13 years ago
continues the jog. "Training."
13 years ago
"With ME?"
13 years ago
nods. "Ja, it's easier this way,"
13 years ago
doesn't think it is easy, and now she had sweat from him on her. This was why she didn't work out. "You're hot."
13 years ago
| "So are you."
13 years ago
flushed. She hoped she wasn't sweating that much... What if she started to stink? She'd have to find a way to smell herself once he put her_
13 years ago
down so that he wouldn't notice.
13 years ago
wouldn't care. He was just happy to see her. It had been a while. However, he sets her down when they reach his house.
Thora was
13 years ago
still flushed after he set her down, though she adjusted her clothes and stretched out to "yawn", or rather to sniff under her arms. She_
13 years ago
nearly sighed in relief when it didn't smell bad, nor did she have any sweat spots. She was happy to see him as well.
13 years ago
grabs a towel to wipe off his face. "Have you been well? Sorry, I would have been more prepared if I knew you were coming."
13 years ago
nodded. "I'm sorry for not calling first..." Though maybe his workout wasn't that bad...his shirt was kind of sticking to his chest now...
13 years ago
tugs at his collar, trying to get air. "You are fine. Just forgive me for the state I am in."
13 years ago
nodded, trying not to look at him. "It's fine."
13 years ago
watches Jungfrau round the corner and pause when she sees Thora. Before he could open his mouth to warn the girl, Jungfrau charged and head_
13 years ago
butted her ass.
13 years ago
let out a yelp of surprise and nearly fell over. She latched on to Basch frantically to steady herself.
13 years ago
caught her, feeling a headache coming on. Two of the girls in his life didn't get along. What a pain.
13 years ago
doesn't think Jungfrau got along with anyone... She glared at the goat as she pulled herself off of Basch. She had a pocketful of goat_
13 years ago
treats that she had intended to share; but if she was going to be like this maybe she wouldn't!
13 years ago
watches as jungfrau starts to try and eat through her pocket.
13 years ago
pulls her pocket up and glares more. "I would have given you a treat, but you're being mean."
13 years ago
spots the other two coming over to maul her pockets. They were ganging up. "Enough you three." He tries to shoo them off.
13 years ago
happily shares with the other two, even bending down to pet them as she ignores Jungfrau.
13 years ago
| Jungfrau calculates the next headbutt to send her into the watering tough.
13 years ago
Thora has
13 years ago
a bad feeling and steps closer to Basch. If the goat was going to take her down, she was taking him down too!
13 years ago
ends up going in with her. He is displeased.
13 years ago
sputters exasperatedly. Now she was wet and stinky, and her hair was a mess. She had even tried to style it for him today! Not that it had_
13 years ago
shown, but the effort had been there!
13 years ago
comes up and has the most intensely angry face on. "...This has to stop."
Thora is
13 years ago
more than a little bit frightened of the face... She inches away, not actually getting out.
13 years ago
watches as the two of them shrink back and sighs. He climbs out and offers his hand to Thora. He needed a shower anyway.
13 years ago
glances at his hand, then at his face, cautious to grab it.
Basch is
13 years ago
expecting her to take it.
13 years ago
uneasily reaches out and grabs it, pulling herself up and staring at anything but his face.
13 years ago
helps her out before he drops the towel on her head. "You should dry off before you catch a cold."
13 years ago
grumbled under her breath as she took the towel, choosing to wrap it over her shoulders to cover up her dripping dress. "Thank you."
Basch gives
13 years ago
Jungfrau a scolding look before allowing his hand to slip to the small of Thora's back and escort her inside./
13 years ago
smiled to herself as she watched the ground and walked in to the house.
13 years ago
gathered a few more towels and helps her dry her hair. "I'm sorry."
13 years ago
appreciated the help. "It's fine." She shrugged; she and Jungfrau would get even later... "Thank you."
13 years ago
lets his hand run through it lightly. "It has gotten longer."
13 years ago
"I- Eh..." She hadn't expected that. Not that she minded. "That is what normally happens with hair."
13 years ago
nods. "I need to cut mine soon too."
13 years ago
glances up at it, very careful not to look straight at his face, or below his neck. "I think it looks fine."
13 years ago
| "It is not too long?"
13 years ago
reached up and pulled at his bangs with a serious expression as she looked at how long they were. "I don't think so." It looked better than_
13 years ago
his normal awkward haircut anyway.
13 years ago
had an awkward haircut? "Ah...danke. Are you planning on growing yours out?"
13 years ago
reached up to play with her hair self consciously. "Yes, I think so..." She had heard she looked like a boy with short hair.
13 years ago
liked both ways. "I don't think I've ever seen you with it long."
13 years ago
shrugged. She didn't take care of it very much either way. Though longer hair was supposed to look more feminine.
Basch thinks
13 years ago
she reminds him of Liechtenstein a lot. She cut her hair just like the other girl. "It'll look nice regardless of what you do."
13 years ago
failed miserably at keeping herself from blushing. "Thank you." If he liked it, she shouldn't care what the others thought...
Basch is
13 years ago
probably the easiest person to please. "For what?"
13 years ago
worries that he might not be... She shrugged, not wanting to say that it was for saying it would look nice; then she would just sound_
13 years ago
weird and desperate! "You should get cleaned up..."
13 years ago
nods. "Ah...yeah, you're probably right. I'll make us dinner after."
13 years ago
"Alright." She wasn't going to fight that. Though she'd feel bad sitting on his furniture in wet clothes... Maybe she should go home and_
13 years ago
visit him another day when she was more dry, and Jungfrau was nic-- in the barn, and out of the way.
13 years ago
pauses. "You can use the guest shower.."
13 years ago
frowned. "I didn't bring any spare clothes..."
Basch thinks
13 years ago
for a minute. "You can wear Liechtenstein's or something of mine."
13 years ago
nodded slowly. "If it's no trouble..."
13 years ago
shakes his head. "No trouble. I will get you something." He didn't want her to go home yet.
13 years ago
didn't want to go home yet either, so she happy to stay. "Thank you."
13 years ago
comes back a moment later with some of his clothes. "I...wasn't sure if Elise would mind if I let you borrow a dress" He offered_
13 years ago
up some of his clothes.
13 years ago
nodded and took them. She wasn't going to complain. "Thank you." Elise's clothes had felt somewhat small the last time she wore them anyway.
13 years ago
hands them to her with a nod. "It is no trouble. I am sorry if they are a bit large."
13 years ago
shrugged. She was accustomed to large clothing, and found them to be more comfortable than tight clothing anyway. "They're fine."
13 years ago
nods. "Well, then I shall go." So he could hurry and cook.
13 years ago
nodded, clutching the clothes to her chest as she walked towards the guest bathroom.
Basch feels
13 years ago
refreshed after showering and is now in the kitchen preparing food. He planned on surprising Thora by making something Icelandic.
13 years ago
would be surprised indeed, though she was a busy staring at herself in the mirror of the bathroom and sniffing his shirt... It was bigger_
13 years ago
on her than she had anticipated, and it made her feel like a small child.
13 years ago
made a few edits to the recipe where it suited his tastes, but Ofnsteiktur fiskur was on the menu tonight.
Thora was
13 years ago
more than a little confused when she smelled... Fish?... She held her damp clothes over her arm and tiptoed towards the kitchen.
Basch is
12 years ago
unaware of her and is referencing the book.
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