Donna Tocci is
15 years ago
still seeing snow...
latest #17
jonyboy says
15 years ago
here too DT, you should switch before I do
DaNewKid says
15 years ago
Still snow here too DT. Doesn't look like the freezing rain will make it up here; lookin' at 10-15" of snow though.
15 years ago
we might make it too 50 today, so our snow is melting :-( For one brief moment, I got to see snow!
jonyboy says
15 years ago
come up here Deb, we'll save you some
15 years ago
I figure, if it is winter and it is cold, there better be snow. I don't want to be looking around at crappy, gray trees and dead grass all
15 years ago
winter. We should get some compensation for being cold and living in a state of gray and that compensation could be in the form of snow
15 years ago
especially since we don't have any major holidays like Christmas to cheer things up.
jonyboy says
15 years ago
I agree Deb
jonyboy says
15 years ago
wish we could get one honkin snow storm for Christmas
jonyboy says
15 years ago
clear the roads, and let it stick everywhere else, then no more
15 years ago
in a perfect world...
jonyboy says
15 years ago
Donna Tocci
15 years ago
jony and kid hope you guys don't get too, too much. It's changed to rain here now. Been raining for an hour or so now. Lovely mess.
Donna Tocci
15 years ago
Deb - as far as I'm concerned you can have it all!!!
Donna Tocci
15 years ago
Come get it!
jonyboy says
15 years ago
we're getting sleet now DT, the commute home is not going to be pretty
15 years ago
the NYT has pix on their site. Yuck! Stay warm and safe!
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