AzurePhoenix shares
12 years ago
latest #9
Teh NiGhTBoX says
12 years ago
the eff
Garfield says
12 years ago
Rain on workdays is NOT WANT!! ;A;
ミコリン の ばか says
12 years ago
oh ye gods, no... (doh)
Bots says
12 years ago
Ramon will hit Palawan square on the face. Oh Lord, sales ko.
12 years ago
actually, it looks like direct hit ang MM :-(
MissSuzyA says
12 years ago
oh noes.
Bots says
12 years ago
It will spare most of North Luzon at least.
©RandyBau says
12 years ago
NL is still reeling from the last 2. At least di sila tamaan much nito
Garfield says
12 years ago
^ yes, but augh... moar rain.... ~_~
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