13 years ago
[Event 1: 1337] - Outbreak of the Hundred Years' War. He is not pleased with the possibility of an English king ruling over him.
latest #76
13 years ago
And is thus very glad that it is Philip that has won over... and not a lowly vassal.
England thinks
13 years ago
he should stop taking advantage of his distraction while he is fighting Scotland. It was starting to get on his nerves and there was_
13 years ago
_no way he is giving up Gascony, so he should just go home.
13 years ago
What's that he hears? Sounds like cowardice. Now then, why shouldn't he take advantage of this wonderful opportunity that has presented
13 years ago
itself, hm?~ Oh and, give his regards to Scotland.
England thinks
13 years ago
France has finally gone low enough to utilise such methods. Well then, it does not matter. He is strong enough to take on them_
13 years ago
_both anyway. As for Scotland, he is not going to talk to that asshole of a brother.
France thinks
13 years ago
that nothing at all is low when it comes to his oh-so-precious arch-enemy. Besides, his armies need some sort of outlet for their
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brutish nature. He'd prefer it wasn't him. And he wonders what's wrong with Scotland. The man is quite nice, actually.~
13 years ago
would have preferred it if he left out the 'oh-so-precious' segment. It irked him immensely. And if France has decided to butt in on his_
13 years ago
_own accord, then he should expect some beating up, no? Also, if he thinks that way then he does not know Scotland well enough then!
13 years ago
lives to do just that, though. That is his job, is it not? Seeing Angleterre so ruffled makes him so happy.~ And please, he can take
13 years ago
care of his own, thanks very much. Ah, but he does know Scotland. He comes over to visit sometimes and talk about... a certain Angleterre.
England thinks
13 years ago
France has a sick way of getting pleasure, then. He, however, does not like the sound of France and Scotland talking about him behind his_
13 years ago
_back. As much as he would have liked to deny that he does not care, he does and is quite bothered by it. Well, he was sure the both of_
13 years ago
_them were sharing unpleasant and blatant lies about him, anyway...
France is
13 years ago
not amused by that statement; he thinks England can also have his sadistic pleasures when it comes to him being in pain, or something
13 years ago
of the sort. Oh, and they're not lies. They all come from the two people who raised this now loud-mouthed blonde, did they not? So much
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embarrassment for you.~ And he is now also very glad that it's working - bothering you, that is.
England thinks
13 years ago
France is deserving of that. Whatever he is doing now, which is to stick his nose in unnecessarily was its proof. Raised him? Is that a_
13 years ago
_perhaps a joke of some sorts? Because it was ridiculous. He distinctively remembered being treated like dust by the both of them. He_
13 years ago
_raised himself. And well, knowing them, it is probably lies with little significance, so he was not all that bothered by it now, really.
13 years ago
finds these trifling details amusing, because they are not true, only nonsense spouted by a still-too naive nation. And yes, he doesn't know
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much about Scotland, but he was quite certain he, at the very least, treated you with some level of respect. And if he recalls, wasn't it
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a certain green-eyed blonde that wanted oh-so-much to copy his big brother's fashion sense?~ Yes, he definitely remembers it... and he
13 years ago
might be glad if England would remember how he did raise him. At least he wasn't abused.
England is
13 years ago
not naive! And he was sure when France said 'some', he meant 'none. Maybe his standards really were that low, then? A-And it was not like_
13 years ago
_he wanted to copy it! I-It wasn't nice or anything, anyway... And besides! That was in the past (as was many things he mentioned before_
13 years ago
_but you know, England being England). He does not really care for much if France is glad about one thing or another, so he could just_
13 years ago
_agonise himself over that. He was still tricked/bullied by him, regardless. Remember 1000?
13 years ago
definitely thinks the male is naive, in so many things... especially in the matters of l'amour... which could probably explain why he
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can't even get court one of his own citizens without being booted out of the house. And do not deny trying because he was there in one of
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England's failed attempts to do so, laughing! And his standards are far higher than a naive nation will ever know... they're just
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considerably lax when it comes to his rival. And he is quite disappointed that Angleterre does not care for his happiness at all; have the
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times made him heartless? Yes... ah, of course... but it is only just so much fun to bully innocent little England.~
13 years ago
does not give a bleeding fuck about l'amour or whatever. And unlike France, he is not a pervert who attempts to bed every breathing_
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_person. Perhaps that is why France had been so friendly to Scotland, then? How vile. A-And well! At least his looks manlier than what_
13 years ago
_France is capable of, which is girly styles that did not appeal to him in the slightest, of course! And if he is lax, then that means he_
13 years ago
_is right, in a way. And yes, he is heartless. Only to him. And his brother. So, in that case, he owed him nothing. He should have been_
13 years ago
_a lot more agressive back then and just punch the teeth out of his face whenever he bullied him. (( Sorry, Iggy is being mean =u= ))
France thinks
13 years ago
that's exactly why England is such a bitter little child - yes a child, because as he's said before, he's nothing more than a snot-nosed,
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naive little brat who thinks much too highly of himself and always gets ahead of himself - and doesn't know his limits. Mark his words,
13 years ago
something monsieur Angleterre does in the future will be just so... forceful and just screams "trying-too-hard" that he will no doubt
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experience a large catastrophe that will send him crying and reminding him where he belongs: at the bottom of the food chain. And... as
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to his brother, well, he'll let you be the judge of that, oui? About the bullying... non... Angleterre wouldn't have enough guts if he
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tried.. .that, and he couldn't reach him, because he was just so puny. (Haha, no problem, they're supposed to be mean to each other. XD)
13 years ago
(Although I'm laughing at how this has become some sort of debate. xD)
England is
13 years ago
not going to mark words that came out from a French. As for crying and all that, hah! As if. He had already been through his worst_
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_during his worst and all his tears had already been cried out then. France should not be too jealous that he is making his way up to the_
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_top of the world. He is getting stronger and he knows that. And well, he is not tiny now! And even then, he could jump quite high!
13 years ago
(( I am too xD And pfff at the puny part. ))
France thinks
13 years ago
again, that that pride will be the ultimate downfall... that, and his mouth, that just doesn't known when to shut up. He's going to actually
13 years ago
take that as a challenge now; how about a wager, that Angleterre will commit a grave error in the future, that he will cry, on his knees,
13 years ago
and wondering why he was suffering so? It would be most amusing to him if you would humour him.~ And please, he would never be jealous.
13 years ago
Those that try to hard to become bigger eventually fly too close to the sun and get burned... and he doubts that England could jump high...
13 years ago
if it all, what with that body.~
England thinks
13 years ago
if there is anyone around here that needs to shut up, it is France. Fine, he will take on that, highly confident he will win this. Crying?_
13 years ago
_And on his knees at that? Impossible. He had suffered enough in the past and he is not quite sure what could be worse. As for that,_
13 years ago
_well, there would be exceptional ones. And he, he believed, could be one of them. Also, France underestimate him far too much... Which is_
13 years ago
_why he is going to lose this war.
13 years ago
doesn't quite think he should shut up, especially because a certain someone loves listening to his advice and hearing him talk, oui? And
13 years ago
he's quite pleased with the agreement. Because even if he personally won't make it happen, he will be sure to be there to watch you sink
13 years ago
on to those English knees and smirk in victory, and he'll show who's going to eat his words. Well then, what shall the wager be? Winner gets
13 years ago
bragging rights for a millenia? Aha...~ And he better not be using the word "exceptional" to refer to himself, because that's just
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tainting the word. As well... he is not going to lose this war. He's not going to lose to England of all people.
13 years ago
i-is most certainly not the certain someone, then! And hm, very well. If, by the end of this millenium, he did not do just what France_
13 years ago
_said, he would emerge as the winner. Ah, he is looking forward to the year 2000 already. And he is going to prove to him that he is not_
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_merely just using the word 'exceptional' freely. In that case, we will just see who goes down first then, because as much as France does_
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_not want to lose to England, he himself did not want to lose to some Frenchman.
13 years ago
would actually very much think so; really, so much denial Angleterre. He wonders vaguely where and how that sort of personality formed,
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but one day, he will definitely be forced to face the music. And England should not be so sure of that; he has been praying much lately and
France has
13 years ago
had a premonition of such an event... is he quite sure he will not back out right now? There is still time, after all.~ Please, your wings
France will
13 years ago
fall and burn to the ground. And France will emerge victorious.
England is
13 years ago
not in any form of denial. As for his personality, it is good, isn't it? This way, no one can ever hurt him, bully him or look down on_
13 years ago
_him ever again. And he never backs down from anything, especially if it involves France. And he will make sure the French falls_
13 years ago
_with that Scottish in this war.
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