13 years ago
had found out that Rozalija had finally shown up and went to go see her rather excited to finally see her for the first time in months.
latest #147
13 years ago
isn't expecting any company, but will doubtlessly be ecstatic to see her friend.
Evelin is
13 years ago
knocking at her door. She would have called and told the other she was coming over, but after trying to call before and was unable to_
13 years ago
because inter-dimensional calling wasn't exactly possible yet, she probably forgot to even try that.
13 years ago
jumps in surprise at the sound of her door going, not even bothering to put down her mug before going to answer it in quick haste, despite -
13 years ago
not knowing who it is on the other side.
13 years ago
smiles brightly seeing the other as the door opens. "Tere~"
13 years ago
almost drops her cup in shock and the smile that's suddenly on her face almost matches the other girls'. "Evelin! Sveiks!" She steps out _
13 years ago
of the way to let her friend in, still beaming at Estonia.
13 years ago
enters the house with an urge to hug the other in joy, but the cup was blocking her from doing that. "How have you been?"
13 years ago
"I've been really good, you?" The smile won't budge from her face and she puts the cup down on the table, leading her friend into the main _
13 years ago
room. Rozalija also wants to hug the other girl, but her self-restraint is stopping her from doing so.
13 years ago
"I've been rather well," she says before taking the opportunity to hug the other. "I was though a bit worried about you." That might be an_
13 years ago
understatement though.
13 years ago
"That's good." She replies, then thinks it over. "I mean, g-good that you've been well, not that you've been worried..." Mentally berating _
13 years ago
herself for not thinking her words through better, she guestures to her very overstuffed couch. "You can sit down if you like. Would you _
13 years ago
like anything to drink?"
13 years ago
smiles lightly able to understand what the other said meant before she explained it. She was actually a bit more content in just holding_
13 years ago
the other for a bit more, but she releases her grasp instead to sit down. "No, thank you. I'm fine."
13 years ago
nods awkwardly and sits down next to Evelin, smoothing out her own skirt in the process. "Have I missed much?" She was all too aware of _
13 years ago
how long it'd been since they'd last spoken.
13 years ago
nods a bit. "Quite a bit actually. Where would you like to start off on that? The parallel world we're currently in, the fact this world_
13 years ago
contains nations quite similar to us but are opposite in gender, the relationships going on here, or the drama that I believe might be_
13 years ago
going on? Actually don't ask about the last one since that's only a feeling I have." Though that was a rather strong feeling.
13 years ago
"So this is... two worlds together?" She guesses, not all too sure of what the other was trying to say. "And there's a boy version of me_
13 years ago
and a boy version of you?" That sounds utterly far fetched to her, that there was almost a copy of her running around.
13 years ago
"Yep, exactly that, though I'm not sure if this is worlds coming together." She smiles lightly. "I haven't had the chance to meet the male_
13 years ago
me yet; however, the male Latvia is adorable."
13 years ago
"How similar are we?" She doesn't mean to be so nosy or somewhat self-obsessed, but the idea just makes her want to fire _
13 years ago
off endless questions about her other self. How similar were they, was he friendly, did they have the same history, or was _
13 years ago
that different? It's a comforting, albeit eerie, thought that someone might have been through all the same things as her. _
13 years ago
Exactly the same things as her.
13 years ago
thinks about it for a minute. "He's pretty similar to you. I don't think I know enough about him to say how similar you two are besides_
13 years ago
things like you two look like you could be siblings."
13 years ago
Wow..." Rozalija had always wanted a sibling, and even though she had her honorary sisters, it just wasn't the same. At least now, she _
13 years ago
could maybe have an honorary brother, too. "So, there's opposite sexes of us and our friends running around. Does anything else _
13 years ago
weird happen?" She's aware that all she's doing is bombarding her friend with questions.
13 years ago
doesn't mind being asked questions really. "Well, nothing else has been too strange has been going on besides that. I mean there has been_
13 years ago
more going on, but at least it seems to actually have explainable causes."
13 years ago
"I see." She lapses into silence, having known that there was something different about the world she was now in, but now she knows more _
13 years ago
about it she doesn't really mind too much. "So how did you know I was here?"
13 years ago
"I've been keeping a few tabs, and little bird tell me you were here finally." Whether she was talking of a literal bird or a metaphorical_
13 years ago
was anyone's guess. "I felt I needed to come over as soon as you got here especially because of all the time that has past." If she_
13 years ago
_remembered, this was the longest they went with talking to each other since the 1930s when she didn't talk to anyone for a period of time.
13 years ago
smiles, a little sadly. "It has been a while, hasn't it?" Still, it was over now and hopefully they would be able to keep in better contact_
13 years ago
now that they were actually in the same realm instead of split and completely unable to speak to one another.
13 years ago
nods lightly. She was definitely going to make sure they did keep better contact.
13 years ago
"How long have you been here?" she hadn't been keeping track of exactly how long it was since they'd last spoken, _
13 years ago
but she knew, in her head, that it'd been far too long.
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
back a bit. "Nearly eight months now. I got here just before Friends' Day back in February."
Rozalija is
13 years ago
completely taken aback at that. "That's so much longer than I thought."
13 years ago
rubs the back of her neck. "Yeah, I can't believe myself I've been here so long. Sometimes I feel like I haven't went to another world_
13 years ago
13 years ago
"Is Lietuva here? Wendy?" They were, really, the only other people that she was concerned about.
13 years ago
"I know that Wendy is here, but I haven't seen Leedu yet. Soome doesn't seem to be here either." Actually she was sure all the Nordics were_
13 years ago
here except her best friend.
13 years ago
As annoying as Wendy could sometimes be, Rozalija was looking forward to seeing the younger girl already, now that she knew the other was _
13 years ago
here too. "Hopefully they'll show up soon."
13 years ago
"I hope they do. It would be nice to have everyone at one place again." Eve rather missed them.
13 years ago
"Indeed. It's been strange with so many people missing. World meetings have certainly been... Different." They certainly had been, if only _
13 years ago
because there had been a lot less bickering than usual.
13 years ago
"I can understand that. World Meetings aren't exactly the same here either." For the opposite reason, the world meetings seem to become_
13 years ago
even more hectic than usual due to the increase in nations (even if some nations take turns of who goes to the meetings).
13 years ago
"Is, uh..." She lowers her voice, looking around nervously. "Is Russia here?" If you asked her, she'd deny it, but Rozalija was still very _
13 years ago
frightened of the woman that had dominated her history for the best part of a century.
13 years ago
shakes her head. "Ei, she isn't here. No need to be so nervous."
13 years ago
releases breath that she didn't even realize that she'd been holding. "Thank goodness..." It would be great to spend some time without _
13 years ago
worrying about Russia suddenly popping up and frightening her.
13 years ago
smiles lightly at that just pretty content at this point.
13 years ago
"I missed you a lot." She says honestly, thinking over how difficult the past few months has been without one of her confidants to turn to.
13 years ago
"I missed you too," she replies deciding to giving the younger girl another hug mostly since she could and partly because she really_
13 years ago
missed her as well.
13 years ago
hugs the other girl back, smiling contentedly at how good it felt to be happy and comfortable with someone that meant so much to her _
13 years ago
after so long.
13 years ago
might just be a little too comfortable though and might not let go for a bit... as long as the other doesn't mind too much that is. While_
13 years ago
she wouldn't admit it out right, she had felt a little lonely lately.
Rozalija has
13 years ago
no plans to let the other go either, and so doesn't have a problem sitting like this for... A long while, at least.
Evelin is
13 years ago
glad then as she continues to cuddle her with her head lightly rested on the top of the other head. Yep, the younger girl's hair still was_
13 years ago
13 years ago
laughs for a second at the feeling of the other's breath as it ruffles her hair and puts it in an even worse state of disarray. _
13 years ago
It feels good to laugh and to be carefree, if even only for a moment. "You're messing my hair!" she mock-whines. Really, she doesn't mind.
13 years ago
laughs at that before nuzzling a bit if only to make the hair slightly more messy. "But it's so soft~" she says in a slightly teasing way.
13 years ago
"Of course it's soft! All of me is." Mentally, more than physically. She knows she's soft in the head, and a huge pushover but it's just _
13 years ago
how she is. Even though she wishes she wasn't sometimes, there's not much she feels she can do about it. Still, it seems to be how her _
13 years ago
friends like her, so there's no urgent rush for change.
13 years ago
doesn't think that the other is entirely soft. There had to be some toughness somewhere to make it though to this point. Eve just smiles_
13 years ago
lightly poking Rozalija's cheek and then arm. "Yep, soft and cute~"
13 years ago
"I'm not cute!" she denies, blushing a little and poking Evelin back, digging her fingers into the other girl's waist with a devilish grin.
13 years ago
"Yes, you are~" she says laughing a bit trying to retaliate by poking the other more.
13 years ago
Brows creasing, she wriggles her fingers, letting them squirm up and down her friend's ribs as she searches for a -
13 years ago
particularly ticklish spot.
13 years ago
bits her lip to try to stop laughing at attempt to stop the other from tickling her. However, it really isn't working too well.
13 years ago
notices the lip biting and doubles her efforts, releasing the hug to use both hands in her merciless assault.
13 years ago
can not stop her laughter as the attacked is doubled. She would try to tickle the other back, but instead she tries to defend herself by_
13 years ago
moving towards one side of the couch.
13 years ago
starts giggling at the other's laugh, following her determinedly. She tries to make herself look tall and threatening, but probably fails.
13 years ago
Between laughing and trying to get away, she couldn't really tell if the other looked threatening at all. She finally backs up enough that_
13 years ago
the arm rest blocks her only escape path that doesn't include falling off the couch.
13 years ago
"Aha! Got you now!" She exclaims gleefully, laughing almost uncontrollably herself as she continues in her epic quest to tickle Eve _
13 years ago
until she gives in.
13 years ago
won't be exactly sure what exactly the other want to give in to. "Roza," she barely manages to say as she laughs. "Stop it~"
13 years ago
contemplates not stopping but then does, collapsing in laughter next to Evelin.
13 years ago
's laughter slowly calms some finally being able to breathe. She practically had a smile plastered to her face as some laughter managed_
13 years ago
to escape.
13 years ago
glances at Evelin happily. "It really is good to see you again." although she feels like a broken record repeating herself, she feels like _
13 years ago
her happiness shouldn't be kept to herself.
13 years ago
smiles lightly nodding a bit definitely not minding hearing that again. Her hand idly smooths the other's hair that she had messed up_
13 years ago
_ just barely earlier.
13 years ago
leans against Evelin, not quite hugging her but practically draping herself across the other like a blanket, quite enjoying _
13 years ago
her hair being smoothed. If she was any more relaxed, she'd be purring like a kitten,
13 years ago
would be rather amused if the other did start purring and was glad the other was relaxed. It was always nice to see her this way.
13 years ago
"So, what sort of drama goes on here?" She questions, thinking back to their earlier, initial conversation. _
13 years ago
"Is it worse or better than in our world?" Surely it couldn't be worse, some of the tempers on the other girls could be utterly _
13 years ago
explosive at world meetings.
13 years ago
"I'm not quite sure actually. I mean there have been a few verbal fights, but I think there is more going on then just that. Whatever it is_
13 years ago
, it seems to be worse here." She sighs a bit. "Even being body swapped for a bit didn't seem to cause more drama then there already was."
13 years ago
"Body swapped?!" Rozalija can barely believe her ears. "You're joking, right?" This certainly was a weird place.
13 years ago
"I certainly wish that I was joking. Though Dmytro let me play with the hair he had when we were all switched, so that was fun~" Waking up_
13 years ago
the first day... not so much fun.
13 years ago
"I'm glad I wasn't here for that." She does NOT like the sound of someone else having control of her body. Although, it might have been fun_
13 years ago
seeing everyone run about in other peoples' bodies.
13 years ago
nods lightly. "Yeah, it's probably good that you weren't." It was kind of strange seeing her body walking around...
13 years ago
"So, strange things just happen here? For no reason?" She's rethinking her joy at being here. Even though it's good to be around people she_
13 years ago
missed, it sounded like everyone was just at the mercy of some odd force.
13 years ago
thinks about what has been happening in the past few months. "Not really after those two strange occurrences." Having strange dreams would_
13 years ago
be the next comparable thing, but she usually has strange dreams.
13 years ago
murmurs her reply, "I suppose that's not so bad then." She lapses into silence, looking around her little house. It wasn't as nice as her _
13 years ago
home back in her world, but it was cosy and that's all that mattered. "Thank you for coming round to visit me."
13 years ago
smiles lightly. "You're welcome. I wanted to make sure you were alright."
13 years ago
"You're always so thoughtful." Rozalija was a little jealous at that, wishing she could be as clever and thoughtful as the other girl.
13 years ago
shakes her head slightly. "I think I mostly did this out of worry." She could understand clever, but she felt herself a bit more selfish_
13 years ago
than thoughtful.
13 years ago
"Ah. Well, you shouldn't be worried about me! I can take care of myself." Most of the time, that was.
13 years ago
smiles a bit. "I know you can, but that wouldn't stop me from worrying about you."
13 years ago
"It should!" She jokes, not completely meaning it. Without Evelin and Lithuania to look over her and worry about her, she doesn't know_
13 years ago
where she would be. They'd saved her bacon far more times than just once.
13 years ago
"Then I guess you don't know me well as I thought," she says faking a pout.
12 years ago
"Who are you?" She jokes, looking at Evelin with a confused look on her face.
12 years ago
plays along with this pouting even more. "I'm Estonia, remember? The girl you have known for 800 years and spent around 600 years in the_
12 years ago
same houses."
12 years ago
"Estonia? I can't say that rings any bells..." She looks up to the ceiling as if pondering hard on the other's identity.
12 years ago
"Really? I guess that I need to remind you then. Although I'm not exactly sure how to do that," she says trying to look sadden, but it's_
12 years ago
not very convincing.
12 years ago
"Then I'm afraid that I may live the rest of my life unable to remember who you are." She's trying to hold back yet another smile at the_
12 years ago
other girl's unconvincing sad look.
12 years ago
"That wouldn't be good. I wouldn't want you to forget who I am." She pretends to ponder for a moment before pragmatically smothering the_
12 years ago
younger girl in another hug. "Does this help?"
12 years ago
((practically... I swear I can.... Sleep... *headdesk))
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