cheffyskater5237 has
15 years ago
disappeared into oblivion, only to be found munching on FEREROS. (LOL)
latest #7
Riks says
15 years ago
can i has?
cheffyskater5237 says
15 years ago
noes! nebers! they is mine, mine porebers! *growls*
Riks says
15 years ago
waaaaa. you is damot! you dare how?! =)) i demand! poar MOAR ferrero!
cheffyskater5237 says
15 years ago
NEBER. red mei leps, NEBERS.
CremeDeLaCrop says
15 years ago
can i have then iwont give rikki lol (LOL)
Riks says
15 years ago
J00 has no leps! =)) aww, maee! D= lololol. YOUWILLGIVEMEEE!
cheffyskater5237 says
15 years ago
i shan't givest thy fereros to thee!
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