Iris Seale says
12 years ago
So, if someone calls me a c**t in the comments, is it acceptable to reply with 'rawr'?
latest #17
Iris Seale says
12 years ago
idk, some ass in secrets comments. they don't look like much fun to play with, though.
Iris Seale says
12 years ago
i don't get that at all. what's it mean?
Iris Seale says
12 years ago
oooo, totes is bad. so bad. i have a student who says 'totes mcgotes.' she's in college. she's my age.
Iris Seale says
12 years ago
Iris Seale says
12 years ago
i'm not on skype? gah, i hate new skype.
12 years ago
(Just wanted to pipe in that using 'totes' is trying wayyyyyy too hard to be cute... and failing.)
Iris Seale says
12 years ago
so much, tym.
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