言教不如身教. 好唄從現在開始,俺會盡量不超速除非被rapid追,F啊D啊S啊H啊B啊等等開頭的詞要養成習慣不說不說不想不想,憤怒的時候不能罵這些只能撞牆以洩憤。 暫時是這樣
沒有心情是真的會沒胃口麼? 可是肚子餓不是本能反應麼?俺沒有心情也是要吃很多的。別讓情緒駕馭於本能反應之上,久而久之,它會吞噬掉你啦,
希望六文錢不是女的然後弟弟不是憑空捏造的。不然粉絲或者鄉民(俺) 會夢碎這樣。
所以你的意思是。。。我應該ikat perut之類的?
I'm definitely the last one to submit it, at 16:59:59
想念舊家的地理形態, 無論任何時刻,餓了只要以翻滾的姿態去隔壁就有食物,總之很近就是了。
『This Japanese kids song is about toys coming out from boxes at night and dance while kids are asleep.』quoted.Er....now it sounds creepy.=o=
昨晚internet发神经一整晚沒得上網,一早起來開email看見三個人mentioned自己在comment 還以為發生什麼事。原來是純粹的“世界真是小小小”
真是都不能放心清闲relax的kononnya cuti.
Even though I'm at home, i could tell that everywhere is crowded.
消音 功课!
你這幾天都在幹嘛?【slap slap】
Will I survive in the adult world?
在你出生那天, 你是第
5,084,547,805 位
雅虎acc被hacked然後sent spam給hotmail acc. ==
果然现在says会吃link+變嚴去鳥。 so far acc從RM10++ 升到RM 17++。 加油!
果然还是放不太下。刚才又在碎碎念。学到的教训:问清楚工作时间工作范围和工钱才来答应。 答应了就不能回头。除非愿意当个不负责任的人这样就酱放飞机
心理不平衡当中。居然星期日公共假期连extra pay也没有?(没有跟你讨double pay已经很客气了)过分
Positive 磁场please come to my way.
quot;下次再叫你來做蛤." Me
quot;呵呵.." (os: 緊咁蝦你們的錯愛,我不會再回來做鳥)
kap zai kap lui 都不比跟小孩子玩來得omoshiroi.
it creeps the hell out of me.
the glowing round thingy upon the sky.
I've lost the ability to do that, or I never have it?
hate it when you got me trapped in the I-am-so-pathetic loop.
finally. cant believe it took me so long to finally watch HP7B.
supposed to do homework. Can I do it tmr?
You just wouldn't refresh yourself, would you? You want me hit the button over and over again?
nihongo wa totemo muzukashii desune. Eigo mo totemo muzukashii desu.
highly impatient I'm. pit
highly impatient I'm. pit
It's never been easy to feel contented all the time. We always want more. Greedy creatures we are.
前几天才刚跟阿雷谈到毛骨悚然撞鬼经验的日本综艺节目,想不到转眼就看到居然出了电影版。啊哈哈哈哈。好 ! 老子 现在就看!
long time bo watch ghost movie. chikek even the day is still early.
Just wonder if anyone would watch ghost movie when home alone. XD
然後上回哈啦咱們亂說的,如果LM教男校,第一天上課就可以進去說,entao mia 坐前面之類的終於可以成真了啊(大誤)
jian ping 醬小只jit kuei, 還中男校會被欺負吧
然後對面有好喝的奶茶賣。canteen的食物好像有比檳華的好吃,我要吃很多碗這樣。然後可以八卦"玫瑰軍團“ 的男歡男愛這樣 <--喂!!! 如斯說藉以撫慰自己對不確定的恐懼。
when I read thru the functions of each part. I couldn't help but think that my adenoma has somehow contributed to my forgetfulness.
it seems close to the temporal lobe. so i guess when i shake or nod my head, it could be kena sini sana and cause memory loss?
然後有時會自問,這麼辛苦zomok? 就像那個一天挑20桶水的甲,值得嗎?
my auditory cortex must had failed to function properly. How on earth would some1 terdengar 1pm as 10am?
I truly adore you, in many ways, but..your placement of the time and date for the test has messed up my schedule. =/