13 years ago
[Superhero] Antonio stood in the shadows, a normal spot for him to be during the evening, just watching the slowly budding night life come
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out and enjoy themselves. It was also the best time for him; robberies and such were easy at night. But that wasn't the only reason he was
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drawn outside on this particular night. Due to his 'researching' on a certain hero, he had been able to find him in the middle of work. His
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grin only grew as said hero made his way into view, almost lie clockwork. He watched the other battle against some other petty criminal to
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get back what was stolen, or whatever. Antonio could care less. All he wanted to do was watch the other fight; it was slowly becoming his
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favorite pastime. With each jump, attack and dodge, the fight drew to a close, his little hero in much better shape then his opponent. With
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one more hit, he had the criminal down and handcuffed. Moving out of his hiding spot only to follow them, he watched as his hero turned the
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defeated criminal in. All in all, it was a great show for him.
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[[For my love /haha, just translated yours /so unclever...]]
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[[Fff no you gave such passion to it ;3;]]
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After turning the criminal in to the police at the scene, he let out a soft sigh, starting to trail home. The streets were pretty quiet at
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this time, surprisingly. The City normally buzzed with life. His stomach growled obstinately and the Italian blushed, even though there was
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no one to hear it. Maybe he would stop by Kiku's to see if he'd already cooked dinner. Though, he was so exhausted, he'd probably just fall
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asleep on his couch...
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Antonio stepped out of his 'hiding spot' to follow after the hero, not making himself known just yet. This way he could keep a close eye on
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him but still be mysterious. Although, it wouldn't last long; this was a 'hero' after all, and he wouldn't just ignore someone following
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him. He stopped, and with a grin, started clapping. "You did a good job, little hero~" he said, eyes raking over the others body from behind
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He froze, swallowing, and slowly turned around; though he didn't need to. He knew who it was. "What do you want?" the Italian asked in as
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controlled of a voice as he could manage. Really, inside he was trembling. He knew that he was exhausted, and that he probably couldn't make
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[[...Aw, fuck, it didn't post the last one...]]
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it through another battle. The villain had probably planned it so he could attack Lovino at his weakest...
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He raised his hands in defense, knowing exactly why the hero was so upset. "What? Can't I just be strolling by and happen to run into you?"-
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he asked innocently, knowing that the lie was quite obvious. "Is that so hard to believe?"
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"In your costume?" He gestured to the outfit, raising his hands as fists in front of him. He wasn't going to let himself be caught offguard,
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but he also wasn't going to charge into battle, since his odds were even worse than last time's.
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He had been caught there. But then again, it wasn't like it was safe to roam the streets alone most of the time. And it definitely wasn't
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safe to have people finding out about his powers without his costume on. "Now now...I'm not here to fight you. Why can't we"
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He curled his fists tighter, setting his jaw. "I don't believe you!" He might have just been feeling bitter about his loss and humiliation,
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but he didn't trust the villain one bit. "There's no such thing as 'just talk' with a criminal."
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"There isn't? Well, I don't want to fight you obviously, so what else is left?" He said, taking a step closer to the tense hero. He wasn't
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really in the mood to do anything but tease the little hero until he was angry; that look, he thought was cute on him. "Just...calm down..."
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Lovino trembled, heat radiating off of him in waves. "I don't want…!" He faltered, wobbling on his feet. "I… I d-don't… I…" Legs threatening
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to buckle any second, he opened and closed his mouth aimlessly, eyes shutting as he started to fall...
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Antonio quickly grabbed onto the falling hero, for once saving the day. It was weird to be touching him for once and not being burned from
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the contact. He looked down at the passed out hero, grinning. This couldn't have been a better opportunity to finally talk to the other one
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on one. Checking first to make sure he was just asleep and not in serious need of medical attention, he carried him bridal style back to his
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current place of residence and set him on his bed. It would be fun when the other woke up.
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His powers played on science; an exothermic reaction released energy in the form of heat, and an endothermic reaction absorbed it. Which was
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why he woke up shivering, which was saying something about both the cold and the amount of energy he needed to absorb; his body typically
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had no trouble keeping him at a comfortable temperature. He forced his eyes open, staring at the ceiling for a minute before croaking out,
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"K-Kiku...?" Because this wasn't his house, so who else could it be...?
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Antonio was in the other room, not wanting to make this even more awkward. But he left the door open so he would know just when he woke up.-
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Smiling, he stood up and walked towards the room when he heard that tentative voice ring through the air. "Well hello there sleepy head,
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sleep well?" He asked with a grin, leaning on the door frame.
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He sat up, and his breath cut off in his throat, staring at the male in disbelief. "W-what....?" What was he doing here? "K-Kiku!" Lovino
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yelled, panicked, though it was mostly out of denial rather than an actual belief that he was at his friend's and the villain had broken in.
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"I'm not sure if this Kiku is a friend or not, but their making me jealous..." he teased, still standing against the door frame. He didn't
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want to approach the other just yet, in case he gathered all his strength back and was going to attack him. "I'm the one who helped you..."
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He flushed at that, and reached to grab the tissue box on the bedside table, hurling it at the Spaniard. Everything was all a bit surreal;
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what purpose did the other find in 'helping' him? He didn't have much information to be tortured out of him; he was a bit of a loner among
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heroes. "Fuck you!"
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Antonio dodged the thrown object as smoothly as he could, finally taking a step into the room. "Well, I didn't know you wanted me so badly~
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I would be happy to oblige you." he said with a grin, standing a few feet from the bed to keep space, but to try and show that this was
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still his place; his lair. "I told you I just wanted to talk..."
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The innuendo went completely over Lovino's head, bristling as the villain drew closer. "And I told you that criminals never want to just
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talk. Why the hell am I here?" He made a motion to get out of the best, but let out a soft cry and sunk back down again; the pain was never
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as noticible until the adrenaline wore off.
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He moved closer to him, standing next to the bed and reaching out to help the other if need be. He knew boundaries (sometimes), so he wasn't
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about to get too close this soon. "What if I'm not like your 'normal criminals'? he said, sitting on the corner of the bed. "I can't help
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that you interest I just want to talk..."
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He inched away to the center of the bed, as close to the headboard as he could get while staying comfortable. "I'm not even interesting, or
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very popular. If you want to wreck me with the press, don't bother. You already virtually ruined the paltry reputation I had."
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"Now why would you think I would want to do that to you...?" He asked. But the fact that the hero brought up such things made him even more
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curious. "And I couldn't help it...I just can't afford to be arrested just yet." He smiled as if it was a normal thing.
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He glared at the other, the temperature in the room rising a bit. "And that's why I know you've got some ulterior motive. Your type--" he
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spat this with contempt-- "don't think about anyone but themselves."
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"Ouch. My type? Now I'm put with all those others?" He said, chuckling, trying to fake being hurt. "What ulterior motives do you think I
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have?" He asked, turning and crawling on the bed towards him like a predator. "What could I possibly do that would be so bad...?"
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"One less hero in the world to deal with?" he replied dryly, not taking his eyes off the other, inching closer towards the headboard. Lovino
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did not like how close the villain was getting. He winced as he bumped a bruise particularly roughly.
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Antonio noticed the other wincing from bumping into his headboard. "Now what do we have here?" He asked, moving close and reaching out to
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turn the other and see his bruise. "Seems that lower criminal got you..." He said, his eyes not just staying on the discoloured skin, but
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traveling down his costume clad body.
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He whirled around, smacking the other away with a heated hand. "G-get away! Don't touch me!" he shrilled out, flushed and looking like a
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cornered animal. There was nothing Lovino liked about the other being this close. "I mean it!"
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"...fine..." He said, moving back and standing next to the bed. "But I'm your ticket out of here. There's no way out by yourself. Just think
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about that as you cower away from me and refuse to talk." He turned, waving a hand over his shoulder. "When you think you can talk to me,
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I'll be downstairs, with the food I made you..." He added that last bit to entice the hero out.
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He scowled to himself and sunk under the covers (and blushed when he realized they smelled like the other), sulking. Who was that filthy
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villain to tell him what he could and could not do? But after a bit, his stomach growled angrily at him. The male did say he had food… With
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a sigh, he stumbled from the bed (with some walking difficulty), leaving the room. ...How was he supposed to know where to go...?
13 years ago
The smell of freshly cooked tomatoes wafted throughout the house-or at least that's what it looked like inside. Antonio was in the kitchen,
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cutting up more tomatoes that he grew to put on top of his dish to make it look and taste even better. He was a pretty good cook, but it
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wasn't his preferred profession. If the hero he had in his bed didn't come down for food, he'd just have to go feed him...or do something
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else to het him to eat...
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His stomach growled loudly when he smelled the food, and he whimpered pitifully. He detested big houses, and always got lost in them. But
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Lovino was so hungry... He finally forced himself to go back in the room, burying under the covers. He would rather be hungry than hungry
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and hopelessly lost.
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When time passed and the hero hadn't made his way downstairs, he knew something had to be up. His little hero would need to learn how to
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find his way through places so he didn't get lost. Walking back upstairs he peeked around the door frame to see if the hero had moved at all
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which he hadn't. "Well...I didn't know you enjoyed my bed so much...maybe I should stay and help you test it out~"
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He jumped in shock at the voice, flushing bright red over being caught offguard. The innuendo was almost lost on him, until he gave it a
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second thought, blushing even darker. "S-shut up!" he shrilled, blushing bright red. He didn't move to get out of the bed, because he didn't
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want the villain to make fun of him for getting lost easily in houses.
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"So I take it you aren't hungry? Is that how you stay so fit?" He joked, walking into the room but stayed a significant distance from the
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bed since he knew the hero (for some reason) detested his presence. "I made some very nice pasta with tomato sauce...though I don't know if
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you'll enjoy it. I use very fresh tomatoes..." He rambled on, trying to get the hero out of the bed.
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His stomach growled at the words. Pasta with tomato sauce? Hesitantly, the brunette unburied himself, ass wiggling out first before Lovino
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completely untangled himself. He was surprised to be called fit; the albino potato always teased him by calling him chubby and pinching his
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lovehandles. He stumbled from the bed, adjusting his costume (even though it wouldn't become any more modest).
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It was hard for Antonio to not watch the other get out of his bed in such a way. He wasn't always s vocal pervert, but it was hard to hold
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back when the hero was tempting him in such a way. And the hero couldn't deny that his costume called attention towards his body,he was
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basically asking for it. "Shall we?" He asked, holding out his hand as if the other needed help walking out of his room.
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He stared at the hand, scowling. "Get moving," the male grumbled, shoving at the villain. He hardly wanted to touch the other, never mind
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hold his hand.
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Antonio pretended to stumble heavily at the shove, grinning. "If you want~" He lead the other down to the kitchen, walking towards the pot
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simmering on the stove. "You can sit there at the table." He said, gesturing towards the table. He set up the others bowl and delivered it
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to him. "Am I still all that evil?" He asked, smiling as he stood back.
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Lovino settled down at the table, practically drooling when the bowl was handed over. It smelled amazing. In the middle of stuffing a huge
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forkful into his mouth, the other spoke, and he glanced up, forcing himself to swallow. "You hurt people for your own personal benefit. You
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are the most vile scum imaginable."
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Antonio frowned and tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Oh? So have you looked into my past or that another power that
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you haven't revealed until now?" he asked. He got defensive when people made assumptions about him. There were things that he had to do
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against his will, not because he wanted to.
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That earned a dark glare. Lovino had heard the same shit over and over again, but it still made him so angry. How could anyone with a soul
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not feel any remorse for destroying lives? Every person that was killed had a family, loved ones, people that would be torn apart when the
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victim died. There was never any right for anyone to take the life or belongings of another person, no matter their 'history'. "People like
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you disgust me."
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"And you think you're any better?" he said, his voice rising higher. "Sure, on the surface all you hero's are praised and loved by millions,
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but when you really think about it, you are all vain." he said, his fists clenching at his sides. He normally could keep his composure. It
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wasn't like he ever took anyone's lives. He was just doing what he was told, and that was mostly just taking things or beating people up
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that deserved it. It enraged him that this hero decided that he was rotten at first glance.
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Lovino stood up abruptly, chair clattering out from behind him. "Fuck you!" he screamed, flipping the bowl of (delicious) pasta onto the
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floor and storming up the stairs, back into the bedroom, slamming the door with a bang. He hated that he was trapped in this unfamiliar
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house, and that he couldn't escape to a place of his own.
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He had to gather his composure before he tried to go get the hero out of his room. This wasn't going the way he planned, but then again that
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was why he liked the little hero; he was challenging. The room felt empty now as he looked down at the spilled food. He would clean that up
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after he was done. He walked slowly to the door, gathering himself before he spoke. "Okay...we're both at fault here, but there's no need to
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slam doors..." He said, turning the knob to enter the room.
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All that was visible was a hill of covers in the middle of the bed, occasionally letting out a soft sob or trembling. Lovino was curled
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tightly under the covers, crying and letting his tears soak the blankets. Why was he getting so worked up over this? It wasn't as if the
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Spaniard was anything better than a lowlife...
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Antonio stopped dead in his tracks. He didn't mean to make the other cry or anything. His emotions just got the best of him sometimes. He
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walked closer to the mound on his bed, not attempting to be quiet at all. He wanted to know how the other would react to him after all that.
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He heard the other approach; a hero had to have keen senses. Still, he tried to pretend that he hadn't, letting out another small sob in
Lovino hopes
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that his tears would ward the villain away. When there was no sound of him leaving, he peeked from the corner of the blanket to see if
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he'd only imagined the sound of someone else, scrubbing at his still-falling tears.
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Seeing the tear soaked face of the hero for some reason made his heart clench. He stopped a few feet from the bed, eyes locked onto the
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others face. He felt speechless, not sure if he could say anything intelligent. So the first thing out of his mouth wasn't so much. "...Are
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the tears really necessary...?"
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He shrunk back under the covers, curling up and trembling. "Just l-leave me alone..." he breathed out, voice quavering. If they weren't
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necessary, then he wouldn't be shedding them. If the villain hadn't said those things, they wouldn't be necessary.
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He let out a sigh and walked closer to the bed, sitting down on the corner. "Look...I'm sorry...but you had no right saying those things
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about me when you don't even know me that well." He said, his voice calm and a little saddened. He couldn't handle tears, from anyone.
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Lovino would have retorted, if he hadn't noticed the sadness in the other's tone of voice. He sniffled softly, scrubbing at his eyes as more
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tears leaked out of them. He wished he could go home already...
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"...this isn't going how I wanted it..." He mumbled to himself, scratching his head. "Look...I'll get you some more food and then I'll take
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you home..." He said, slightly frustrated and sad. "It's what you want anyway...I'll be back." All he wanted was to get to know the hero
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better, even if it was in the form of playfully making fun of him.
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Slowly, he poked back out of the blanket. "...Wait..." he breathed, voice hoarse. His gaze moved to the ground, wrapping the blanket tight
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around his shoulders. "Why... why do you care? Why does it matter... how I feel?"
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Antonio wasn't actually sure why he cared, so when the other asked him, he was unsure how to answer that. " interest's
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as simple as that..." he said softly, looking away and blushing just a bit. He was losing his 'cool villain' air slowly as he sat there.
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The Italian blushed as well, though a little more than 'just a bit.' "I-I... oh..." Interest? What was that supposed to mean? That Lovino
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had acquired a villain fan...? He shrunk back under the blanket with embarrassment. "...Y-you can go now..." he mumbled out.
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Antonio didn't want to leave, however. He wanted to stay and be as close to the hero as he could for now. Because after all this, he knew he
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wouldn't have a calm opportunity like this again. "...why are you so upset by my words...?" He asked softly, still not looking at the mound
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of blankets the hero was hiding under. He didn't know if he wanted the hero to see him look so confused.
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His heart nearly stopped at the words, cheeks flushing bright red. Lovino was glad he was hidden under the blankets so the villain couldn't
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see. After a long silence, he whispered out, "…B-because… you…" His voice cracked and he curled up tighter, embarrassed. "N-never mind!"
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"Well...I think its only fitting that you answer me since I answered you...aren't you supposed to do what's tight, hero" he asked, gaining
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back some of his teasing air. He leaned closer to the mound on his bed, trying to uncover him.
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He whined, wriggling around and clinging to the blankets. "Bargaining with villains isn't what's right," he retorted, tone still sounding
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whiny and edged with complaint. Lovino was much more stubborn than the other.
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[[/Paw >n>]]
12 years ago
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"Okay....then let's play a game. You have a normal life besides being a hero, right? So do I. So let's just pretend we've met as normal
12 years ago we don't have any problems with talking, right?" He asked, tugging harder on the blanket in hopes to finally hold a regular
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conversation with the hero.
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He squeaked as the blankets were tugged off, hands going to his mask immediately despite the fact that it was still correctly in place. He
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shivered slightly, still a little weak with his powers. Without them, the Italian was sure he wouldn't survive in such a costume (and he
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still held a grudge against Kiku for it). "I..." Lovino averted his gaze, blushing lightly. "I don't like playing games..."
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He hadn't meant to pull the blankets completely off the hero, he just wanted to see his pretty face. "Well this game will be fun. Hm...I'll
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start. Why hello there, my name is..Toni. And you are?" He said, pausing at his name since he didn't completely want to reveal his identity.
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His eyes widened slightly, before he realized that the other was probably using a nickname or alias. It was never safe to reveal your real
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identity to someone who knew you were a super, unless you truly trusted them. "I'm.... Romano," he offered softly, gazing down at the bed
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and tugging the blankies back over his body for warmth and comfort.
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"Romano? Such a cute name. I'm guessing you're Italian?" He said, genuinely interested. The fact that the hero actually replied instead of
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ignoring him meant that at least he had a foot in the door. "Hmm...let's see...what made you become a hero? Other then having powers?"
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His cheeks puffed out, but he didn't protest; it wasn't his real name, so he had no reason to react to it being called cute. The hero also
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didn't respond to the Italian comment; it was better that the villain know as little about his true identity as possible. "I thought we were
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strangers meeting for the first time..." he huffed out, blushing and averting his gaze.
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Even though he didn't hear a response to his question, he continued to hold into that little piece of information; true or not. "Oh? So you
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are participating in my game? Alright...meeting for the first time..." He said grinning in triumph. "What do you do? I'm sure you have some
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kind of job...?" He asked, looking at the hero expectantly.
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His cheeks went bright red, and he buried under the blanket once more. "T-that's none of your business…" he mumbled out, voice trembling. He
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might have found his job totally normal, but he knew the Spaniard would laugh at him...
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"Don't want to tell me? Hmm...okay. Well, I'm...technically a farmer...I sell produce to others." he said, laughing nervously. If the hero
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thought his own job was normal, then he had another thing coming. Of course...that was just the job he told others. Technically what he did
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at night was another job...
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That would explain the delicious tomatoes... "Hillbilly..." Lovino mumbled out, to make himself feel better. He wiggled his was out of the
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tangle of blankets, bum-first, and glanced at the sky visible through a tiny, high-up window. "It's getting late..."
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Antonio chuckled lightly at the jab at his job, not going to let it get to him; he had heard it all. While the other was looking at the sky,
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he got a chance to look at the tight bum wiggling it's way out of the blankets. He couldn't contain his grin; he really did enjoy the others
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costume. "That it I'm guessing you have something important to do then...?" he joked.
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Lovino really didn't enjoy it. The only reason he hadn't refused it outright was because Kiku had spent a long time on it, and seemed so
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thrilled, so he didn't want to... hurt his feelings... o-or something. "I should get home... sleep to get, people to save..." Not to mention
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Feli was probably expecting a call, though he wouldn't let that slip; it'd endanger his brother if it were ever to get out that Lovino had
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a sibling...
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Antonio smirked, deciding he still wanted to play. "Oh? So you're a hero I take it?" He said surprised, looking at the hero as if he didn't
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know. "Wow, I've never met on of those..." He said, smiling innocently. He knew it was getting laterand later, but he finally had the hero
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in his bed (even if they weren't doing anything). He wasn't going to keep him hostage, but he did want to at least make some kind of
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progress while he still had him.
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He gave the other a glare, and slid out of the bed before stretching, warmth pulsing around him. "I have to go home, I'm not playing your
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little game any more." He hated walking around town in his costume, but he didn't have a change of clothes...
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"Okay okay, no need to get so angry..." He said standing up as well and walking towards the hero. He didn't care if the other hated his
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costume, Antonio couldn't get enough of it. "I'll take you home right now~" He said, standing right next to the hero, looking down at him.-
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He pulled a small pouch out from his pocket and held it up. "But first, I can't let you know where I live...I don't need any stalkers." He
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said jokingly, knowing he was more of a stalker then the hero. Quickly, before the other could react, he blew the contents of the bag onto
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the other, forcing him to smell it and basically ingest it. It should take dome effect soon...
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His brows furrowed and he opened his mouth, but before he could reacy, he was coughing and spluttering, half-bent over. "W-wha-- what did
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y-you--" he choked out, but his eyelids drooped, and Lovino went limp, falling into the Spaniard's arms, fast asleep.
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In this situation, Antonio could do just about anything to the hero, but there would be nothing fun about that; he wouldn't have the others
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feisty comebacks or his attempts to stop blushing. He picked the limp body up, carrying him bridal style out of the room. He had a good hour
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before the powder lost affect and the hero might wake from the carrying. In no time, Antonio made it to the heros residence, laying him
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down softly in his bed. He pulled his shoes off and tucked him in, trying to seem caring. He wanted the hero to be comfortable. Leaning down
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close to the others ear, he grinned. "Until next time, little hero..." He whispered. And with that, he was gone.
12 years ago
[[Fff thank god now I can actually get alerts when there's replies to a thread -3-]]
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