really does not think he could do it. János looks pretty frail, well, to him at least.
certainly not frail! Though he does nearly fall off when he spots him, quickly regaining his balance. "Where the hell did you come from?!"
"Somewhere~ Over the rainbow~" He began to sing in a joking manner. This was a little entertaining though, seeing him try so hard just_
-not- trying hard! He sat down on the nearest branch and peered down at him, frowning slightly. "I think you might be better at this
stalking thing than your counterpart."
grinned widely, wondering if he had already given up when he sat on the branch. "I think you are trying to encourage me into following you_
raised an eyebrow, smirking a little. "How do I do that?" He asked curiously, standing up and continuing to make his way up. He was working
with relative ease now, and looked over his shoulder down at him. "Could you follow me up here too, or is this beyond your abilities?"
tilted his head, reflecting the smirk. "Because that seems to be a challenge to prove myself." He snorted when János taunted him, latching_
_himself almost immediately to the tree. "No way am I losing to a Hungarian." He said, beginning to climb up as well.
snickered at the sight of him making his way up, taking a seat on a higher branch to observe him for a bit. "I'll be impressed if you can
make it up halfway," he challenged, crossing his arms. "Be careful, your little hat might fly off."
stuck his tongue out at him. "Well, I think I will be able to if you could tear your eyes off me for just a second." He teased. His hat_
_did fly off, but he managed to reach out and catch it by his teeth. He grinned smugly and continued to climb.
still feeling quite smug above him, and he laughed as the wind threatened to carry Romania's hat with it. "Performance anxiety?" He
teased right back, standing up and swinging his leg over a branch, hoisting himself up even further.
said something but it was muffled by the hat in his mouth. Although, the last action János did was quite impressive. Smirking, he reached_
_out to try and tug at the other's clothing to stop him from advancing further.
let out a little noise of surprise as his pants were tugged on. He turned around and scowled down at him. "Leave it to a Romanian
to resort to cheating," he smirked.
"Oh? I was not aware that there were any rules set." He lets go now to reach out for a tree branch and swung himself up ahead of the_
"It doesn't matter. I don't expect you to know how to follow them," he said, shrugging. But while he was speaking, Romania flew
past him. "Hey!" He said in surprise, now scrambling to pick up the pace and regain his lead.
"You have got to do a lot better to win me~" Ah. János was so fun to tease, in a way that is completely different from Elizabeta. He smiled_
_a little, he might just prefer this Hungary a tiny bit more than the other.
frowned, now hopping from branch to branch much faster. Well, since they weren't playing fair now, it seemed, he didn't feel so bad about
making a grab for the other's hat once he was close enough, still not stopping his climb. "I told you to be careful about that wind." He
said, waving the hat in mid-air.
blinked at him. "I have tons of them at home." Since they were not playing fair... He aimed a foot at János's face, threatening to just_
(( just ___?? on it? 8D step? xDD ))
(( Oh yes. Step. Aw dang, I am such an airhead at times xAx ))
put the hat on his own head, then, if Romania wasn't going to miss it. He frowned, moving out of the way just in time to avoid a foot
to the face. He grabbed his foot instead and didn't let go. "Silly branches, it's so easy to get your feet stuck in them."
waggled his foot about, trying to shake the Hungarian's hand off. "Da. That particular branch is quite silly, isn't it?" He threw_
_a smirk down to him. If he was not going to let go, he is just going to try stomping...
did let go eventually, if only because he wanted to hurry up and get to the top. He imagined the view was fantastic. He kept going. Just
a few more steps... "I think your hat looks better on me," he mused.
took the last swing up and landed perfectly on the top branch. Achievement unlocked. He looked down at János with a charming smile._
_"I think so, too." He agreed in a smooth voice, randomly going into complete gentleman mode.
made a small sound of annoyance as he too reached the top, but after Romania. The great view at the top soon made his smile return. His
gaze quickly shifted from the horizon back to the other man, his reply surprising him. He didn't really know how to answer. Finally, after a
long (and probably awkward) pause, he cleared his throat and looked back out. "We can see all the way into the city from here."
not the type to feel awkward at any given situations. Well, perhaps there are but it was rare for the Romanian. "Mmhm!" He agreed before_
_sighing happily. It was beautiful, even if it was Hungary. Most of Europe is beautiful. Beautifully romantic, to be exact. "What time is_
's gaze wandered over to him at the sound of that sigh. He couldn't help but smile and wonder if they had more in common than he
thought. He took Romania's hat off, hopped over to the branch he was standing on, and placed it back on the other's head. He looked at his
watch. "A little past noon.Why?"
looked over with a smile when he felt the plop on his head. "Mersi~" As much as it looked good on the other, it looks best on himself. He_
_blinked in response and shrugged a little. "Just wondering how the sunset looks from here."
raised both eyebrows, smiling widely. He slapped Romania's back playfully. "I didn't know you had such a romantic side! Who would have
known?" He sat down on the branch, swinging his feet back and forth. "Well, we can come back. Or camp up here like monkeys."
snorted at that. "Of course you wouldn't. You are a Hungary, after all." He was pleased with the compliment, however. It was true_
_anyway. "Ah, in that case, the latter does not seem to be much a problem for you." Yes, he did just insinuate that János is a monkey.
laughed dryly, slapping the other's back and pretending like he was going to shove him off the branch. "I don't know which one I should
take more offense to. The implication that I'm a brute, or that I'm a monkey."
, at that, forced out an equally dry laugh. "Oh, you are so funny!" He nudged him with a little more force than necessary. "Why ever would_
_you be offended if it is a fact? That you are both a brute and a monkey, that is."
kept his balance by keeping a firm grip on the branch above him. He smirked, returning the nudge just as harshly. "Well, if that's true, I
guess I can't help my instincts!" With that, he started to jump up and down on the branch, making it shake violently.
"Inst---...?" The rest of his words were not meant to be finished as he yelped in surprise, toppling over and falling right off the branch,_
_having not been expecting that.
's eyes widened. He hadn't actually expected Romania to fall off, since he had fared so well and seemed to have pretty good balance.
"Are you alright?!" He asked, pretty concerned. He quickly stepped off the branch to help him. (( Wait, where did he fall? xD ))
(( Right to the ground! xD /is a sadist )) smirked slightly but managed to cover it with an expression of pain. He had already cushioned_
_his fall with magic. Not that the other needed to know anything about it. He muttered a few curses in Romanian to make his act more_
took a little while to hop from branch to branch until he had made it back down to the ground. He felt incredibly guilty, and crouched to
the ground, trying to check him for any cuts or bruises. He didn't seem to have broken anything... He bit down on his lower lip, worried.
hesitantly (it was done on purpose) hooked an arm around János's neck and pulled himself up closer. "Yes..." He whispered weakly. "I..._
_Have something to say..."
had a tiny, tiny suspicion that he was faking this, but he would give someone the benefit of the doubt after falling out of a tree. He
frowned, leaning forward to listen better.
propped himself up even closer, just a breath's distance between them. His eyes were hooded before his expression changed into a playful_
being tortured right now. Nothing made him feel worse than the pain of others. His concerned expression turned sour when he
grinned. "Jerk!" He yelled, punching him in his shoulder. Okay, so it was kinda funny, but he wouldn't admit that.
winced a little at the punch but was laughing boisterously regardless. "Right back at you for making me fall in the first place." He_
_punched him back lightly and playfully at his arm.
crossed his arms, looking down at him with feigned contempt. "It's not my fault you have no sense of balance. Klutz." He brushed
some dirt off the other's clothes.
laughed again. "I am a little of one." He admitted before his gaze falls to the other's hand. "Aw, thanks. You are sweet~" He teased.
huffed, standing back up and offering the other his hand. He would not blush. He would not blush. Shit, he blushed.
(( OTL. I swear to God... wtf, plurk. I'm so sorry, plurk hasn't been notifying me of your replies. ;.; ))
"With the way you are acting now, I'd think you are... In love with me." He teased. "Although, since you are a Hungarian and I am a_
_Romanian..." He did a little shrug before placing his hand on his and pulled himself up.
(( Don't worry too much about it! Plurk has been annoying so I understand ouo ))
pulled him back up, taking a long pause to look at him. His skin color returned to normal. "Have you always been this ridiculous?" Of
note was that he wasn't confirming or denying anything.
shrugged dramatically and did a twirl as he did. "That's what Elizabeta likes to say. But I do like a lot of those romance stuff so I'd_
_know these things~" Well, he doesn't really. He only thinks he know.
stared at him once more as he twirled. He really was a strange guy. His lips twitched into a slow smile. "You like a lot of romance
stuff?" He asked, trying to suppress a laugh. "Like what? Novels? Soap operas?"
took the smile as a positive reaction and did not read too much into it. "Everything and anything!" He hummed a little. "Be it novels,_
_soap operas, musicals or even Disney movies~" He leant in towards him, as if telling a secret. "And recently, Anime. Some of those Yaoi_
_stuff that Elizabeta likes isn't actually all that bad once you look past the sex and more into the little interactions between the_
couldn't help but think that that was a little... cute . Also sort of strange, but he liked shoujo ai, so really, who was he to judge?
Still, he should tease him, of course. "Oh, you're a closet princess," he said, smirking. He fell to one knee and took the other's hand
in his own. "Worry not. I swear on my honor to always protect you, m'lady."
looks embarrassed for about half a second before his expression changed into a smirk. He quickly flipped the positions of their hands and_
_placed a kiss right atop of Janos's hand... Which would have looked kind of awkward to a third party, considering the fact that it was the_
_Hungarian who was kneeling down. "Too late. You are the lady with long, flowy hair."
almost able to supress the blush that followed. He was getting good at hiding his embarrassment. He stood back up, lacing
their fingers together and not letting his hand go. "No, no," he said, smirking. "If we were a couple, I think you would definitely be
the lady. It's quite obvious." He made a point in the back of his mind that Gavril never, EVER find out about his early years.
would have guessed it by now. He knew Elizabeta more than he would like to admit and Janos was like the mirror reflection of her. "If we_
_were a couple?" He held up their entwined hands. "Looks kind of official to me." He teased. "And besides..." He lets their hands rest_
_back down naturally to their sides. He looked to it. "Check out the positions." His own hand was the one in front which, coincidentally,_
_was the dominant position in handholding. He grinned smugly.
didn't know how he had managed to supress a blush for so long, and he had nearly survived the entire ordeal without turning red, but he
lost once the other started speaking. He huffed, pulling his hand away. "That doesn't mean anything. I'm stronger than you are." He didn't
know if he actually was, but now seemed like a good time for bluffing.
mock-pouted when he pulled away, feigning hurt. "Something credible... That is, if it was centuries ago. But now? Not so much." A pause as_
_he smirked, showing a fang. "I could very easily devour you." Well, he couldn't. He was just trying to give him a little scare.
would be lying if he didn't say he didn't enjoy that look on him. He shivered, but hopefully not visibly so, and would deny any of it. He
stepped forward confidently, closing the distance between them. "Not even on my worst day," he growled, smirking right back.
hardly noticed it. And even if he did, he would have simply dismissed it with the reasoning of cold weather. Not wanting to be outdone,_
_he leant his face further in with an intimidating hiss. "Overestimating yourself now, I see?"
growled, pressing his forehead against the other's firmly. "Try me, fang boy," he said, scowling. Truth be told, he'd already forgotten
what they were bickering about, and he wasn't actually sure if he could take him on.
flushed a little. He hadn't expected Janos to actually come in closer. He pulled away and upon realisation of his slip up, quickly put on_
_a smile. "Perhaps next time."
took that as a victory, and did a little mental dance of joy. Feeling smug, he pulled away and looked thoughtful. "What
were we doing again?" Facepalm.
isn't about to let Janos feel more smug than he already is. He attempted a contemplative look as well, although there was a smirk tugging_
_at the edge of his lips. "Oh, I don't know. What do you think we were doing?"
made a face. "To be honest, I still don't know what you're doing here. I know what I'M doing," he said, and to punctuate the statement,
jumped and clung onto a branch. He swung back and forth, making a little noise of excitement.
looked to him, trying to look as unamused as possible. "Well, as do I. You're trying to imitate a monkey. As for your question--..." He_
_shrugged a little. "Bored?"