crossthebreeze thinks
16 years ago
timjackson is THE man on Plurk... probably because he drinks Belgian beers :-)
latest #8
mindblob says
16 years ago
Wait a minute... he also drinks quite a few cups O'coffee per day. That might be the real reason! ;-)
Tim Jackson
16 years ago
Ha! You guys are great! I had a Belgian beer fest last night; Chimay, Delirium, Kapittel. It was yummy- thought of you guys.
crossthebreeze thinks
16 years ago
timjackson has great taste :-)
Tim Jackson
16 years ago
Between the coffee and the beer...
16 years ago
cheers !
Tim Jackson
16 years ago
crossthebreeze- thank you my friend. What about Tom Boonen? What o earth is he thinking?
Tim Jackson
16 years ago
quinze- cheers to you as well.
16 years ago
timjackson for now I'll stick to the thought that he made a youthfull mistake... but it's definitely a shame
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