jon426 is
12 years ago
selling my old iphones so i can buy new ones.
latest #6
jon426 says
12 years ago seems to be giving me the best prices.
12 years ago
What Gazelle? And which iPhones do you have?
jon426 says
12 years ago
i have an iphone 2g 8gb and a 3gs 32 gb.
jon426 says
12 years ago
they offered $60 and $190 respectively.
12 years ago
What did iSell give you? It doesn't look very.. "Legit" to me. I trust Gazelle because I hear it on Podcasts & such.
jon426 says
12 years ago
that is what isellmyiphone offered me. gazelle was $30 for 2g and $160 for 3gs.
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