13 years ago
[Superhero] There was something thrilling in the chase, he had to admit. Breath coming a bit heavy, Lovino tuned out everything but the
latest #94
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rhythmic sounds of his footfalls, and the person he was pursuing's. He knew people were stopping to watch, and he couldn't really blame them
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for it. Even in their city, where there were plenty of supers (good or bad), it wasn't every day you saw them in action right in front of
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your eyes. The brunette growled in frustration, pushing more effort into running, tailing the form in front of him. This asshole had escaped
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plenty of supers before, and he wasn't going to let the streak continue.
13 years ago
[[Für Meine Liebe <3]]
13 years ago
Antonio looked back over his shoulder at his pursuer, grinning. This hero sure didn't seem to give up. They had been running all over town,
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and still, the super (who he didn't really get a good look at) didn't seem to stop. Antonio could go all night if need be. Anything to get
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away. He pushed past a few pedestrians in his way, hoping to use them as distractions. But nothing seemed to be shaking the other. Slowly it
Antonio was
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dawning on him that he might just have to fight the other off. Ducking into a empty ally he ran into a dead end, expecting it, but wanting
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to make the hero feel 'good' about cornering him before he got away safely.
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[[Fuck was that bad, sorry...]]
13 years ago
He growled when the pedestrians were pushed. Lovino hated when civilians were involved. But the brunette smirked when the villain turned
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into an alley that he knew was a dead end. He instinctually reached for his cuffs, turning fast and bounding down the alley to where the
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criminal was trapped. "You're under arrest! Put your hands in front of you and stay where you are!"
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He kept back to the other male occupying the ally, but followed his orders for the most part. He lifted his hands into the air, showing that
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he had no weapons. At this point in time, the hero had no idea of his powers, and that was where the fun came in. "Fine. You got me...." he
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said, although a grin was forming on his lips that the other couldn't see. Turning his head, he looked over his shoulder at the other behind
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him, sizing him up slowly. He figured with his size, he could probably easily be taken down. "What are you going to do to me...?" he asked,
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turning completely around slowly, not trying to alert the other to his plan. His eyes were staring at the ground under the smaller male;
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cracked concrete could still work...
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Slowly, he stepped closer to the Spaniard, watching every movement he made. The temperature in the alley rose a degree or two, the leather
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of his shorts rubbing together as he walked. "Turn you in... and return the priceless jewelry you stole." He glanced at a small bag at the
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other's hip, assuming that was where they were stored. He almost wondered if this man wasn't really a super, just great at what he did.
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Shook his head, chuckling a little. "That's what they all say...can't something more...fun happen?" he asked, his lips quirking up into a
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grin. With the flick of his wrist, he caused a few vines to sprout from the cracks in the cement just below the others feet, their intention
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to wrap around the others legs and render him immobilized.
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He reeled in shock, but before he could react much the vines were wrapped tightly around his legs and he couldn't even fall, never mind move
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on his own volition. "W-what the--" He writhed, trying to break free, a cold chill permeating the air from his panic. It was with little
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affect, however; the vines held fast. Was his foolish mistake going to be the end of him?
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He lowered his arms when he noticed the other start to panic. Shivering from the cold air, he started walking closer. "So I take it you have
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something to do with this chill, hmmm?" He walked closer, lowering his guard since he figured the little hero couldn't do anything else.
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That was probably a mistake. The Italian's arms were still free. Lovino waited until the other was close enough, boiling with rage, before
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reaching out in an attempt the grab the other. When he was like this, his touch would scald.
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He felt the scalding temperature on his arm and shot back, making sure he couldn't be touched again. "Well...that was a surprise..." He said
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trying not to sound ruffled by it. There was a bright red mark on his arm in the shape of a hand that probably wouldn't go away. He looked
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back up at the brunette and grinned. "You're different..." He moved around the other, keeping distance between them.
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He allowed himself some satisfaction at both the mark and the other's surprise. Burning skin wasn't the easiest, but anger and adrenaline
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helped. "And you're a fucking psychopath," Lovino spat, glaring at his captor. If he was going to go down, might as well do it fighting.
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"Oh I'm the Psychopath?" He scoffed, making his vines wrap around the others legs a little tighter. He didn't take being called names too
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kindly. He kept his distance, but still tried to look down at the other, his eyes seeming to glow in the shade of the ally. "Well, mister
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hero..I guess I better live up to my name, hm?" He said with a grin, raising his hand in the air and causing a huge vine to grow behind him.
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He couldn't help but cry out softly when the vines bound tighter around his legs, face contorting in pain. "O-obviously…" he managed to hiss
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out, biting his lip. He glanced behind him fearfully when the giant vine sprouted up. Sorry, Feli, he thought to himself. And Grandpa.
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He watched the fear grow in his eyes, enjoying it all too much. But instead of using the vine the way the other probably thought he was
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going to use it, he made it wrap tightly around the others chest, rendering his arms useless. Or as useless as he hoped. This way, he could
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move as close to the hero as be wanted. Raising him off the ground a but, he walked until they were face to face. "What happened to all that
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bite from before?"
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In response to that, he spat in the male's face-- sufficiently hot spit, too, or at least he hoped. "Why won't you just let me go already?
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You've gotten what you want... I can't stop you..." Or at least, he couldn't when he was like this. The Italian wriggled around in the vine
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bindings, looking for a weak spot.
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He had to quickly wipe his face of the liquid, but he tried his hardest not to let it show that it was indeed to hot for him to handle. He
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narrowed his eyes at the hero, making the vines tighter, but instead of frowning, he was grinning wide. Never before had a hero peaked his
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interest this much. Making a thinner vine crawl up the others lithe body, he made it cover his mouth; it seemed that the other had ways to
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attack him no matter what. "Let you go? But you're so fun..."
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((;//u//; <3 /Lurking you and Ger's))
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He snarled, biting on the vine, but he pulled back from it after a foul taste filled his mouth. Lovino felt so helpless. He hated it. Warm
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air washed through the alley, brought on by his anger. There had to be something he could do... but he couldn't think of anything. He was
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being bested by some yuppie villain.
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Heat was never a problem for Antonio (growing up in Spain and all), but it was something he couldn't ignore when it came to his powers. Some
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plants couldn't adapt to heat or humidity, and depending on what was available to him, it could be a weakness. Fortunately for the hero, it
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just so happened these vines had a problem with heat. He tried to keep the vines tightened around the other, but it was obvious that it was
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He picked up on this soon after the Spaniard, going quiet. Panting from exertion, he focused his energy into raising the temperature of the
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air around him, and heating his skin just enough to scald the plants. It was his only chance.
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Antonio personally felt the weakening and burning of the plants, his eye twitching slightly at the feeling. He tightened his fists to try
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and gain the upper hand again.
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He exhaled sharply, shutting his eyes tight. Lovino might not have been the physically strongest hero, but this was a battle of control over
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their powers, and he was determined not to lose. For the sake of all the citizens in the City.
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The heat around him was causing a significant loss in his power to hold the hero there. The first to fall were the vines around the others
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legs, then the one wrapped around his torso. Although he felt weak, that didn't mean he lost his actual strength. He rushed at the hero,
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pushing him up against the wall, trying to ignore the burning.
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He yelped in shock as he was slammed against the wall, having been so absorbed in heating the vines that he didn't even notice the villain
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running towards him. It took him a second before he started squirming frantically, but all the energy put into the heat had drained him, and
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Lovino was exhausted beyond any imagination. He slowed, and finally went still, panting, trembling.
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He was glad the contact didn't start burning his flesh immediately, finally glad that he had worn the other out. But then again, the hero
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had down significant damage to him as well. He narrowed his eyes at the trembling brunette, knowing that he had the perfect opportunity to
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get away. But something was keeping him rooted. And it caused him to smirk.
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His eyes shut tight, not liking the feel of the other's gaze on him. The hero bit his lower lip, voice coming out shaky. "Just... j-just get
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i-it over with, already..." If he was going to die, then he wanted it to be with dignity.
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This was more then Antonio had anticipated, and it was making him excited in more then one ways. He leaned forward, smirk only growing more,
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until his mouth was right next to the others ear. "There's something about you...that turns me on.." he growled out, leaning back to see
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just how the other would take that piece of information.
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He froze completely, feeling his cheeks flare with heat (and not from his power). W-what? He couldn't even comprehend what the villain had
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said. He had to have misheard him.
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His smirk grew tenfold, watching the other freeze up after his words left his mouth. The ideas of what he could do to mess with the hero ran
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wild through his head. But he would have to save those for another time. This was his chance. "Thanks for all the fun~" he said, his voice
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still coming out low. Pushing back from the wall, he took off out of the alley and ran until he was out of sight.
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Once the other disappeared, his legs trembled and he dropped to the concrete, leaning against the wall behind him and burying his face in
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his hands. It took him a good ten minutes to realize that he'd allowed a criminal to escape.
13 years ago
[[Do I...do I keep going...?]]
13 years ago
[[Pff, no. That's the end <3]]
13 years ago
[[Oh! Okay~]]
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