Zoe has
13 years ago
some new books, so she's taken them outside to a park to read.
latest #30
13 years ago
happens to be in a tree at the park. Just lurking, waiting. Mwahahaha.
13 years ago
does not suspect a thing, and makes herself comfortable under a tree before opening up one of the books.
13 years ago
puts himself into position... just over her and... OHSHIT. Falls out of the tree with a WHUMP.
13 years ago
looks up upon hearing the branches rustling a bit, and only barely manages to jump out of the way in fright as the Italian comes
13 years ago
crashing to the ground. "Wh- what?! Vittorio?"
13 years ago
lays there on the ground for a few long moments. Then looks up and smiles brightly. "Ciao~"
13 years ago
hesitates for a second, a little baffled on how Vittorio didn't seem to be hurt by that fall. "H-... hey."
13 years ago
"What book are you-a reading?" He's not comfortable with moving just yet. He's pretty sure he may have snapped his back.
12 years ago
holds up the book enough for him to see the cover - some sort of fantasy novel. "Are you okay...?" she asks warily.
12 years ago
"Oh that looks... um... interesting..." Is that a dragon on the cover...? O_o Blinks! "Oh, I'm-a fine! I just like lying down."
12 years ago
aw yea dagrons. "... If you're sure." She doesn't sound too positive herself, but settles down back into the place where she was
12 years ago
previously sitting.
12 years ago
which is just out of his line of sight! ;A; "Hey, Zoe, come here. You're-a too far away." Is still afraid to move at the moment...
12 years ago
pauses from re-opening her book to give him a baffled look. "... Why don't you come over here instead?"
12 years ago
wriggles a little. Nope, hurts like hell. "I just-a really like it here!"
12 years ago
sighs a little to herself before moving a little closer to Vittorio. "Fine, if you're going to be that way."
12 years ago
smiles brightly. "Si! I'm-a always that way." Whatever that means. Can he move his fingers still? Yes? Okay, good...
12 years ago
makes herself comfortable in her new spot and opens up her book once more. She starts reading, but takes a moment to talk with Vittorio.
12 years ago
"So... what have you been up to?"
12 years ago
"Just lying here." Yes, that's what he's been up to, shut up. "What about you?"
12 years ago
"Lots of things," she replies, a little baffled by the fact that all Vittorio's been doing, apparently, is lying there.
12 years ago
"Like what?" Tries to stretch a little. Nope. Ow. Okay. Just lies still some more, smiling.
12 years ago
"The usual," she replies, eying him a little bit. "Are you sure you're all right?"
12 years ago
blinks. "Huh? Oh, si! It doesn't hurt more than a little bit!" ... at least he's admitting it hurts now.
12 years ago
"So you did hurt yourself." Frown. She scoots a little closer. "That's what you get for trying to scare me like that, though."
12 years ago
"I wasn't trying to scare you!" Pretends to be upset, but he's not very good at it since he's grinning. "And I told you, it-a only hurts a
12 years ago
12 years ago
"Then what were you trying to do, hiding in that tree?" She looks pretty skeptical about all of his claims. All of them.
Vittorio gives
12 years ago
her an itty-bitty pout. "I was-a trying to surprise you! ... surprise, your best friend is here!"
12 years ago
"There's a difference between scaring and surprising, and I'm pretty sure what you were trying to do was scare me." Huff.
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