13 years ago
[Event 1] A small boy is running away from his tutor, small feet pitterpatting against the bare palace floor. He hid behind a statue. He
latest #10
13 years ago
grinned as the old man walked right past him, clearly disgruntled. Who would want to spend hours learning about Turkish language and customs
13 years ago
anyways? There was nothing refined or beautiful about it. He huffed softly as he walked towards the gardens.
Turkey was
13 years ago
currently relaxing in the garden, or half relaxing, he had some other men with him and was going over that days papers. He had just decided
13 years ago
to hold the meeting outside today.
Heracles was
13 years ago
not paying attention to where he was walking now, and so he almost walked right into the middle of the meeting. His eyes widened and he
13 years ago
hopped behind a bush at the last minute, eyes narrowing. What was mask-face doing out here? He now had to reconsider his plans to spend
13 years ago
the day outside.
13 years ago
hadn't noticed him as he continued talking to the other men. One of them brought up Greece and he paused before he brushed the topic aside.
13 years ago
's eyes widened as the tutor came up, yelling out Greece's name angrily. The old man quickly silenced himself and bowed deeply when he
13 years ago
realized what he had walked into, apologizing profusely. He stayed hidden.
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